Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's my B-DAY, and I can give stuff away if I want to!

So the last few weeks have been a wild ride, and I'm so happy that you all are here to experience it with me!! Today is my birthday, and I have to say that I LOVE my birthday! And I also love giving people gifts, so I think it's time for a special B-day giveaway.

Here's the gist:

The talented Heather Zahn Gardner has created a jewelry collection inspired by THE DARK DIVINE for her Etsy shop. I am totally in love! So for our contest, I'm going to give away some of her pieces to you guys.

All you have to do in order to enter the contest is go check out her TDD jewelry collection on her website, and then leave a comment here about which two pieces are your favorites. If you win the contest, then I'll send you one or both of your choices (depending on which prize pack you win).

Earn extra points by blogging/facebooking/ or tweeting about the contest. (1pt for each.)

Grand Prize: Win 2 pieces of TDD jewelry + a YA book of your choice

2nd prize: Win 2 pieces of TDD jewelry

3rd prize: Win 1 piece of TDD jewelry

Okay all, have a happy 13th of January! The contest ends Saturday, January 16th at 11:59pm. I'll announce winners on Sunday the 17th.

P.S. I'm having a birthday party and everyone is invited. It's this Saturday, January 16th at the Barnes & Noble in West Jordan, Utah (Jordan Landing) at 2pm. I'll be reading from TDD, answering questions, and signing books. (Okay, so it's a book signing and not an actual party, but we can pretend it's a birthday party, right?) Come celebrate TDD with me! I'll be handing out Dark Divine nail polish, and may even have a few posters to give away.


Tynga said...

Happy Bday!

Well post #1 never wins, but hey someone gott apost first lol!
The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace is my favorite piece it's so pretty!

PLease count me in =) I jsut bought TDD but haven't read it yet, Im sur eit's gonna be amazing!


Bunny B said...

Happy Birthday, Bree!!! Woohoo! :) Hope you have an awesome one!

I love the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace. Thanks!

Sarah Steele said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was Monday...yay for Capricorns. So I LOVE the Triple Purple Earrings and the Walnut Tree necklace. They make me happy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

My favs are the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace.

Happy Birthday, again!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Happy Birthday Bree!

My faves are the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and the The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet.



Cranberryfries said...

Happy Birthday in 11 minutes! I love Heathers stuff, I didnt realize she had an etsy shop it was so fun looking around! I love the triple purple earrings and the beautiful tree inspired necklace.

Bdua said...

Happy Birthday¡¡ <3
xxo & blessings ;)

Allison said...

Happy birthday!

I loved TDD and the jewelry collection is gorgeous! My favorites are the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and DEFINITELY the Beautiful Tree TDD Inspired Necklace, because of the quote.

I hope your have a great birthday! :)

Llehn said...

Happy birthday Bree!

I love the Charm bracelet and the Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace.


Yamile said...

Happy birthday Bree! I love my birthday too.
Thanks for doing this contest.
My favorite pieces of jewelry are:
Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace and the Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet. I hope I win something!
I've also twitted and Fb'ed.

Trollololol said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Bree,
Happy Birthday to you!
*Now you blow out the candles on the imaginary cake I have just given you!

I LOVE the Dark Divine Inspired Bracelet and the Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace!

I guess this super dooper birthday giveaway may not be open to me since I live in Australia, but I just wanted to wish you happy birthday!


PS: It says the comp ends on Sat 16th December... which I have a feeling might be the wrong date!

Trollololol said...

Whoopsie! Forgot to say I Twittered!




the story siren said...

I don't usually enter contests... but this is one to fabulous to pass up! And what a great shop! Iove the Walnut Tree Floating Necklace & the Purple Plastic Bracelet!

Thanks for the great contest.... and


Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Bree! Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!
I love the The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace and The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings. I'm a Pisces girl so the Purple just calls to me. :)

Ella Preuss said...

Happy Birthday Bree!

Can International readers enter the contest too?

Have fun at the booksigning/b-day party!

Jessy said...

Happy Birthday! I wish I could go to the signing... sigh...

