1. The Wonderful folks over at Eve's Fan Garden have been very kindly promoting TDD. They even posted about a new TDD inspired make-up collection created by Mixology Makeup. Holy crap, TDD make-up?! That's just so darn cool.
2. Lots of good things are brewing for me and TDD right now. Wish I could share, but I've been told it's a no-no for now. But stay tuned for announcements coming soon.
3. I'm not making any promises, but if you are outside of Utah and would like to have me sign books in your hometown, be sure to let the folks at Egmont USA know.
4. I will be signing at the Sandy Barnes & Noble on February 6th from 1-4 pm. This event is an Authorpalooza, so there will be over 30 other authors signing there at the same time. You really should come. I mean, 30+ authors in the same room, who wouldn't have a great time at that? I don't know exactly who all will be there, but I do know my friends Emily Wing Smith, Bobbie Pyron, and James Dashner will be part of the party.
5. I will be speaking and signing at the Orem Barnes & Noble on February 13th from 1-4 pm. This is a great chance for Utah County peeps to get a signed book. Plus, TDD makes the perfect V-day gift!! If you're going to the LTUE conference that day, it would be easy to take a few minutes to pop over to the signing . . . just saying.
Okay, on to the real post:
As promised, I am finally posting about my birthday and my latest book signing. Let's just say it was all awesome--and I'll share with you some of the highlights:
1. I got some awesome presents for my B-day. Including a beautiful purple charm bracelet that says "The Dark Divine, 12-22-09" on a silver heart from my friend Rachel, other beautiful jewelry, a sweater and a scarf, a chair massager with packaging that can't be shared in mixed company, a Marc Jacobs tote bag (squee!), some awesome books I've been wanting to read, and these shoes

from Sara Bolton (one of The SIX, and co-owner of My Shoe Shoppe) who finally started her own blog.
Not to be outdone by my friends, Hubby gave me this:
Aw, he knows me so well!
(Yes, that is a tiny cow. I have named him: Tiny Cow.)
Hubby also promised to make dinner and do homework with Kid Z every night for the next 3 weeks while I finish up TDD2. Isn't that just the sweetest? Hey, wait a second, isn't Kid Z out of school for the next 2 weeks . . . ?
2. Hubby also took me out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants and then we went to see the play THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST. Which led me to the realization that Oscar Wilde plays were pretty much the GOSSIP GIRL of the late 1800s. No wonder I <3 href="http://rowijo.void-star.net/index.php/2010/01/bree-despain-signing/">Robbie from Boy With Books who drove 5 HOURS from Grand Junction to be there.
4. Not only did a ton of friends, family and fans show up for the event, there was also a very special visitor who came along with Debbie from my street team and her pals. He even wore a purple shirt, a black and purple boa, and a sign proclaiming his love for Team Daniel. (Which originally said Team David on accident, until everyone in the audience started asking, "Um, who's David?") Anyway, I can now die happy.
Final Note: I'm in CRUNCH time with deadline for TDD2 right now, so if you've emailed, facebook messaged, or tweeted to me lately and I haven't responded to you yet . . . please forgive me. I can tell you right now that I am going to continue to be slow for the next few weeks. I'll try not to fall off the face of the planet . . . and hopefully you'll all still love me when I get to come back to the real world. (Is that mixed metaphor? I don't even know anymore.)
Oh, one more final note: If you come to one of my signings, please introduce and tell me you are a follower of the blog. It is so hard to recognize people by their tiny blog icons.
Happy Birthday! Happy book signings! Happy Good News that-we-don't-get-to-know-but-are-still-ecstatic-for-you!!
Believe me, I'd rather have you working on TDD2 than chatting with me so Write On!
Oh I would love to come to one of your signings! Love it! I'm from UT originally, but I'm in the Bahamas now so there's no way...
TDD make-up? That is so awesome! I'm so glad things are going so great!
Happy belated birthday!
