1. I'm going to be on Blog Talk Radio tonight (1/5) on the "Book and a Chat" program. Click HERE to find out how to listen. And you can call (347237-5398 to ask me your questions. It starts at 5pm MST/ 7pm EST. Come listen so I won't be talking to myself!
2. Late Bloomer Online is hosting a chat tomorrow (1/6) for TDD at 7pm MST/9pm EST. http://l8bloomeronline.blogspot.com/ Come chat with me!
3. I'll be reading and signing at the West Jordan B&N on Jan 16th at 2pm. And signing at the Orem B&N on February 13th at
4. TDD just went into a second printing!! I am so excited.
On to what you've been waiting for: Launch Party recap & pictures!!
The King's English, one of my favorite book stores, was gracious enough to host a launch party for THE DARK DIVINE last Saturday. The even was absolutely amazing, and I was completely blown away by how many people showed up. The staff had me set up in the children's room with about 30 chairs for the audience--but people just kept coming in and coming in until the room was packed. I was nervous enough about the idea of speaking in front of a handful of people--so now I was really feeling green. I spoke for about 25 minutes and managed not to faint when reading out loud to such a big crowd. But it's a good thing that I didn't know until after I was done talking that the rest of the bookstore was filled, standing room only, with people!!! I couldn't see this from where I was standing--and I'm glad I couldn't!
TKE served beautiful purple crescent moon cookies, and my 3 year old insisted on sitting next to me during the signing and very adamantly passed out Dark Divine nail polish to everyone who came through the line. You couldn't even think about not taking a bottle! A lot of the people who came to the launch were friends and family, but I was surprised at how many people I didn't know who came through the line. I go to a lot of other authors' signings so it was really surreal to be the person on the other side of the signing desk!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to TKE for hosting the party, and many many thanks to all of you who came out to celebrate with me.
And huge thanks to BFF Michelle Sallay for taking all these wonderful pictures for me! Blogger won't let me upload as many pics as I'd like, so I'll do another post tomorrow.

Those are great photos! I can't wait to see the rest. Congrats again on the second printing and the awesome turnout for the launch!
Congratulations! How exciting! Now, we just need you to repeat the process when you come down here to Georgia.
wow... awesome pics!! love the cookies!! =) Congratulations again!!
It was a great party! You did a wonderful job! And that's coming from one of the non-friend, non-family attendees ;)
Congrats on the 2nd priting!
I wish I could have gotten a pic of everyone there, but honestly my little lens couldn't fit everyone in the room. It was just too full!
Here's to the 3rd printing, and the 4th, and the 5th.....
I'm so glad it went well, Michelle took beautiful pictures, and I just love those yellow shoes.
brilliant pics...I'm even in one them. It was an amazing event, Bree :)
Sounds like it was a huge success! I was sad that the stars weren't lining up properly to make it to TKE, but I'll catch you somewhere else in the state! :) Congrats again! I can only imagine how surreal it would be to be on the author side of the event. Enjoy every minute!
YAY! PICTURES!!! :-) This looks absolutely gorgeous, Bree (as do you!). I'm so thrilled for you, honey! Can't wait for part 2!
I'll just join in with everybody else and say congratulations! What a fun adventure and accomplishment!
That hand gesture was you calling attention to your fabulous hair - nothing weird about that :-)
Aww CONGRAT!! That looks like a fun launch :) The cookies look adorable & of course many people will fill up the room because the dark divine is a-mazing
Btw, the shoes are really cute :)
Those are cute shoes!
And I had such a good time at the signing! I was stuck in the backroom standing so I only got to hear the reading & the Q&A but what I heard was GREAT!
What a dream launch party. Gorgeous pictures! TDD definitely deserves that second printing - congrats. What a great start to the new year!
1) That's the cutest bookstore ever. Seriously.
2) Sara Zarr? Seriously?
3) I absolutely love that they put some of your books up on the little bitty kiddies wall. Perfection. :)
4) What better thing to use your hands for other than to gesture?
5) I seriously need those shoes.
Congrats, Bree!
Congrats! You must be so happy! Your book was amazing, I loved it! You deserve every bit of success you are receiving!
Congrats! Sounds like everyone had fun at the launch! Makes me wish I was there...
Congrats on the second printing! That's so exciting. You did a great job at the launch party.
Hi Bree :)
Thank you for sharing your Launch Party here. It looks like a fabulous time with great people. You looked great!
Here's to a terrific 2010!
Gorgeous photos. Gorgeous you. Gorgeous book.
2nd printing?! WAY TO GO! I didn't enter your bookshelf contest because...I couldn't find it on a bookself anywhere! They were sold out! BUT the good news is that there is a shelf I found it on. Mine. And it's very happy there.
Congrats!!! Looks like a successful launch! :) Those purple cookies look yum!!
What a great night! Congrats again!
You guys are all so sweet! The party really was better than I could have ever imagined.
Oh and the shoes are from myshoeshoppe.com owned by one of the infamous SIX.
Gorgeous photos. Who was your photographer? They did a beautiful job. Was the black and white your first book you signed? :)
Hey Bree- looks like a success! CONGRATS! I would have been there- but i didnt know the details of it!! Put me on your email list (if you have one) of things going on. i am going to try to make it to your signing in W. Jordan. Hope to see you soon.
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