My favorite pieces are the Walnut Tree Brass earrings and the floating Walnut Tree necklace.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/7709077564

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Happy Birthday! :)

Loving the jewelry!

My favs are:
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace

Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet

Aimee Bartis said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I am loving reading your journey and I LOVE TDD!
My 2 favorite pieces are the charm bracelet and the purple gem cross

Ellz said...

Happy Birthday. You are so kind to share the luv with us. What a nice shop, everything is very reasonably priced.

I loved teh Beautiful Tree necklace and the DD purple square earrings. I love all the purple.

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Ellz said...

Whoops, I tweeted...

Happy Birthday.

Trini said...

Wooow jewelry!! It would be crazy NOT to enter. You are so awesome and I absolutely loved the book!(What are you waiting for Tynga! LOL)The jewelry I chose is
1)TDD Inspired Charm Bracelet
2)Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace
I posted this giveaway on my blog abook-loversreview.blogspot.com,
Twitter.com/boolovereview, and facebook.com/trinidad.contreras1
Thanks Bree.


Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

The walnut tree necklace and the little angel earrings are my favorites :) Her entire line is gorgeous and so creative!

Thanks for hosting the contest!

inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Stephanie Pellegrin said...

Happy Birthday!!! :D

I love the Walnut Tree necklace and the prayer bracelet! Both are stunning. She does great work!

I also tweeted about you. I'm @StephPellegrin on Twitter. :)

Jenilyn Collings said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a marvelous day!

My favorites are the Walnut Tree earrings and the Purple Gemstone choker.

I blogged about it at jenilynmtolley.blogspot.com

Gina said...

First off....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! **throws confetti, blows party horn** Secondly, how nice of you to share your day by giving others a chance to win some fabulous treasures! My two choices would be

+1 - tweet tweet - http://twitter.com/GRgenius/status/7713448836
+1 - linking on blog sidebar under contests! http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com

Have a wonderful birthday....and happy reading!


Miss Haley said...

Happy Birthday!!!

my faves are the purple gemstone and the blue moon neclaces. I love the charm bracelet most i think, but I never wear bracelets! so i'd pick the first two. they're all beautiful, though.

+1 tweeted at twitter.com/haleymathiot


Melanie said...

Hope you had a fabulous birthday!

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MelanieMFoust/status/7714314998

My favorite is the Walnut tree floating wire necklace followed by the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker. So gorgeous.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!


Ms. Mini said...

i like the walnut earrings and Beautiful Tree TDD Inspired Necklace. happy birthday!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

Love the daniel moonstone necklace.

Happy Birthday


Unknown said...

Wishing you the warmest of Birthday wishes and it is rather great that you are giving away presents on your birthday. A bit backwards, but HEY!, I'm not complaining. LOL!!

I love and I mean love Daniel's Oval Moonstone Necklace and the Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross

I am a follower and I tweeted about it. Twitter name ebyss.


Travis said...

Happy Birthday! I'd go to the party/signing if I wasn't so far away. :(

I like the journal and the Daniel-pendant-inspired necklace.


Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Happy Birthday!

The Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace & Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace are my favorites!

I've added your contest to my daily blog and my side bar too!

mdwartistry at yahoo

Vanessa said...

I really just love the Walnut tree necklace and earrings! Those are so pretty and delicate.

My e-mail for notification purposes:

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'll have some cake tonight in your honor :)

I love:
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet

I'm reading TDD now & absolutely love it!

Hefollowedme AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday - and what a great contest, thank you!!

My two faves are: Dark divine inspired charm bracelet
Purple gemstone tdd choker.

I'm on twitter, so will RT on there (LocoLuna)

Thanks again - have a great day!!

Lesley (topazz.topazz AT gmail.com)

Erin said...

Happy birthday Bree!!!! I hope that you have a fantastic day!!

My 2 favorite pieces of that beautiful jewlery are:
1.The Dark Divine Purple Square Earrings
2. The Journal

P.S. you should give away some of the nail polish! --- Just a thought, because I love the color. ;]

elaing8 said...

