Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moonstones and Bracelets and Rings, Oh My! Introducing: The Official Dark Divine Jewelry Line

I've got something fantastic for you all today . . . but first a little bit of business before I get to the shiny, fun part.


1. Please don't forget about the fundraiser I am hosting for the wonderful folks at Kids Need To Read. You can purchase the eBook version of THE LOST LETTERS OF BROTHER GABRIEL (A Dark Divine Original Story) for only $1.99, and all of my proceeds will go to #KNTR--helping to provide books to underprivileged libraries and schools. For more details, and how you can win fabulous signed books by spreading the word, click HERE.

2. THE LOST SAINT paperback comes out on November 22nd, 2011!!!! We are getting so close! The paperback includes some fun extras and has a new cover (different than the hardcover) so you won't want to miss it. In anticipation of the release, Amazon is currently offering THE DARK DIVINE eBook for only $3.99! That way you can brush up on the first book before the sequel come out in paperback.

3. I've been told that Egmont USA is running a month of contests and giveaways in order to get ready for the paperback of TLS. Click HERE to find out more.


I've been working closely with the amazing ladies at Infinite Jewelry Co (the official jewelers of TWILIGHT) to design and create jewelry pieces that look just like the rings, bracelets, and necklaces depicted in the DARK DIVINE trilogy. And now, after over a year of planning and designing, Infinite Jewelry Co is pleased to present the official DARK DIVINE jewelry line!

Here's what Infinite Jewelry has to say about it all:

INTRODUCING…The Dark Divine series of amazing, trend-setting jewelry! We are happy to present the new line of jewelry based on the incredible books, The Dark Divine trilogy, by Bree Despain! We have worked closely with Bree to bring to life the jewelry she envisioned as she wrote. We hope that you will love wearing your very own tangible connection to The Dark Divine trilogy!
To celebrate the launch of the Dark Divine jewelry line, from now until December 15, 2011, Infinite Jewelry Co is offering a 10% discount to all of my wonderful readers. Enter coupon code 031312 at checkout in order to receive your discount.*


I am so excited about this jewelry, that I've decided that I need to throw a contest in order to celebrate! Which means I am going to be giving away a few pieces of jewelry to some lucky winners!


1. Right now, there are three different jewelry pieces available in the Dark Divine line (with more to come after the publication of THE SAVAGE GRACE). Each piece is available in both "classic" and "signature" additions. Today, I am only going to show you my favorite piece, and then make you go find the other two pieces so you can decide which one is your favorite.

So what's my my favorite TDD jewelry piece? I LOVE them all, but the Black Moonstone Necklace is especially awesome and unique. It's just like how I imagined Daniel's moonstone necklace--It even has a crescent moon carved in the middle! It comes on either a cord (like Daniel would wear) or on a delicate chain (like how Grace wore it).

2. Now it's your turn to check out all the Dark Divine jewelry and decide which one is your favorite. Click HERE to be taken to Infinite Jewelry's website so see all the awesome for yourself.

3. To earn your first entry in the contest, be sure to come back here and tell me in the comments of this post which piece is YOUR favorite.

4. You can earn additional entries by blogging our tweeting/facebooking about the contest and sharing the coupon code. Be sure to share coupon code 031312 with your followers so they can also receive a 10% discount (between Nov. 15 & Dec 15, 2011). You can earn +2 entries for a blog post, and +1 entry for either a Facebook post or a tweet. Only 4 entries per individual are allowed.

5. Contest is open internationally. It closes at midnight on November 21, 2011. Winners will be selected through Random.org. If you win, I will send you the piece that you selected as your favorite!!!** Winners will be announced on November 22nd--so be sure to check back in here to see if you won! (Winners will have 30 days to claim their prize or else I will asume they don't want it and I'll give it away to someone else.)

6. And the best part is: I will be giving away 1 piece of "classic edition" jewelry for every 30 INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE who enter the contest. That means the more people you get to enter, the more pieces I will give away!!

So go now and check out the jewelry and start entering to win! I hope you love it all as much as I do!! If you decide to purchase a piece while you're there, be sure to use your coupon code for a 10% discount. (Hint: This jewelry makes a great holiday gift*--especially if you have a TDD fan in your life.)

* (If you want a piece for a holiday gift, act quickly, as the jewelry is available on a pre-order basis. Your order will be delivered 3-5 weeks after you purchase it.)

** For the purposes of this contest, I am giving away the "classic edition" pieces only.


Jenni Elyse said...

My favorite is the Black Moonstone Ring. Although, like you, I love them all. When Shelli shared them all with us, I was so excited for you and them!

I tweeted about the contest: http://twitter.com/#!/jenni_elyse/status/136511831056461825 and http://twitter.com/#!/jenni_elyse/status/136512127170125828

I also posted about it on Facebook:

Unknown said...

