1. Thanks to everyone who played the Book Triplets Scavenger Hunt! The winner is: Katie Bulter. Email me your shipping address at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll get your prize off in the mail.
2. Lots of new reviews for TDD were posted yesterday. Tons of 5-star ones, too! To see all the reviews of TDD, go HERE.
3. Many thanks to Mundie Moms for hosting an awesome Pre-launch Chat Party for TDD last night. We had a huge turnout, and it was so fun to answer questions. MMs also has a TDD forum where you can discuss all things TDD. I am a member of the forum and will be stopping by whenever I can. Be sure to check it out HERE.
Okay, on to the post . . .
So I really can't believe it! TDD Day has finally arrived. I woke up at 5:45 this morning and wanted to rouse my boys and have an impromptu dance party in the family room. But I figured I should probably let them sleep since we have a big day ahead of us. Little KidA is probably going to get dragged all over town in search of copies of THE DARK DIVINE on the shelves of our local bookstores. I hope he's ready to do a lot of picture posing.
Lately, a lot of people have been asking me what they can do to help with TDD. Honestly, the best thing anyone can do is to actually buy the book. My publisher has been really generous with giving out ARCs of my book. Which is great for generating buzz and getting reviews, but I am hoping that people who read the ARCs and loved TDD will still go out and buy the final version of the book. I am hoping you guys will spread the word about TDD to people you think will love it too.
(Side Note: Did you know that there are a few differences between the ARC and the final version of THE DARK DIVINE? And btw, the cover of TDD has more to do with the final version of TDD than the ARC. If you want to know how, you'll have to check out the final copy. *Mawahahaha* The purple and the nail polish totally make sense . . .)
A lot of bookstores are having to be tight with their budgets right now, so they may only have a handful of copies of the book to start out with. So if you go to a bookstore and they're sold out of TDD (as some of the Utah stores already are!) be sure to order the book while you're in the store. If they get people asking for the book, they will be sure to restock it on their shelves--and hopefully with even more copies this time.
I know not everyone can afford to buy books right now, but that's okay. Another great way to help out is to request TDD at your local library. If they don't have it yet, they'll probably order one in for you. Library sales count for a lot in this industry!
And of course, we can't have TDD day without a contest!! A few people have sent me pictures of TDD "in the wild." (i.e. pics of the book on the shelves of their local bookstores.)
Like this one from my agent in NYC:

So I am thinking that we should have an "In the Wild" contest. Go out and find a copy of TDD in your local bookstores or library and send me a picture. I'll be featuring some of the pics on my blog (Hint: Pictures with people in them are more fun! Maybe get a friend to snap a pic of you with the book.) and one lucky photographer will win a fabulous TDD Birthday Present!
What is in this fabulous birthday present you ask?
1. A TDD t-shirt of your choice
2. bottle of TDD nail polish
3. The TDD soundtrack
4. And a signed copy of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES
Here's how to enter:
1. Send me a pic of TDD "in the wild" and receive 5pts
2. Earn additional 1 point for each: tweet, blog, facebook post about the contest.
3. Winners will announced on December 30th, so that gives you a week to get a pic of TDD
And now, a special birthday treat:
This is a fan-made trailer by The Book Jackal. She read on my blog that I love Taylor Kitsch so she made a TDD trailer with the actors from FNL playing the parts of Grace, Daniel & Jude. Taylor Kitsch as Daniel!! *Swoon* Thank you so much, Book Jackal!
Have a Happy TDD Day, and a Merry Christmas,too! I know I will!!!
P.S. TDD would make a wonderful last-minute Christmas gift! (Ok, I'll be quiet now.)
Can't wait to go out and find it TODAY!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
Woo, congrats!! I've pre-ordered TDD and am curently counting down the hours until it gets to my doorstep. I would go out, but we're totally snowed in over here on the east coast, lol. CAN'T WAIT!! :D
I'm on my way out to find the book, Bree (in New Hampshire!) I can't wait to settle down on the couch and read it! Congratulations!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Going to B&N today to buy my very own, gorgeous final copy of TDD. Will send you a pic when I see it.
Have an awesome day and, once again, congratulations!
This book is high on my TBR List!
If only I lived in the US...
Can't wait to buy my copy of TDD! Eek! I'm so excited for you! Congrats! (Alright, that's so many exclamation points, but this is such a happy day!)
Bought my copy last night. Congrats on your release day!!
Yay congrats Im so excited! Totally buying my copy today also check out our congrats post at www.firstnovelsclub.blogspot.com and I am going to enter the contest! Yay!