Happy Birthday
I hope you had a fantastic day!!

my favorites pieces are The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace

tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/7716340032


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I wish you the best! Lots of love, happiness, and success! Hope you have an amazing day!! :-)
Geez, just two faves? Okie then...

-The Purple gemstone TDD choker
-The Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet

Hope you have fun!


Katie said...

Happy birthday! I wish I could come to your birthday party this Saturday but I don't live in Utah. =[

I love the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and Daniel's Black Oval Moonstone Necklace!

+1 link in my blog sidebar


Natasha (Wicked Lil Pixie) said...

Happy Birthday Bree!!

Love the Walnut Tree floating necklace & Beautiful Tree necklace.

I blogged about your birthday!

and I tweeted


Ruby said...

Happy Birthday! Hope its a good one :)

I have tweeted, blogged, and facebooked this contest!

My favorite TDD jewerly is TDD charm bracelet & TDD Triple Purple Earrings!

twitter - @rubybalsano



Cami said...

Happy Birthday, Bree!
I loved the Tree wire necklace (the pic on your post) and the purple gem choker. Very nice.

I read the review on the Dark Divine in the Deseret News last Sunday. WOW! Awesome review. I am truly happy for your success as a writer. Very awesome!


Nad said...

Happy Birthday!!

Ok, I like Inspired Charm Bracelet, and the Tree Floating Wire Necklace.

So I tweeted about this:

God Bless U!

J.R. Johansson said...

Happy Birthday Bree! What a gorgeous collection of jewelry. That must make you squeal a little. ;)

My favorites are the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace.

iffath said...

Happy Birtthday Bree :D

They whole TDD collection is gorgeous!!
But my favourites have to be: TDD Triple Purple Earrings && TTD Walnut Tree Handmade Journal! :D
They are stunning! :)

+1 Tweeted! @lovereadingx
+1 Sidebar linked! http://lovereadingx.blogspot.com/

Iffath x

Karen said...

I'm a January birthday girl, too! I want to win these for my student challenge prizes at my high school library. I'm going for the moonstone necklace and the triple purple earrings. Thanks so much!

Anya said...

I hope you have a wonderful day!

The Dark Divine jewelry is gorgeous! Heather is really talented. I got a Hush Hush inspired necklace from her too;)

This one has got to be my fav tho: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37469621 soo gorgeous!!

And I also have to go with Daniel's necklace: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37377505

Amazing stuff!

+1 I tweeted: http://twitter.com/AnyaKapllani/status/7719820800

+1 facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=12886&post=76758&uid=167743501407#/profile.php?ref=profile&id=1555352793

Van Pham said...

Happy Birthday!!! my birthday is in January too, how cool :)

My two favorite pieces is the walnut tree necklace and The Dark Divine Inspired Charm bracelet.

thanks for the contest!!

van p.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Mistie said...

Happy Birthday!

#1- walnut tree floating necklace
#2 - TDD plastic bracelet

May see you Saturday- can i show up at 3 or 330? will you still be there?

M said...

My birthday is in January too!!
Happy Birthday!!!

1.Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace
2.Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace

Jami Burgess said...

Happy Birthday, Bree!
I admit that thanks to your husband's facebook posts(and personal recommendation), I am starting your book!I had drama class in High School with him and he has always been one of the sweetest, nicest guys I have ever met, I am every happy(finally) in my life with my kids and new, just as sweet,husband. It literally brought tears to my eyes when I read your bio and btw-I LOVE TDD soundtrack! I am sending some Brighton friends to your signing, I mean PARTY!
TDD walnut tree wire and beautiful tree TDD inspired necklaces are too awesome! I would be proud to wear them and very flattered the were inspired by your book!
Good luck with everything and know that I am promoting you here in North Dakota! blog, tweet,everything else!
Sorry I went off and wrote my own book on here! haha!

skyla11377 said...

Happy Birthday Bree I Hope You Got To Celebrate In Style.

The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet And The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings Are My Two Favorite Of TDD Jewelry Collection Pieces. Although There Were A Few Other Pieces I Really Liked As Well....^_^.

+1 I Tweeted About This Giveaway (@skyla11377).

+1 I Blogged About This Giveaway.


Sara said...

