Tuesday, July 20, 2010

THE LOST SAINT Official Cover and Countdown to TLS Contest


So I finally have permission to show the world the official cover for THE LOST SAINT. Yay! I've been sitting on this one since like April while they made a few tweaks . . . and I am terrible at keeping secrets.

But first off, I have to show one of the . . . um . . . failed cover designs for TLS made by my fabulous editor, Greg Ferguson. He tried to enter it in the fan-made cover contest, but being an Egmont employee, and because of it sheer . . . um . . . fawesomeness, we had to disqualify him.

(Note: This is NOT the real TLS cover.)
Love ya, Greg. But, um, NO.

(In actuality, this was originally a gag cover made by Greg for the 1st TDD book after I think he'd been awake for about 48 hours straight trying to find just the right image for the real cover. . . so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt on his sanity.)

Anyway, on to the real THE LOST SAINT cover.

Drumroll . . .

Drumroll . . .

Drumroll . . .


Eep, isn't it just gorgeous? I am in love. (Although, I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I need to replace all the purple in my author wardrobe with blue.)

And yes, there will be TLS nail polish. Just you wait!

And yes, there is a contest to celebrate the cover.

I'm hosting the first the Countdown to THE LOST SAINT Contest. As many of you know, TLS debuts on the 28th of this December. That's barely a few days more than 5 months away! Therefore, I will host a contest on the 28th of each month up until the book debut . . . but I'm starting this months contest a few days early in honor of the cover going live.

So here's what you have to do to enter:

Share your love for the THE LOST SAINT cover . . . or just share the cover. Post it on your blog/facebook/twitter/website. Or simply refer people to this post so they can see the cover. Leave a comment in this post, telling me what you've done (and leave a link). Followers always get an extra point. You can enter the contest up until 11:59 pm on July 27th, and the winners will be announced on July 28th.

I will pick 3 winners.

Winner #1 will get first dibs at picking 3 books from THIS LIST.

Winner #2 will have second dibs at picking 2 books from the list.

Winner #3 will have third dibs at picking 1 book from the list.

Oh, and one last thing:

Have you heard about the Writing For Charity event? This is a really great conference that supports a really great cause: an attempt to put a book in the hands of every needy child. The conference was started by Shannon Hale three years ago, and will be bigger and better this years than ever before. I'm one of the participating authors, along with many, many others. Please check out the event and come support kids in need if you can.


Shell said...


left both the link and the cover image

plus i'm a follower

Thanx for having this amazing contest!!!

Kim said...


There's a blog post for you. This is such a great contest and the cover looks fantastic. :)

Nicole said...

The cover looks great! I can't wait for the new nail polish!

Nicole said...

Oh and I want to come to your conference... I think I might be in town that weekend.

Shell said...


I posted the url address on twitter.

+ i'm a follower

Travis said...


Blog post!
I'm also a follower. :)

I love the cover!


Jennifer said...

The cover is beautiful - congrats! I can't wait to have me some blue "Piggies" (my 3 year olds term for toenails)

Amy J said...

OMG that cover is gorgeous!!! I so want some nail polish since I entered almost every contest last time and never got to snag one! LOL

I am a follower!
I tweeted:


I blogged it:

Shell said...


put the blogsite and the cover on myspace (a follower)

ReggieWrites said...

Cover is amazing! I died when I saw it =)

I'm a follower and I posted the cover on my blog here:


Reggie =)

Paula said...

love the cover am retweeting it through twitter at http://www.twitter.com/DarkAngelCT

Shell said...


posted blogsite on goodreads

so far i've posted info/cover
at goodreads, facebook, myspace, and twitter and i'm a follower

Jessica Ring said...

I'm a follower.. I tweeted and myspaced this one for ya!!

Michelle Santiago said...

love the new cover!


Sara said...

BREE! It's so amazingly pretty! I love purple, so I thought I'd love TDD better, but this color was totally my favorite BEFORE purple. I'm referring to it as Crayola Cerulean. :) I NEED that nail polish. It will look nice next to my purple.

Tweet: http://twitter.com/thehidingspot/status/19006574957


Sara @ The Hiding Spot

Katie said...

Oh wow, it's gorgeous! Bravo to the wonderful designer!

I'm a follower & I've re-tweeted if that's okay. http://twitter.com/sophisti_katied/status/19006661363

If I post it on my blog, I'll come back and link later. :)

abegail said...



I also tweeted it here:

I also put it in my Goodreads account:

I am a follower! :)

Jackson Porter said...