Oh and I can't remember if I commented before or just stalked, but if not... Hi, I'm Nisa - author-to-be! (Working on positive thinking. *grin*)
So happy for you!
If you ever find yourself in Houston, I'll be there!
TDD Make up how cool is that? Hang in there, you're doing great.
Thanks for letting me off the hook with my emails, L.T.!
And Nisa, thanks for de-lurking. I believe that's the first time you've commented. And keep up the positive thinking!
Kristen- I'd Love to come to Houston. Texas is a cool place. Maybe I can go stalk the cast of FNL while I'm there.
The TDD makeup is so gorgeous! I love the colors. I haven't perfected making it look like the picture yet. Hopefully with a little more practice I can do it justice.
I LOVE the Taylor in a purple boa- that is priceless!!
Looking forward to Authorpalooza and your exciting news!
Ooh, yay for exciting news!! I'm still bummed I couldn't make it to the signing (darn gastroenteritis!), but it looked like tons of fun. LOVE Taylor in the boa and purple shirt. Yum yum. Definite under-age eye candy. ;-)
This post couldn't be made of more awesome! Such happy news all around. I'm so excited for you. And Tiny Cow needs to make repeat appearances -- he's too cute.
Donna- I agree. I think Tiny Cow should become a regular contributor on the blog.
Wow--GREAT turnout I'm so happy.
Great gifts, too. A B-Day to Remember!
Happy B-Day! That was a very cool event. I don't think you'll have to worry about no one showing up for your signings. Can't wait for authorpalooza!
The fact that you cannot say anything sounds like...optioning for a movie. Just a guess though...
Was great fun to come!
I'm glad your readers knew that David IS NOT the name of a main character in TDD, it was a test and they all passed. Congrats everyone. I think it's so cool Jacob Black paid homage to other furry friends.
Oh and every time an author says I have exciting information I can't share right now it usually means there's a movie deal in the works...am I right am I right?
I'm super excited for Authorpalooza. Arizona just had one that made me said to miss, but now we get our own--Hooray for Utah authors.
Okay, so my news is not as cool as a movie deal (I WISH) but it is still cool on a different level. And I'm excited about it.
Haha. I will HELP you stalk the cast of FNL. I've been a Kyle Chandler fan from his days on Early Edition. I miss that show. Wonder if it's on DVD??? hmmm...
That's the cutest little cow I ever did saw! I LOVE cows.
Happy belated birthday!
Can't wait to read TDD2! I promise not to e-mail, tweet, or facebook you until you write THE END.
It was SUCH a great signing. You really do speak well in public.
I even wore all the purple I own. A purple baseball t-shirt and a purple headband!
I just read your book. It was fantastic!!! I devoured it one day. That is always a sign of a good book. Randomly, I am a neighbor with Michelle Sallay. I was excited to see that she is a great friend of yours. I hope to attend one of your future signings. Again, loved it and I can't wait for more.
Yay Bree! I am in that group shot at B&N ;) How fun!
I am going to try to make it to Sandy B&N on Sat too. Woot!
Also, I reviewed TDD today on my blog, and am posting my pics and stuff from your B&N signing tomorrow!
I can't wait for TDD2!! You just keep on writing!
Bree, I just finished your book. thank heavens i missed being in the photo's but nice one of your father in law. i am now a fan. keep up the fantastic work. .
I loved your orange shoes the other night. Now I know where to look for them!
I'm hoping to make it to the book signing on the 13th to spread a little more SLTA love your way!
Not a movie deal... a contract for another book maybe?!
Bree, it was great to meet you Saturday, I inhaled your book and finished it Sunday afternoon.
Oh, and I totally love the Importance of Being Ernest. My hubby was being very nice and took me a few years back for V-Day (because I asked him to, not because he cared one way or the other), and decided he really liked it! I wish I could get them to do it out here in the back of beyond.
Bree-I am stoked to see you on Friday at Dragons and Fairy Tales.
Five weeks, eh? It's amazing you're surfacing to blog at all :)
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