Happy (belated) birthday!
The jewellry is beautiful, and my favorites are the Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet & Dark Divine Purple Plastic Bracelet!


Cassie said...

What a great way to celebrate your birthday!
I really like the glass bead earings and the charm bracelet.
BTW, at my children's librarian meeting yesterday I booktalked your book to my peers in the district.

Alysa Stewart said...

Happy Birthday! You're the perfect age, now.

I love the Walnut Tree Handmade Journal.
Also the walnut tree floating wire necklace. And in case the journal doesn't count because it's not jewelry, I could also go for the walnut tree brass toned earrings.

I linked you on twitter and FB. :)

Lori W. said...

Happy belated birthday. I found your blog via Mary over at Writer's Butt Doesn't Apply to Me, so extra points for her.

How cool that your book inspired a jewelry line! Congrats. on that AND, of course, on your debut.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

such beautiful jewelry! It's almost asking too much to just pick two. But I just love the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker.

Jennifer M.

Diva Donna said...

Hey there fellow Capricorn!! My B'day is Jan 10th!! See I knew I liked you.
I'm having a B'day party at on Jan. 16th at noon in SL. Then we will all go to your awesome signing in West Jordan!!

So about the jewelry...its fabulous! I love love the Daniel Moon Stone necklace and TDD triple purple bead earrings. They are awesome. So fun for you to have inspired your own jewelry line. Seriously, how cool is that!!!? I'm criss crossing my fingers and toes hoping to win this awesome contest.

Diva Donna said...

+1 blogging about the contest. Did I mention that my fingers and toes are TDD purple? Love it.

Samantha LeAnne said...

Awesome contest Bree! I absolutely LOVE TDD (and Daniel *blush*)!My favorites are the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace. They are both so gorgeous!

Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

The Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet are absolutely gorgeous. I'm crossing my fingers for at least the third prize!


Samantha LeAnne said...

Oh yea, I tweeted: http://twitter.com/SamanthaLeAnne/statuses/7722021516

Posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=250100283670&id=1535228355&ref=nf

throuthehaze said...

I like:
Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace
The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Chick Lit Teens said...

Happy birthday, Bree!

I was looking at her TDD and Shiver jewlery a little while ago and loved it. My two favorite TDD peices were Daniel's necklace and the purple gemstone choker.

Valynne said...

Happy Birthday #3!!!!! Okay, I am totally digging the purple gemstone choke and the purple plastic bracelet. But all of them are way cool!

Erica said...

Happy Birthday Bree! I hope you have a simply awesome day!

All the jewelry is gorgeous, but I'd have to say the Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet and the Walnut Tree Floating Necklace would be my 2 favorites

+1 I linked in my sidebar http://thebookcellarx.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I love the jewelry. My favorites are:
The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace

I tweeted about at:

alovethatsnotsupposedtobe said...

Happy Birthday!!! =)

I havent gotten the chance to read Dark Divine yet, but I have it and it is in my pile of stuff to read :) Cant Wait!!

This contest is great by the way!

I retweeted it here

My two favorite pieces are -
Dark Divine Purple Plastic Bracelet
The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace

katieMHwellbaum (at) openbooksociety.com

Chloe said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! My two favorite pieces are the beautiful tree disc necklace and the moonstone necklace!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/chloeeesays/statuses/7727423085


Jason said...

Happy Birthday, sweety!

Wow! This jewelry is gorgeous!!

I love the black oval moonstone necklace and also the Walnut tree floating wire necklace!

I'll cross my fingers to win a piece of it but I have also bookmarked the page for gifting!


Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And, I would also love to win the jewelry. So pretty. *o*

I would love the moon stone and walnut tree nucklaces. Thanks!

+1 sidebar: http://booksatmidnight.blogspot.com


Kirthi said...

Happy Birthday! Those are incredibly beautiful necklaces! The tree necklace is the one I would die for!

+1 Sidebar
+1 Blog Posthttp://the1bookblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/contests-and-giveaway-much-more.html
+1 Tweeted (user: ilovepages)


Anisa said...