The cover is AMAZING! Here's a few links.
www.jacksonporter.blogspot.com (commented)


www.grindingthepages.blogspot.com (commented)

www.morganbramsey.blogspot.com (commented)

www.makoacorpuz.blogspot.com (commented)

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000752582310 (Or just look me up (I'm your friend) under Jackson Bauer Porter.)


+ I'm a follower.

The cover is awesome, can't wait for the book,


Midnight Sapphire Books said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/midsappbooks/status/19007257105

Blog: http://midnightsapphiresbooks.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover.html

I'm a follower!

Katy said...

I'm so excited to read this book, and the cover is beautiful!



My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

+1 I am a follower

+1 I blogged about both of the books and posted the new cover to blog at

+1 I posted to my FB account.

3 entries to this awesome contest!
Thanks Bree!


teen said...

Love the Cover!
here is where I posted it:

and I'm a follower!

A.J. said...

Really liking the cover! :D
I left a comment on GoodReads & gave a link to your post: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/93327998
I'm also a follower. :)

Malbebe said...

The cover is amazing I knew it would live up to The Dark Divine cover.

I blog posted the cover with the link to this post.

Plus I'm a follower.

Emily H. said...

I tweeted:


treerose AT yahoo DOT com

Mundie Moms said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mundie Moms said...

Beautiful cover!!

I RTed your tweet about the cover reveal and contest.

I posted the cover/contest info here on MM's

I'm a follower

I can't wait for Dec. 28th!

adminmundiemoms AT gmail.com

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Loving the cover!!

I posted the cover on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=184762&id=140324343734&saved#!/pages/The-Bookshelf/140324343734
I tweeted a link to the blog for others to check out the cover!: http://twitter.com/msilvabooks

and I'm following your blog!

Great contest Bree and I really do love the cover! Can't wait to get my hands on it lol

Anonymous said...

The cover looks awesome! :)
I cannot wait to read The Lost Saint.

+1, I am a follower.
+1, I posted the cover on my blog. http://abooklovertalks.blogspot.com/2010/07/cover-reveal-lost-saint.html
+1, I tweeted the link to the cover. http://twitter.com/xxfranny/status/19008022464
+1, I uploaded the link on my FB. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=120921&id=100001105248506

Euphoria13 said...

The cover looks GOOD!

+1 I'm a follower!

I tweeted!


I posted on facebook!


I also blogged about it!




beddieC7 said...

I posted the blog here:

PLUS I'm a follower.

I've gotten the majority of my friends into The Dark Divine. We are all big fans! Keep up the AMAZING work. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the cover!

I Tweeted:

and I blogged about it:

yilingni@yahoo.com (i'm a follower)

Jess13angel said...

I cannot wait to read it!
I blogged about it here: http://paranormalromanceaddicts.onsugar.com/Cover-Release-Lost-Saint-Bree-Despain-9185083
-Jessica N.
angel13js@gmail.com (I'm a follower)

Erika Powell said...

I tweeted it here


Karen said...

What a fantastic contest! I've put a post on my blog:


Thanks, Bree

ParaJunkee said...

I can't wait and that cover is gorgeous. Not the first one though ;)

Ummm...will there be nail polish - cause that color would look great on my nails!


I'll also announce it on the blog: http://www.parajunkee.com/2010/07/cover-crush-lost-saint.html

Tynga said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I am a follower

Posted here: http://tyngasreviews.blogspot.com/2010/07/book-covers-shout-out.html

Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Tynga/status/19007684971


Okapi said...

Woah!! Awesome cover! It's really pretty, and I want that nailpolish.

I'm a follower of your wonderful blog!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/faellie_lupe/status/19011272455

Thanks for the giveaway!
- Okapi

Anne said...

I will have to get that nail polish too! I am a follower!

I tweeted

and posted it on Blog

I cant wait until The Lost Saint is in my hands! Five months feels like forever...but contests help :) lol Thanks Bree!

Darlyn said...

OMG! This is awesomely gorgeous! I admit I love TDD like swoon over it but this one is really really cool!and awesome. plus the blue polish? wow.the purple is that gorgeous and blue just double the awesomeness! did i forget to mention it's AWESOME?

+1 blog follower!

+1 share on my FB wall


+1 i twitted here!


thanks Bree!

The Readings of a Busy Mom said...

im in ove it so goes, although i thought it would be hands this time ;o)

Im a follower already, I facebooked it here http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000710884765

I tweeted it here http://twitter.com/Lady_Readalots

fingers crossed i get to win :o)

Ari said...