Congratulations Bree!
Today is such a wonderful day for you. I hope you take many pictures and video.
Merry Christmas!
I just bought the Dark divine yesterday and finished it this morning. it kept me up half the night. love grace, loved daniel, loved everything about this book. you are truly an exceptional writer. can't wait for the sequal.
I sent my DH out today to buy the Dark Divine for me for Christmas. :) I will request my library buys it too!
Congratulations Bree. I find a lot of inspiration as a writer / mom / northwestern girl in you. Thanks and I can't wait for my pre-order copy of your book to arrive.
Walked in to my local indie bookstore Dragons and Fairytales (as they opened the doors this morning) and the owner said, "I bet you're here for this" and she pulled a copy of your book out and put it on the table. They know me so well.
I bought the first copy of TDD from the store and I can't wait to see what's different from the ARC. CONGRATS AND HUGS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Ah! I'm getting more Borders gift cards soon, ands I plan on buying it ASAP. Because I'm too cool to buy it with regular money.
I was thinking about just getting it from le library, but imma be a nice person....
Congrats Bree. It was lovely meeting you at lunch a few Saturdays back. (At Zupas...I sat across from you...you showed me a copy of your hardcover that had arrived in the mail that day and I resisted the urge to slip it into my purse...)
I am waiting patiently for my very own pre-ordered copy of TDD to arrive at my parents home in AZ where I'll be spending the holidays. Good luck to you. I can't wait to read it and spread the love.
Congrats Bree!! I cant wait to get the book which should be today!!! squee!!
But since I live in Germany TDD isnt really released here and we dont get that many english books in the store so I wanted to ask if I could also enter just by taking a picture of me with the book? I could also go out to a local library and pretend the book would be there on the shelves? LOL
Congrats again! I cant wait to read your book <3
Congrats! And Happy Holidays!
Congratulations!!! How exciting! I hope you had lots of TDD sightings when you went bookstore hunting.
I went looking for it here in Australia but couldn't find it anywhere. Which really sucks because I wanted it for Christmas :( Just going to have to be patient until I can devour it *twitch*
In the meantime - wonder if we'll see any sightings on the NYT bestseller list! ;)
YAY, congrats on the release, book birthday triplet!! I already snagged my copy. :D
Congrats and happy book birthday! I'm heading to Borders tonight to look for TDD and Stupid Cupid. I'll be sure to take a photo for you. I'm a weird librarian and I take photos of books in the bookstore all the time, even without a contest, and I love the looks I get from people!:)
Just so you know, where I live, it's sold out in nearly EVERY bookstore. That's why I can't send a pic to you because I can't FIND any copies that haven't been bought! Oh, Santa! I've been a good girl! Please, please bring it to me!!
I'm one day late but...happy release day!!!! I can't wait to read The Dark Divine. :D
Congratulations Bree!
Work From Home India
Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone. I am overwhelmed by your support for TDD. You guys are the ones making my dream come true!
Anya- yes, you can just take a pic of you holding the book. Also TDD will be coming out it German sometime in 2010.
I have a question - do we email the picture then?
Hi Bree! I'm one of Brodi's and Debbie's friends. I just finished TDD and I loved it! I can't wait to meet you at one of your debut parties. :) If you want to read my review, you can. It's on my blog: http://jennielyse.com/the-dark-divine-by-bree-despain/. Congratulations in having TDD being sold out at all the B&Ns in Utah! Luckily, Debbie let me borrow her ARC, or I wouldn't have been able to read it yet!
Erica, email or tweet the picture to me.
Jenni- thanks for the review! You are so sweet.
Congrats Bree...got my copies from amazon in the mail today. can't wait to start reading! i just linked you on my blog as well.
Best of luck!
You're amazing!
Woot! I finished TDD today (I wasn't able to start reading it till Monday... if only I didn't have to work! Adulthood sometimes sucks.). I absolutely adore your book! Also, brownie points for you for getting the three nights of a full moon right! I was so excited, I got weird looks from my co-workers!
Thank you SOOO much for joining us for a prelaunch chat!! We had so much fun and looking forward to doing that again for the sequel.
YES, TDD is a must have!! The ARC is amazing and the released book is WOW, completely amazing.
Congratulations on all the success Bree!!
I really like the "The Dark Divine Inspired Charm Bracelet" & "Purple Gemstone TDD Choker". I know I am about 14 hours late but I just got my internet finally installed.
I love your book!!!
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