Happy Birthday. I've been thinking about you all day. I've been meaning to at least FB you and tell you happy birthday! I hope this year is as good for you as last year was... it was an exciting year. I've been meaning to go pick up your book and I have been super busy. I"ll try to make it over to jordan landing this saturday:)

Abigail said...

Happy Birthday!
I like
Beautiful Tree TDD Inspired Necklace
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace

I linked this on the Contests & Giveaways section on my sidebar

and I posted this on my Win on Wed post



Reading said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
My birthday is this Monday. I am hoping for a gift cert so I can go buy the Dark Divine. Please enter me. Maybe I can win it for my birthday!
I just love the Floating Walnut Tree necklace and the Dark Divine inspired charm bracelet.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

donnas said...

Happy Birthday!!

I really like the Divine Prayer Bead Bracelet and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace

Linked - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/01/contests-found-this-week_10.html
Sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
Tweeted - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/7736394268

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Ben said...

Hey Bree, Happy Birthday lady! Here's a little something for your reading pleasure:


Anonymous said...

Hi Bree! <3 the TDD jewelry :) I have yet to read TDD, and I plan to buy it soon!

Also, happy b-day! Wishing you lots of happiness!

I love the TDD inspired charm bracelet and I love the purple gem cross necklace! :)


Jess Capelle said...

what a great contest! I can't wait to read TDD and the jewelry is gorgeous!

I love the walnut tree necklace and the prayer bead bracelet.

jessicacapelle at gmail dot com

Monster of Books said...

Aww all the jewelery is so beautiful *speechless*. Heather Zahn Gardner did a fabulous job, I'll certainly be buying someone once I get some money. :) But For now, I'll love to be entered in the contest :)

I absolutely adore the The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace & The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet

Thanks so much for hosting this contest!!


Matt said...

Hi Bree,

I don't have a favorite piece or pieces of jewelry. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you treated yourself to something wonderful. Besides TDD being such a huge success, I mean.


Chelsea B. said...

Happy birthday! And my favorites were the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace! Very pretty! And what a cool idea!

Kimberly B. said...

Belated happy birthday! My BF's birthday is the 13th, too!
I like the purple glass gemstone choker, and the walnut tree glass earrings. Thanks for the great giveaway!

EVA SB said...

Happy Birthday!

TDD hasn't made it to my country yet so I have to take 'desperate ' measures :0)

I loved the floating walnut tree necklace and the triple purple earrings.

Also I tweeted http://twitter.com/EVA_n_essence/status/7742597973

Borostyán said...

Haaaapppyyyy Birthday!
(Also in hungarian: Boldog Születésnapot!) :))

I really like theese two jewelry:

The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet


The Walnut Tree Handmade Journal

Anne said...

It is hard to pick, but I love Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace and The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings

+1 I tweeted your giveaway

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Emmagan said...

I am late at saying it but Happy late birthday, Hope you had a great day.

My two favs. are the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace, and the Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace.


Bree Biesinger Despain said...

Whoa! I was away from the internet for most of the day because of my B-day, and I come back and the comments have exploded!!

Thank you for all of the happy birthday wishes!! And thanks for entering the contest and spreading the word.

Yes, the contest is international, so go ahead and enter even if you're far away. Nothing like spreading a little TDD love across the world. :)

Bree Biesinger Despain said...

P.S. The contest ends JANUARY 16th and not December 16th. I fixed the mistake in the text.

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

OMG! What an awesome contest! woohoo!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine is January 7 - Capricorns are great aren't they? ;o)

The jewelry is beautiful:
two faves -
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace
Beautiful Tree TDD inspired Necklace

I hope you had a wonderful birthday - my husband & I do Birthday Week so mine ended yesterday. My blog post was the longest ever this year because the hubby outdid himself! ;o) Oh btw - I am doing a California Contest in honor of my BDAY over there!


Heather said...

Happy B-Day!

Sherry said...

Hope you had an awesome something birthday Bree!!

I checked out the jewelry and it is awesome! My favorite two are The Divine Prayer Bead Brecelet and The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace.

I will post on my blog sidebar.


Thanks so much!


Mary not so Contrary said...