Follower :)


Tori [Book Faery] said...

Don't enter me, I just wanted to say CONGRATS on the beautiful cover! (And that I'm totally going to be DYING to get my hands on that nail polish!)

I've Tweeted about it to help spread the word :) Will also post something on my blog at some point.

Congrats again Bree, you totally deserve it! <3

Trini said...

Hi Bree!
Here are my entries..
1. I'm a follower
2. twittered it @ http://twitter.com/booklovereview
Posted it on:
3. Facebook- http://tinyurl.com/2vnrbt7
4. Myspace-www.myspace.com/trini_abookloversreview
5. My blog -http://www.abook-loversreview.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-makes-me-want-to-puke.html <--you should take a look at this ;)
Oh and I put contest on my sidebar. Don't know if that counts as entry.



Libby said...

Love the new cover very blue!

1)I'm a blog follower.

2)Personal Blog

3)Shiver Blog

4)Active Forum


Jenny N. said...

Love the cover and Here's what I did:

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jullysay/statuses/19013531814

Blogged about it: http://jennys-books.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-revealed.html

Also I'm a follower of yours.


Krista Lauren said...

I have to say, WOW.. the cover is gorgeous!!


I left a new post on my blog, I'm a follower of your blog..

I would love to win, I have been literally dying to read The Lost Saint for so long now.

I would love to be a talented writer like you one day, I'm only 16 so that's a bit far fetched, but you are seriously my favorite author!! Congrats on a beautiful cover and success with TDD and TLS!!!

Lindsay said...

put up a link on Twitter: http://twitter.com/writing_goober/status/19013574479

and i'm a follower, of course.

the cover is amazing. i think my sister has nail polish that colour already. hmmm.

~The Book Pixie said...

Gorgeous cover! I've got the nail polish from the first book and will totally need to get the polish for this one. :D

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thebookpixie/statuses/19014680328

+1 I'm a follower. :D


Tanya said...

I love the new cover. It's gorgeous!! Can't wait til it's out. I posted on my facebook & twitter. I am also a follower.



Midnight Bloom said...

The cover is so pretty!
I'm a follower plus I blogged about it here:

Can't wait to read it!
- Midnight

Anonymous said...

The new cover is beautiful! The color is so vivid, I love it!
I am a blog & twitter follower!
Contest tweeted here:
And blogged:

S a n d r a said...

amazing cover! =D

I posted it in my blog: http://manga-shojo.blogspot.com/2010/07/portada-lost-saint-d.html

and i'm a follower XD


Jessy said...

The cover is absolutely gorgeous!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/19016019230

I follow

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/KailiaSage/status/19016736102

Posted to blog: http://readingthebestofthebest.blogspot.com/2010/07/cover-lovethe-lost-saint-by-bree.html

I really hope to get the nail polish! I loved TDD's nail polish!

Jena said...

OMG it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it! Of course i'll promote it everywhere for you!!

+1 follower!
+1 blog post: http://sliceof-love.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-reveal.html
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jenababy13/status/19018790094

I love itt!! :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Totally gorgeous! I'm a follower and I posted the cover with link on my blog at: http://lisadgibson.blogspot.com


Christina T said...

I posted the contest on my blog side bar under "Contests"


I am also a follower. Thanks for having the contest. The cover is beyond beautiful and I can't wait to read TLS.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Count me in! I will post about it http://kathrynpackerroberts.blogspot.com/ Congrats! That is so exciting!

Haunted Wonderland said...

I tweeted about your AMAZING cover here: http://twitter.com/omg_Lauren/status/19019954755

I'm also a blog follower!

Bree Biesinger Despain said...

Thanks so much, guys. And I can't wait to get my hands on the nail polish myself.

Natalie Murphy said...

(+1) I'm a follower
(+1) I tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/nataliexmurphy/status/19020119190

Unknown said...

I'm definitely a follower! (+1) I shared three places:
1. Twitter (+1): http://twitter.com/JeremyWest/status/19021453938
2. Facebook (+1): http://www.facebook.com/#!/JeremySWest?v=wall&story_fbid=1534097521154
3. And posted on my blog (+1): http://www.novelthoughtsblog.com/2010/07/lost-saint-by-bree-despain-cover.html

Thanks for revealing the cover and having this giveaway! I love the cover so much!


Tamara Hart Heiner said...

it'll be awesome nail polish! I still haven't read your first one...but I do have it! (In fact, you signed it!)

Erica said...

