First up, I give you the BEST CHRISTMAS CARD EVER!

The guy on the left with the dreamy hair is my brother. And yes, ladies, he is single.
Second fun thing: the TDD store is finally up and running, and we have T-shirts!!! I'm really excited about these. Here are some of the designs that I really love.


To see all the shirts, check out the TDD store here. And don't forget that the grand prize winner of the BIG FRAKKING GIVEAWAY gets a TDD t-shirt of his/her choice.
(FYI: All shirts are sold through Cafe Press. We designed them, but I haven't actually seen the printed shirts yet, so there may be slight differences in color and such.)
Third fun thing: Speaking of T-shirts, Alice Pope featured me, Brodi Ashton, and Emily Wing Smith on her CWIM blog because of our bad review t-shirts at the L.A. scbwi conference.
Fourth fun thing: We have book trailers! A couple street team members, and a couple of fans (including my #1 fan) have made some awesome book trailers for THE DARK DIVINE. I love them all so very, very much. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! To check them out, go to the trailer page on my website, or click here.
Okay, so um, I need to go hyperventilate now . . .
Your brother is VERY good-looking :)
The Dark Divine is my #1 item on my Christmas List!!! I can't wait for it to come out. I'm just dying to get my hands on it!
10 days! woohooo! Lovin the T-shirts as well! It was way awesome meeting you at the Beautiful Creatures Signing! Hope all is well, LOL and happy hyperventilating ;)
Those t-shirt designs look great. And the bad review t-shirts are awesome too. What kind of a crazy person would say that about your book?;) Ten more days!!! Yeah!
Very exciting! I love the designs.
Great shirts! So exciting that it's coming SO SOON!
I love the shirts!!! I just posted about this on Mundie Moms.
So exciting!! I'd be hyperventilating too!! Enjoy!
Wait! i am good looking! haha too funny bree. too funny!
That tree is gorgeous -- and exactly as I pictured in the book. Yayyy countdown!
Kika- It was so fun to meet you!
Kim- I know, who would ever think my book was blasphemous. I mean, that's blasphemous to even say, don't you think. ;) ;)
Katie- thanks for posting about the t-shirts on Mundie Moms!
Quinn- you are definitely god looking.
Everyone else, I hope you like the t-shirts. I'm thinking I will have to buy one of each for myself.
Love the shirts! I think my favorite is the purple tree.
Also I have a single older sister. Shall we set up our single siblings? :)
One of the young women (age 15) stopped me at church today asking if I had a copy of THE DARK DIVINE. I told her I indeed did and she begged to stop by and read it. I gave her a handful of stickers to pass out to her friends. :)
Debbie- Is your sister a cougar? Cuz my bro is only 22. He's my baby brother :) Can't believe he's all grown up now.
Also, I LOVE that one of your young women wanted to read the book. That is is so fun.
Love the shirts. Can't wait for release day.
So exciting! I'm so sad I'll be out of town and can't make it to King's English on the day of the release...but I'll be buying my copy for sure!
A sidenote - might I echo that I, too, think your brother is quite good-looking! What is it with all the beautiful men out here?!
Awesome shirt designs! I love the tree. And I pre-ordered The Dark Divine yesterday, so I'm definitely excited. :)
I can not wait for the book - I have not added it to my want list for Christmas - and I have not preordered it...
I will be at the book store bright and early on the 22nd - gotta have it in my hot little hands THAT day!
I just cant wait to read it, the anticipation is killing me, but I love it at the same time!!!
Book Crazy Jenn- You just made my day!
I love those shirts! They are so gorgeous. But if I want to get one, how the heck am I supposed to choose just one??
The trailers are amazing too. All of this stuff and the chapters on the RT blog are making me SO incredibly excited to read TDD. *taps foot impatiently*
Oh yeah... your brother and his dreamy hair are definitely hot! LOL. Good looks must run in the family ;)
*hands a brown paper bag to help with your hyperventilating* In. Out. In. Out.
LOVE the shirts! Can't wait! Seriously, it's almost the 22nd!
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