I love the bracelet! I would totally wear that with pretty much anything I have! Infact I will probably buy one to give to my sister-in-law for Christmas!

Tagged you in a post on facebook about the jewelry line, and here is a link to my blog post about it as well. http://foundbytheheart.blogspot.com/2011/11/bree-despain-amazing-author-of-dark.html

Natasha Y. said...

My favorite is also the Black Moonstone Necklace! I don't wear jewelry that much but I definitely would if I had this necklace. I love all the jewelry, they are so pretty.

Here's my tweets: https://twitter.com/#!/ColdOceanAve/status/136522277150920704


Jamie said...

It is so hard to chose because they are all so amazing! I think my favorite is the Moonstone necklace. I find I wear more necklaces than bracelets and I already have amazing rings that it is too hard to pick which ones to wear.

I also posted this on my Facebook So I can share the love and of course help my chances to win. :)

Cranberryfries said...

My favorite is the cuff bracelet! I've seen it on you before and I remember commenting how cute it was!

Victoria said...

I love the pendant. The ring and cuff are nice but there's something comforting about the moonstone.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jovial_1/status/136531865132732417


Alysa Stewart said...

The ring is my favorite! Although the cuff is a close second. Gorgeous!

Valerie said...

The ring is awesome! I also love the necklace though!

Sofi.B said...

My favorite it's also the black Moonstone Necklace! I love it!!



Cranberryfries said...

Here's my tweet about it http://twitter.com/#!/cranberryfries/status/136532641003470848

I posted about this on my facebook account too since I love you and your books and all this pretty jewelry. :)

Unknown said...

I love the pendant. It's gorgeous!

Sarah Steele said...

Shared it on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sarahkay2003

Sarah Steele said...

And my favorite is the ring. No, the pendant. No, the ring. No wait, the pendant. Yeah, The pendant :-)

Avery said...

I am a sucker for rings, therefore I love Jude's ring (http://www.infinitejewelryco.com/judesblackmoonstonering).

I tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/#!/AverysBookNook/status/136567588938448896


Ramone15 said...

My favorite is the black moonstone ring.

Sayomay said...

I love the cuff! Its so simple yet pretty!
Blog post:

Riv Re said...

This is so cool! I love the bracelet, but the moonstone pendant definitely takes the cake. (Did I really just say "takes the cake?")
Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Jackie said...

I do love the ring, but I think I have to agree that my favorite is the necklace! They are all so beautiful it is hard to decide!!


Lexie said...

I like the Black Moonstone Ring.

I put it on facebook.


Alex said...

I LOVE the pendent.
I posted it on Facebook.

Alexis said...

I think the ring is pretty.

I posted it on Facebook.


Lisa Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Jordan said...

Hi Bree,

I think it's SO cool that you had these unique jewelry pieces made! It helps bring the story alive even more. It's very tough to choose between the three, but I think the ring is my favorite. :)


pimpin' reads said...

I really like the ring the best. They are all lovely. Thanks for the contest. I will tweet at jowannajk Good luck with the line.

Aubrey said...

I like them all! I'm with you I LOVE the necklace, and I would want a chain to be like Grace! I will tweet too! They all look great!

Gabby said...

love the necklace, can't wait to see what comes next. :-)


xZombieDoll said...

I love the Black Moonstone Ring <3

kim said...

The bracelet is stunning! I Love all 3 but the bracelet just caught my eye. and I Love the fact you chose to use other metals...I have a severe gold allergy and was worried that the jewelery might be as such. again great choices!
I shared this on my facebook as well.

Sophia K. said...

The necklace is my favorite. I love it. It's super pretty and just stands out for me. I'd love to have my own of that one. Thank you for the brilliant contest. ^-^

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Sophi2S/status/136627982793056256



D said...

I love the bracelet!

I posted on FB too.

Michelle said...

My favourite is the black moonstone pendant because it looks like something I would actually wear. I dont usually wear jewellery,but I really like the design of the pendant.

I tweeted about the comp/coupon code here (it wouldn't fit in one tweet):

I blogged about it here:

And I posted it on my facebook page here:

missymoo-09 said...

I love the moonstone pendent the most but really i love them all . I adore the design ,its a really unique piece . It reflects the necklace in the story perfectly .

Ashley G. said...

I love the Moonstone ring. It's so pretty. I created a blog post. It combines the Jewelry release with the release of Letters to Brother Gabriel. I hope that okay. I also tweeted. The links are below.



Thanks for the contest!


Anonymous said...

I love the off the cuff bracelet and the black moonstone ring!! Gorgeous jewelry line!!

noliea said...

i love ring, but also would love to have the necklace tooo,

Unknown said...

Oh, my goodness. :) They all look fantastic! Although... if I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the Black Moonstone Ring.