I love the cover so much. I liked Dark Divine's cover, but I loved this one so much more :)

I posted about it here http://www.thebookcellarx.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover.html

I also tweeted several times about it @thebookcellarx (I forgot to save the links.)

I'm a follower

:) Erica

Eleni said...

What a beautiful cover! Also, the fake cover is pretty hilarious!

I'm an old follower
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/lafemmereaders/status/19023363959

Thank you!!

Stephanie Pellegrin said...

+1 for following
+1 for Twitter (http://twitter.com/StephPellegrin/status/19023421990)
+1 for Facebook (www.facebook.com/StephaniePellegrin)

3 total points

The cover is BEAUTIFUL, Bree! I love it! I'm hoping I can get my hands on some nail polish this go-around! :) Congrats!

-Stephanie :)
moonglo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Here's my blog post for you: http://thebookowl.blogspot.com/2010/07/bookish-news-cover-and-winners.html

I love the cover, and I cannot wait for the nail polish!

+1 follower


Anonymous said...

I posted about the contest and cover on my blog.

Amy said...

I'm a follower! And as if I weren't desperate enough wanting to read this book...after seeing that beautiful cover I'm gonna have an even harder time now!

Posted on my blog: http://simpleloveofreading.blogspot.com/2010/07/cover-alert-lost-saint.html

Posted on my Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=632095762&v=wall&story_fbid=138184222870888

Posted on my LiveJournal: http://amy-anne-s.livejournal.com/22019.html

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/AmysSimpleLove/status/19025797080

Mandy IReadIndie said...

the cover is beautiful!!
I'm a follower
I tweeted (http://twitter.com/twimom101/status/19026830946)
I bloged
twimom101 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Ahahahaha... That cover is AMAZING!

And yay for the new cover!! *throws sparkles and muffins around*


wanda f said...

Awesome cover I love it
wanda f
tweeted link

Mariana Dal Chico said...

I Loved the cover!!!

I'm a follower
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/maridalchico/statuses/19030304440


Unknown said...

Tweeted here:http://twitter.com/IntenseWhisper/statuses/19035006608

Great Cover!

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Chloe said...

AHH the cover is SO gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the new nail polish, and love the contest too!

I'm a follower :D

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/chloeeesays/statuses/19036554237

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1351902756


Unknown said...

I am a follower!

I blogged about it here...


Rachel L. said...

I'm a follower.

Tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/hecatedarkmagic/status/19039636482

The cover is so pretty! (:

Anonymous said...

Follower and here is my tweet about teh cover http://twitter.com/CassayC/status/19040680870

Cassandra C
cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot ca

The Library Lurker said...

I think that I like this cover even more than The Dark Divine! Wow, I didn't think that was possible...

I'm a follower!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/thelbrylurker/status/19042419899


Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

I did a post on my blog here:

I Tweeted here:

You can fins it on facebook here:

I love these covers so much! They are some of the best i have ever seen in YA Literature! the colors contrasts evoke a deep emotion inside me!

Maidenveil said...

The cover is beautiful!

Posted in blog:



I'm a follower :)

The Lovely Reader said...

Here's the link on my blog!

+1 I'm a follower.

It's beautiful, I love the cover :)

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

throuthehaze said...


+1 follower

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Posted it on:

I'm a follower! :)

Enbrethiliel said...


I really hope this is international--but if it's not, there's still no harm in trying, is there? ;-)

+1 New Follower
+2 Sidebar

PS--Captcha is "drain". Hmmmmm. Is that a good omen for me or a bad one? LOL! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, anyway! =) Thanks for the giveaway, Bree!

Bunny B said...

Shared my love for the THE LOST SAINT cover: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover.html

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

I'm a follower!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Liz. R said...

I am in love with the cover. I know the nail polish will be awesome :P.

I changed my Goodreads profile picture to The Lost Saint cover: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3878045-liz

Thanks for the giveaway, and have a great week :).

Liz. R said...

^Ooh, forgot to say I'm from the UK, so if this contest isn't international, ignore my entry!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Hey Bree! I'm Juju from Tales of Whimsy...
I LOVED The Dark Divine and would like to be entered in the contest.

Here is my post announcing TLS :)


Kim said...





Clarissa said...

I like the new colour, it already looks good on you!

I am a follower

I tweeted the cover. http://twitter.com/lissysbooks/status/19079118496

Christinabean said...

I tweeted - https://twitter.com/clderwee/status/19085750936

clderwee at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

Wow this is beautiful!
I wrote a post on my blog about it here: http://booksobsession.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-revealed.html

And I'm an old follower. :)


iffath said...

