You know what would make a great, inexpensive, Christmas present? THE DARK DIVINE paperback! *hint, hint* (Okay, sorry, but a girl is allowed to be slightly obnoxious on her book's b-day, right?)
The craziest thing is that the fact that the TDD paperback has arrived, means that TDD itself has been out in the world for a whole 11 months . . . and what a whirlwind those 11 months have been! Or maybe a roller-coaster would be a better metaphor. Or perhaps one of those spinny thingies they strap wanna-be astronauts into to test how well their bodies can hold up to G-forces. (They're called G-forces, right? Or does that just have something to do with Guinea Pigs?)
Anyway, to celebrate TDD's paperback birthday, I decided to share a little treat with you by re-posting the much requested and much coveted recipe for Grace Divine's Infamous Caramel Apple Pie just in time for Thanksgiving.
Seriously, you will thank me later after you taste this award winning (I'm not kidding, it really has won awards) dessert.
Grace Divine's Caramel Apple Pie:
1 jar of Mrs. Richardson’s Butterscotch Caramel (You can find this in the aisle with the Hersey’s Syrup)
Your favorite pie crust (Grace would make pie crust from scratch, but I use Pilsbury pre-made crust that you roll out into the dish. It saves a lot of time and tastes just as good as homemade, in my opinion.)
¼ cup sugar
3 Tbsp flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
5 ½ cups peeled apple, thinly sliced (I use Rome apples)
Mix apples with sugar, flour, and spices and fill pie crust
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup flour
½ cup oats
½ cup butter
Mix topping ingredients. You can spoon out the topping onto the top of pie and smooth it out, or roll it out like a giant cookie onto wax paper and then transfer to the top of the pie.
Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, and then put foil around the crust edges and bake for another 20 minutes or until the top is crunchy and firm. (Grace would like me to remind you not to leave the pie in the oven while you run to the store to get last minute Thanksgiving supplies. Seriously, it's not a good idea.)
You can serve the pie hot or cold. Just before serving, warm a jar of Mrs. Richardson’s Butterscotch Caramel (with lid off) for 30-60 seconds in microwave and then pour desired amount (as in, A LOT) over the top crust of the pie.
Have a happy TDD paperback b-day, and happy Turkey Day, too!
Be sure to come back here on November 28th for a big Countdown to THE LOST SAINT giveaway.
I am totally making that pie...and buying the paperback :)
Thanks, Crystal. You won't regret it...the pie, or the paperback. ;)
yay for books being out!
Wow, I've been so buried with writing and revision and life I haven't had time to stop by in what feels like forever--and clearly it has been because um, the paperback is already out????? Where has this year gone?????
Huge congrats. I definitely think TDD paperback is an excellent gift. *brainstorms people I can give it to* And I am SO trying that pie recipe. Though...recently my revision-brain has been affecting my cooking skills. I lit a paper towel on fire whilst making a pop tart. *pauses while you laugh at me* So I think I'll wait until I get my head a little more functional again. :)
I have a question... When is the first chapter going to be posted on your website?
Congratulations! I think tonight is the perfect night for a re read of TDD to freshen up before TLS is released next month. There is not much else I can do in this Utah blizzard!
Thanks for the recipe, it sounds so good. My wife has been on the search for a caramel apple pie recipe to rival the Costco version. So thanks from her too.
Anon- The Romantic Times has the exclusive rights to chapter one so I'm not allowed to post it on my site yet. I believe RT will be posting it some time December.
Kjovus- Dude, I was so disappointed by the blizzard. We were all hunkered down for a big storm and all we got was a scant inch and a half.
That pie sounds amazing. Not making it for Thanksgiving. Considering making it this weekend so I can eat it all by myself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi! I'm so happy the paperback edition is out. I'm a fan from Italy (but I've been reading in English since I was...well, very little, that's why I ended up being a translator) and I'm totally going to buy it for my cousin. She hasn't read your book (yet) and always try to steal mine, so now I do have the perfect Christmas gift for her! And I can't wait for The lost saint!
I think I'll also give it a try to the pie, although we do not celebrate Thanksgiving here, but it sounds delicious!!!
Happy ThanksgivinG!
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