I thought he was kidding, so I said "Sure, go for it. Oh, but you have to wear TDD purple nail polish and post a video of it online." However, much to my delight, Douglas was 100% serious. He (with the help of his very cool teenage daughters) went down to the Gateway Mall and publicly SQUEED (several times, I might add) for THE DARK DIVINE, and then posted this video for your viewing pleasure.
Wow, Douglas, you and your daughters definitely earned an autographed copy of THE DARK DIVINE. Seriously, hats off to you, my friend.
Well, both Douglas and The Inkers' efforts to get the word out about THE DARK DIVINE has inspired a whole new idea that I need YOUR help with.
So here's the idea: We all know that word-of-mouth is extremely important for the success of any book, right? But word-of-mouth doesn't really work without you. Yes... if you are reading this, I am talking to YOU. You are really important to this effort. In fact you ARE this effort. I am looking for 10 or 15 friends and fans (or potential fans if you are just excited for the book but haven't read it yet) to join a VIP group to help me spread the word. That's right, I'm recruiting you to join my street team: The Divine Underground (or some other name you guys think would be cooler. I'm still on the fence about that name :D).
As a member of (insert street team name here) you will get some pretty cool stuff. For example, the list of items you will receive currently includes*:
100 TDD bookmarks
100 TDD stickers
10 TDD cards
1 TDD Soundtrack
1 TDD nail polish
1 TDD Street Team T-shirt
1 signed ARC of The Dark Divine!
What will one do with all this abundance of SWAG? Why, share it of course! As a member of the team I ask you to utilize the tools given to you to do the following:
1. Read the book
2. Love the book. This is very important. I need people who love the book to share their enthusiasm with others if this is going to work. I know not everyone will love the book though (that would be impossible), so if you do not love the book after reading it, you can opt out of the team.** If you have already read the book and love the book, that's even better. You can skip straight to step three. Which is:
3. Use the materials given to you to promote the book with family, friends, perfect strangers, etc. both online and offline.
4. Tell your local bookstores and school about the book and me. Maybe even mention that you'd really like for them to have me come out for an author visit or signing.
5. Document your efforts to spread the word about TDD. Take pictures, make videos, blog, and vlog. Tell me about your efforts and I will post your pics and videos here on my blog.
Once you are a member of the street team, you will get further instructions and ideas. The street team campaign will start at the end of October and run through Valentine's day, and will involve biweekly challenges for additional prizes.
The street team member with the best "get the word out about THE DARK DIVINE" campaign at the end of February will win the GRAND PRIZE: Have a character in the TDD sequel named after you, or a name of your choosing. (Sorry, nothing obscene or overly bizarre.)
Ok, so now you're asking, "How does one become a member of this elite and socially upward group?" Good question.
Well, the first step is to go read the first chapter of TDD here. If after reading the first chapter, this seems like the kind of book you would really like, then move on to step 2.
The second step is to apply. I know, it makes it sound all snooty, but really it's to help me get a better feel for who will be a part of the group, and I can't let EVERYONE join (I just don't have that many bookmarks, or ARCs for that matter). Fill out the attached application and release form, then scan and email them back to me-- readbree(at)gmail(dot)com. Or you can snail mail it to me at:
Bree Despain
P.O. Box 95316
South Jordan, Utah 84095
You must sign the release form, or have your parent sign it if you are under the age of 18 (for all those legal-schmegal reasons.)
Release Form
Ok, you've got part one and two done now. The third and last step is the fun one. To complete your application to join the street team, you must submit a vlog or YouTube video or email answering the question "What would you do for The Dark Divine?" You can answer this either by one of two ways:
1.) completing a task that is fun and entertaining while expressing your desire for The Dark Divine.*** (Think of Doug while brainstorming ideas.)
2.) explaining and outlining what you will do with the materials given you to a.) promote and spread the word about The Dark Divine, and b.) have a ton of fun while doing it!
If you don't have access to a video camera, you can email me with the second option above (But Hint Hint: Creativity and zaniness will get you more brownie points). Submit all videos and emails to readbree(at)gmail(dot)com.
Current deadline for submitting your full application (including your What Would You Do video or email) is October 26st. (So if you are sending anything by snail mail, you will probably want to get it in the mail by the 22nd.)
If you don't know if being a street team member is for you, but you know a teenager and/or book-lover who would enjoy it, then pass the word on to them. ARCs and supplies are limited, so please only apply if you are dedicated to spreading the word about TDD.
Good luck! and THANK YOU!!!
*Contents of the street team package are subject to change... probably for the better though... and you'll definitely still get the ARC no matter what.
**If you wish to opt out of the street team, I would ask that you return the bookmarks, stickers, cards, and the ARC so we can find a new team member and supply them with the same printed materials. You can find my mailing address on under "contact" on my website.
***Please nothing obscene OR illegal!! I want to post some of these videos on my blog and I don't want you to get in trouble, either :D.
That's an awesome idea Bree! I'm already talking my friends' ears off about your book so I'm definitely going to apply.
I know who you need on your team. She has a huge following (email me, I'll send you her info).
Wowza's what a fun idea!
Bree, you are so good at coming up with ideas to promote your little book. So proud, so proud.
Great idea!
I'd apply because I LOVED your book but I'm not sure how I'd get rid of all that swag! I'm strickly an online guru and hardly venture out to the real bookstores very often. :(
Good luck! If you'd like to offer me a smaller portion for collaboration on my blog I'd love to participate. :) (I already have the ARC and nail polish, which needs a new coat.....)
That plan sounds so much fun I wish I could help but school is taking up most of my time ):
But I'll be sure to give you the spotlight on my book review site and personal blog site !
I almost wish I hadn't read the first chapter because it hooked me right away and I have nothing more to read! I'm very excited for the rest of the book.
Cool! May I join?
Oh, oh! And is it restricted to US residents?
Sorry, we are currently restricting the street team to US and Canadian residents because that is where the book is being released--for now.
I'm so excited!! I submitted information to help you guys. My friend Amber told me about this!! We both our founder of book blogs and I'm over the Twilight Moms New Moon Movie Experience in Austin, TX. We can definitely help spread the word.
Yay, Katie! I'm so happy you are interested. And getting some publicity at the New Moon Experience would be awesome!!
"The Divine Underground"-- I love it!
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