But on the bright side, it's been a fun whirlwind. I got to go to the filming of the TLS book-trailer, spoke at a library, then at a Jr. High school, and am currently working on a TOP SECRET TLS related project that is so much fun, I can't wait to share it with you--oh and worked on TDD3 a bit, too.
Okay, enough excuses. On to some fun stuff. Like, for example, winners!
First, the landslide favorite for the fantasy casting of Daniel was Mitch Hewer.

Mitch captured 83 votes, giving him 55% of all votes. Alex Pettyfer and Thomas Felton nearly tied for 2nd place with 23 and 22 votes respectively.
That concludes our fantasy casting fun and contest. As an added treat, hubby quickly put together a video for you to summarize the choices you all made for each character. I've pasted it below for your viewing pleasure (winners to the contests are posted below as well).
I have randomly drawn 10 winners to receive a bottle of TLS nail polish for participating. I wish I had enough for everyone, especially as many of you participated through the whole thing. Oh, I have also chosen winners for the extra contest of helping to promote the eBook sale that was taking place this last month (only a day left to get a TDD ebook for only $2.99--the special price ends Nov. 22nd). Winners are as follows:
Fantasy Casting Winners
Jenni Elyse
Krissi Dallas
Tori [Book Faery]
Amanda Chenevert
Misha Fitt
eBook Promo Winners
Emily a.k.a WilowRaven
Mundie Moms
Winners, please email me at admin@breedespain.com with a mailing address and I'll do my best to get your nail polish out as soon as possible.
One last thing. It is almost November 23rd and that means the TDD paperback will be available this week! My publisher sent me an awesome e-card to announce the occasion and asked me to share with you all... so here you go.

Have any friends who still haven't read the book? You are more than welcome to do a click/save-as and share the e-card with whomever you like. Please feel free to post the card on your blog or facebook page, send a couple emails to those still not on the bandwagon, whatever. Oh, and did I mention that the TDD paperback also includes the first chapter of THE LOST SAINT?
That's all for now. Happy Thanksgiving and stay tuned for November's countdown to TLS contest that will be posted on Nov. 28th (fingers crossed of course).
Congratulations on TDD paperback release! I can't wait to hear what your secret project is!
Thank you so much for picking us!!! I'm emailing you now :)
Hey, Bree. I can't seem to sent you an email with my info. I tried a few times, but it fails every time, it says rejected by the recipient domain :(
Woo hoo! I'm so excited I won! Thanks for posting this contest. It was a lot of fun! :)
Alexsandra - the email in the original post was incorrect. Sorry about that.
You can email me either at admin[at]breedespain[dot]com or at readbree[at]gmail[dot]com Hope that works for you.
Ok, thank you :) I've send it now :)
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