I posted a link and info on my Facebook.

Carrie said...

Ok I am torn between the monstone ring or the cuff bracelet. If I have to choose though I guess I will say the ring. Might have to show these to the hubby for a not so subtle Christmas hint.

Congrats on the line and thanks for the giveaway!

beckyhendry said...

I LOVE the black moonstone necklace with both chains! they silver is super pretty and the cord is how i imagined so both are greT, but I also think the ring is very pretty and unique, my favourite is the necklace though! It just screams out daniel to me :).

Amber said...

I love the moonstone ring. All of them really do spark the mind, but Ima' ring girl!

fany1 said...

I love all of them but the black moonstone ring is my favorioute! So pretty(:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the Black Moonstone pendant. I have been wanting that for a long time ever since I read The Dark Divine. I would wear it all the time. I tweeted the giveaway.

Cassandra said...

That is awesome. The jewelry is super pretty. My favorite piece is the Moonstone necklace on the silver chain like Grace would wear it.

Tami said...

Love the moonstone pendant - can wear it with anything!

pinkyblue said...

the cuff bracelet

Amanda said...

My favourite would have to be the black moon stone pendant. It's sooo pretty!



Sophia Delgado said...

my fav is the moon stone necklace to the way the light reflecs on it makes it even more magnificant

Emma Katherine said...

My favorite is the Black Moonstone Necklace! The shape and color is incredible!! The necklace on the chain would be super pretty while the cord is so totally casual! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Dea said...

I love the black moonstone necklace. It's beautiful and sooo cool. I would love to have one, I would probably wear it like everyday.

Marisol Gaddi said...

I love the black moonstone necklace. It's so cool!! I hope I win >.<

Here's my tweet link:


A Beautiful Madness said...

I have to say my favorite is the black moonstone necklace. It's the kind of thing I would wear.

Unknown said...

I'm a bracelet person, and I love the bracelet. :) I also love the moonstone necklace.

M.M. Roethig said...

I love the black moonstone necklace!! it is so simple, but very beautiful!

domoniquehicks said...

I so LOVE the Black Moonstone ring!

Una Autora Escondida said...

I love the black moonstone pendant! it's beautiful!

MaCayla C said...

I really like the black moonstone pendant on the chain of course... I wish i had it sooo bad :)

Mindee W. said...

I love the black moonstone necklace on the cord. I love the moonstone that is carved in it. It's beautiful

Julie Belnap said...

I really like the moon necklace! This is really exciting. :)

Tymoora said...

I love them all but I would have to the ring is definitely my favourite!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely L.O.V.E the Black MoonStone Ring! It's just soo pretty!

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

oooh, the moonstone ring!
Jen K Jovus
kjovus at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

They are all absolutely precious! I love them all, but my all time favorite would have to be the black moonstone necklace!!!

Avery said...

Here is another Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/AverysBookNook/status/138751510774423552


kickasswolflover said...

I love the blackstone moon necklace <3 <3 <3 it is beautiful !! also i cant wait for the savage grace, i need to figure what happens to daniel! << my wolf lover ;3

Moey_C said...

LOVE it all, but especially the Black Moonstone Ring. It is so unique and interesting. It would go perfectly with any outfit too. Love it!

Moey_C said...

I posted on Facebook also :)

Taffy said...

VERY COOL to have your own line of jewelry!
I really like the Off the Cuff Bracelet!

i twitted:


Ariana P said...

but i have to say out of the three The BlackStone Moon Necklace is my favortie and it has to deal with Daniel and Grace

I tweeted about it
@arinasaga https://twitter.com/#!/arianasaga

and posted it on Facebook

MaCayla C. said...

I seriously hate it when books are left on cliff hangers but understan why... I soo want the necklace in graces form because it seems soooo awesome!!!

Courtney!!! said...

Love the black moonstone necklace!

Bella said...

I love the moonstone pendant the most! The cuff is great too.



BellaMarie (at) tampabay . rr . com

Maidenveil said...

I'm loving the dark moonstone necklace! the ring is gorgeous too. this is a nice project for the books' fans! thanks, bree!


shared: http://tinyurl.com/82mhzfe
tweeted: http://www.tweetdeck.com/twitter/readerhappy/~dDSN2

Anonymous said...

They all look great, but my favourite is Jude's Black Moonstone Ring. It looks very unique.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/safaripoet/posts/318896454803257
Twitter: http://twitter.com/safaripoet/status/138820763569500161


Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

I love the Black Moonstone Ring, I would wear it with everything. :)

Andrea S said...

Totally love the Black Moonstone Ring!

Clary said...

My favorite is also the Black Moonstone Necklace! I love necklaces and this one is beautiful.

Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Clarissa P (Clary)
claroxide AT yahoo DOT co DOT in