The cover is totally gorgeous!! The blue is a breathtaking shade, love it! Can't wait to see your new wardrobe, haha :D

blogged it! http://lovereadingx.blogspot.com/2010/07/waiting-on-wednesday-2.html

tweeted it! http://twitter.com/lovereadingx/statuses/19089588003

and I am le follower ;)

p.s. I'm international (UK)

Mandy said...

I love the cover! The blue is so pretty! I cant wait to see the nail polish when you get it. (:

But for some reason, when I had been thinking of the future cover before it was actually released, I was sure it would be yellow. Even now, when I think of the book, I see yellow. Is that weird?

Anyway, I tweeted:

And I follow (:

bratdownstairs @ yahoo

Chick Lit Teens said...

I am in love with this cover! It is currently the background on my phone. It's gorgeous.

I did a Cover Judge post about it here: http://www.chicklitteens.com/2010/07/cover-judge_20.html

Tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/ChickLitTeens/status/19006385127

And Facebook-ed it ://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000074560192#!/profile.php?id=100000074560192&v=wall&story_fbid=136900603007947&ref=mf

I am also a follower.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted :)


I am also a follower :)

Aleksandra said...

Hi, Bree! I love the cover! That's my favorite shade of blue :)

Please enter me in the contest!

+1 - follower

I also posted the cover & link to this contest on my blog: http://my-book-obsession.blogspot.com/


Thanks for the contest :)

Jennzah said...

posted on my blog, http://jennzah.blogspot.com :)

awesome selection of books! thanks so much!

Rachel said...

Hey Bree! It looks wonderful!

I posted the cover art and a link in my blog here

A happy follower,


Sandy said...

I WoWed the new cover:


I'm also an old and happy follower :)

Ashley said...

Hey! I blogged the cover at my tumblr here: http://thechicaofavenuex.tumblr.com/post/842462152/so-i-was-on-vacation-in-columbus-ohio-this

And my LiveJournal here: http://feckless-chaff.livejournal.com/13277.html

Misty said...

Nice cover and I have shared the love at http://mistysmess.blogspot.com/2010/07/bree-despain-lost-saint-book-cover.html

Also I am a follower!


Lola Sharp said...

I'm a follower

And CONGRATS on another lovely cover, Bree.

And I put the photo and a link up on my blog.



Riv Re said...

I'm a devoted follower from a while ago.
I showed the spoof picture and a linky. If I win, I won't have access to a computer past, like, 8:00 on the 28th, until almost a month, but I'm entering anyways.

Variety said...

I posted the cover on my blog, here: http://spiceoflife-variety.blogspot.com/2010/07/wordless-wednesday.html

I also left a link to your site, and I am a follower.

Bree Biesinger Despain said...

Thanks for all the cover love! I wish I could take credit for it.

And yes, the contest is open internationally.

rddogbooks said...


This is the facebook link. I posted a picture of the Lost Saint there.


I have posted some information including a summary I got off of goodreads.com for the Lost Saint, and also the cover, and a description of why I love the cover so much! :) thanks!

donnas said...

Looks awesome.

Posted - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/07/cover-news-lost-saint.html

tweeted - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/19222359789

Im already a follower.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

rddogbooks said...

I left a comment two above, but I forgot to tell something. I put the link to the Lost Saint cover that you have on your blogspot page on twitter!


brandileigh2003 said...

tweeted: http://twitter.com/brandileigh2003/status/19224519417

Stacey Smith said...

I love the Cover art and i just love that coler Blue.
+1 I'm a Follower
+1 I blog about this and put the cover on my myspace blog


Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bella said...

The cover is so cool!

+1 I'm a follower
+1 I blogged about this cover
+1 I follow on Twitter and retweeted your tweet
+1 I posted about it on my facebook page, YA Books:



Brittany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brittany said...

Love the cover it's gorgeous-ful

+1 follower
+1 I blogged about this cover


Anya said...

WOW Bree the cover looks BEAUTIFUL!! =) I cannot wait for the book!

I am a follower and I tweeted about it : http://twitter.com/AnyaKapllani/status/19266688979

Renae said...

I love this cover!!! I am a follower and I'm posting it in my On My Wishlist Post Saturday the 24th. renaemercado.blogspot.com
Can't wait to read it!

A Rick said...


Posted it! Love the cover!

Cherry said...

Please count me in!

Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-official-cover-and-countdown.html

I'm a follower of your blog and my GFC name is Cherry.

Cherry Mischievous
mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

misskallie2000 said...