Happy Belated birthday!!

My favortie two pieces are:
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace
Purple Gemstone TDD Choker

I also facebooked, blogged, and tweeted about your contest.



On twitter I'm MrsGreaf. Still new to that so not sure how it works.

I'm so sad that I now live in Canada with my husband instead of Taylorsville UT. I miss UT!! I am going to beg my mom to go and meet you and get her to buy another copy of TDD for you to sign! That would totally make my year!!! Thanks for sharing your amazing talents!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Bree!

The Dark Divine inspired jewelry is magnificent. They're all so beautiful, it was hard to choose.

My two favs are The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings and The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet.

Ana R. said...

Happy Birthday!!

I like the Charm Bracelet and the Purple Gem Cross Necklace.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/ana_rm5/status/7765769869


Andrea said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day and spent it doing things that you enjoy!

The TDD jewelry is beautiful! My two favorite pieces are The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings and The Purple Gemstone TDD Choker.

And I blogged about the contest here.


Marie said...

Happy Birthday!!, a little late

And I love your book so much, especially Daniel

My favorite pieces were Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace

Tweet about it- http://twitter.com/MariePuertoRico/status/7776547147



Anonymous said...

First off, I loved your book! Trust me, I have already tweeted about its epicness (not a word, but i'm creating it). Secondly, my favorite piece of The Dark Divine inspired jewelry is the Beautiful Tree Necklace, followed by the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace. Thank you very much! I look forward to following your work in the future.

Lost In Lit said...

I loved The Dark Divine. I seriously could NOT put it down. It's one of the best books I've read in quite some time. I'll be reviewing it on my blog very soon, and it's going to be a rave. LOVED IT.

What gorgeous jewelry! My favorite pieces are Tbe Walnut Tree Floating necklace and the Purple Gemstone choker.

I tweeted about the contest at twitter.com/lostinlit.

I posted about the contest at lostinlit.blogspot.com.

Bareerah said...

Happy Birthday!
I loved The Dark Divine, I read it twice! I can't wait for the sequel :)

My favorite pieces were the Walnut Tree Floating necklace and the Beautiful Tree TDD Inspired Necklace :)

I tweeted about this at https://twitter.com/bareerah

Amber Lynae said...

Happy Birthday.

I actually love the The Walnut Tree Handmade Journal but you said jewelry and of the jewelry my favorites are the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and the Dark Divine Purple Plastic Bracelet.

I posted about the giveaway and your Birthday on Facebook.

The Scarf Princess said...

Have a very Happy Birthday and thanks for letting us celebrate with you!

+1 I tweeted at http://twitter.com/jone402/status/7796788812
+1 I put it on FB at (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=699660271)

I like The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings and also The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Sheere said...

Happy Birthday! I love the
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet!

I've tweeted


Jill said...

Ooookay...I have done everything I can think of to win this contest!

I posted on my Wordpress blog: http://justjillsblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/15/the-dark-divine/

I posted on my LiveJournal blog: http://adecentmelody.livejournal.com/18283.html

I posted on my Xanga blog: http://miracledrug.xanga.com/720140056/the-dark-divine/

I posted on my Blogspot blog: http://archaeologygirl.blogspot.com/2010/01/dark-divine.html

I posted on my DeviantArt blog: http://poisonrain.deviantart.com/

I have an autotweeter that tweets my Wordpress blog posts. I also tweeted again about the contest specifically: http://twitter.com/AgentJilly

I posted on my Facebook wall as well as updated my status to inform others of the contest: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=17831791

I updated my MySpace blog: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&bID=525953794
and my MySpace status: http://www.myspace.com/jillybean427

My name is Jill Saunders and my email is jill.saunders@gmail.com. And I've pretty much given out every social networking address I have at this point, so I shouldn't be too hard to find if I win!

The jewelry that I would LOVE to own: 1) Walnut Tree Brass Tone Earrings and 2) Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace.

*crosses her fingers*

angelshimmery said...

Happy belated Birthday!! Hope it was a fabulous one.
I mentioned the competion on my blog,
The jewellery is fabulous but if I had to choose just two I love the
Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace and The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet!