Love the TLS Cover.

+1 Follow via GFC

+1 follow twitter(@misskallie2000)

+1 Shared on FB

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Llehn said...

+1 Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=636989848#!/?ref=home

+1 Old follower


Karen Duarte (zona3chiquimula@hotmail.com) said...

Heres my entry:

I showed my love and shared the cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hawkeyegirl said...

Love it! Can't wait for this book :)

I'm a fan and follower and tweeted the cover here: https://twitter.com/Hawkeyegirl/status/19354293557

Blondie said...

Love the cover and cant wait to read the book.

I am a follower

Posted on twitter


Lis said...

I loved the cover! Can't wait to read your books :D

I'm a follower and I tweeted about the contest:



Unknown said...

LOVE the cover
Blog post

Chelsea / Vampire Book Club said...

I love that blue!

So, I'm a follower.

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/VampBookClub/status/19005680439

And added this link and contest into Vampire Book Club's weekly Contest Roundup: http://vampirebookclub.net/contest-roundup-author-influenced-edition/

*Astrid A.* said...

OMG, I love TLS Cover! Following you =)

My tweet: http://twitter.com/AstridAR/status/19365907381

Thank you, xoxo!!!

andrea b said...

love the cover! my tweet is here: http://twitter.com/andreadbc/status/19375065086
and I'm also a follower
my email is: brigneti(at)gmail(dot)com

thanks for the contest!

Carmen Tudor said...

I've shared the TLS love internationally by adding a link on my Facebook page, so all of your Australian fans (yep, I'm one of them!) know what to look out for in December :-)


Felicity said...

wow, the cover really is beautiful. I love that it's similar yet different to the TDD cover =)

I posted the cover on facebook:
(in case the link doesn't work, my name is Felicitas Huber)

Lume n' Dreams said...

I'm a follower, and here's my twitter link: https://twitter.com/LondonShowers

Thanks for the A-mazzzing contest! :D

Email: london.showers@gmail.com

Sharli said...

LOOOOVE the cover! It's great that it kept the TDD cover theme :)

Posted about it here: http://blogentrelibros.blogspot.com/2010/07/novedades.html
And tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Entre_Libros/status/19468431520

And I'm a follower :)
entrelibros_blog at hotmail.com

Shell said...


I posted the contest info here and link.

+ I'm a follower

I've also posted on twitter, myspace, facebook, goodreads, and my blog

Lynsey Newton said...

Thank you for the contest! The book cover is just as beautiful as the first one!

I'm a follower and I've posted the book cover on my blog (http://narrativelyspeaking.blogspot.com/2010/07/have-you-seen-lost-saint-cover.html)

Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

AH! It's so BEAUTIFUL! I posted the cover on my blog, the link is:


I also tweeted it so all my followers can see its amazingness! That link is:


Anonymous said...

Blogged about the cover! http://ashweyreadsalot.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/the-lost-saint-cover/

babygirlG said...

I posted the cover on FB http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1088691895

I'm a follower.


Fi-chan said...

I blogged here: http://fionalevesque.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint.html

:D oh and I'm a follower!

I'm really curious about the TLS nail polish D: exciting!

feeyonachan at gmail dot com

ylime1981 said...

Thanks for the contest!

Posted on my blog: http://itsjustlifeasiknowit.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-revealed.html

+ I'm a follower. :)

Emily ebdye1(at)gmail

Chantel said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/cityslicker127/status/19619488102

and I'm a follower!

cwilliams127 at gmail dot com

Meg said...

Blogged: http://meg-reads.livejournal.com/31383.html

Also, a follower, but not via feed.

OpenID hates me today for some reason. DX

maire.grimm13 said...

Contests are fun :)

I love the color theme so far. I posted the cover art and the link over on my blog here: http://breakingoutofdreams.blogspot.com/2010/07/lost-saint-cover-reveal.html.

I'm also a follower.

Thanks for the fun,
Tina Z.
e-mail: scottishfairy15 at hotmail.com

KA said...

Hi, Bree. Congrats on the new cover--I posted about it on FB. It's pretty (the cover, I mean, not the post). Plus I'm a follower.
If you still have the shirt you wore for your author photo, you've already got your new wardrobe started.
So I'm guessing that even though the conference has changed locations, it's replacing the Writing for Charity event that used to take place in Ogden?

Bree Biesinger Despain said...

yes, Kaylie. The Writing for Charity event is the same as the one that was in Ogden last year (but bigger and better this year.) The venue has changed every year so far.