Mable said...

When it comes to jewelry, it's so hard to pick. However, I have to say that my two favorites would have to be Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace. It's so unique. I've never seen anything like it. The moon really goes well with the background. My second favorite are the Little Purple Angel Earrings. They are just so adorable. They're also unique as well. Beautiful and lovely too!

kalynnick said...

I like the:
Purple Gemstone TDD Choker
The Walnut Tree Handmade Journal

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Lilixtreme said...

I love the Purple Gemstone TDD choker and the Walnut Tree Handmade Journal. Both are sooo beautiful!

+1 tweeted about contest: http://twitter.com/Lilixtreme/statuses/7809195298


Violet said...

Hope you had a very happy birthday and that your book-signing this weekend goes very well! :) Thank you for hosting this fun contest in honor of your birthday.

My two favorites are the 1) The Dark Divine Triple Purple Earrings and 2) The Walnut Tree Brass Tone Earrings.

Blog post:

Thanks! :)

Kristen said...

I'm in love with The Dark Divine Purple Square Earrings and The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Nancye said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a wonderful day!

My 2 favorite TDD Jewelry items are:
**Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet
**Divine PrayerBead Bracelet

Aik said...

Happy birthday, Bree! Looks like we're both January babies!

I love the The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet from her shop.

+1 Tweeted:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Casse AKA Catholic Kittie said...

I adooooore The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet
and The Dark Divine Purple Square Earrings.

Happy Belated Birthday


LitterBoxBlog at gmail dot com

~The Book Pixie said...

Happy belated birthday Bree! Another blogger recently sent me an ARC of The Dark Divine so I can read it.

Heather does have some very beautiful jewelry. Of her TDD collection, my two faves are:

#1 TDD inspired charm bracelet
#2 Walnut Tree Brass Tone Earrings

+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thebookpixie/statuses/7837759488


heatwave16 said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Awesome jewelry:
Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace

Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace


Oh so Kourtney said...

Happy Birthday Bree!!! I hope you enjoy it!
The book was great and I couldn't put it down. I hope for a sequel!
Okay I have to say that I love the puple gemstone choker it is really pretty and the dark divine charm bracelet it has many things from the book in it! Wish I could come to the party but seeing that I'm in new york it wont happen, but I know it will rock so enjoy
Rockin Kisses

Kalie03 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BREE! Hope you had a good one! I haven't had a chance to read the book yet...just bought it yesterday!

I LOVE the Purple Gemstone TDD Choker and Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace.


YA Book Queen said...

Happy (late) Birthday Bree! I hope you had an awesome Bday! (I just finally bought TDD! I can't wait to start!)

My favorite piece is Daniel's Black Oval moonstone. I do also adore the charm bracelet.


Shauna said...

Your party was a blast today. Pretty cool that Taylor showed up. I love the purple gemstone TDD choker and TDD Triple Purple Earings.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had an awesome day. =] I just finished reading your book and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

I absolutely love Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace! So cool. My second choice would have to be the Walnut Tree Floating Wire Necklace. Both are extremely pretty.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Bree!!!

I just finished reading TDD, and I absolutely loved it! It's the only thing that helped get me through some days of my boring third-shift job :D I can't wait for your next book!!

My two favorite pieces of jewlery would have to be:
-The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet - this is a gorgeous piece and the color and intricate designs are beautiful. Plus charm bracelets have always been a fan of mine :)
-The Purple Gemstone TDD Choker - purple is a fabulous color, and adding it to a choker makes it all the better. Who wouldn't look amazing with this on? :)

And of course you can count on me to post about this on my facebook :D

Once again, Happy Belated Birthday and I hope to hear from you soon!

Wicked Walker said...

I just finished reading TDD and absolutely loved it. I am about to write up my review on it.

My two favorite necklaces are Daniel's Black Oval Moon Stone Necklace and The Dark Divine Purple Gem Cross Necklace.


Fire and Ice said...

123 entries wowza! YAY! Look at all of those Dark Divine fans!

Of course I blogged and tweeted about it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday!

TheVitamixChick (maiden name: DeSpain)