Sorry for the blog silence (I know, I know, I've said that a lot lately) but I'm hard at work on book 3 of the Dark Divine trilogy. (Yes, there is a book 3! It comes out December 27th--hence why I'm working on it so furiously.)
Anyway, I'm taking a little break from writing about Grace and Daniel in order to start a new feature on my blog called "Spreading the Love."
Even though I've been holed up in my writing cave for the last several weeks, I've still been in tune with the YA world enough to notice that there's been a lot of bashing and anger and hating going on around the interwebs lately (over a myriad of topics from all different view points). In my opinion, hate is a nasty, contagious, disease that I would prefer to stay as far away from as possible so I don't get infected with it. (I'm neurotic enough, I don't need anything else to obsess over.) I just don't have time for hate in my life. I'd much rather spend my time talking about the things I love--and why I love them.
Which is why I want to spend a little time each week "Spreading the Love." So for the next little while, expect a series of posts from me about the things I love.
To kick off "Spreading the Love," I'd like to tell you about one of the people I love the most in the world: Emily Wing Smith.

Here's why: Emily and I met several years ago (about 11, I think) when we were both taking a YA fiction writing class in college. I loved Emily's writing and was in awe of her talent. We got to know each other a little bit during that class, but after it was over, I didn't see her again for many years. About 7 years ago (I think) I went to a writing conference called Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers. It was during a time in my life that although I was very determined to become an author--I felt very daunted by the task of trying to do it all by myself. I went to that conference looking for a little inspiration, and what I found was Emily.
Em and I ended up in an advanced writing class together and by the end of the week we'd re-sparked our old friendship. It felt so awesome to have a writer-friend again. Em and I started talking about putting together a critique group with another writer-friend from our old college class. Soon a fourth person was added to our little group that met once a month to share our writing, critique each others' work, and just plain lend our support.
It wasn't long after our little group started meeting that I decided to challenge myself with a new writing project: a story about a girl named Grace and a boy named Daniel. My group encouraged and helped me through so many drafts of THE DARK DIVINE over several years. Our group has grown over time (there's six of us now--which is why we call ourselves The SIX) and we are more than a critique group. I'd say that we are best friends who also happen to critique.

Emily was the first in our group to get a book published. A beautiful collection of stories called THE WAY HE LIVED. Seeing Emily succeed prompted me to take a chance and start submitting my stories around, and a little while later, I sold the Dark Divine trilogy.
Emily and I (along with Brodi Ashton and any other member of The SIX who is available) meet almost every Thursday to write, talk through plot points, and mostly just enjoy spending time with other people who "get" what were going through as writers. It's pretty much what keeps me sane.

This was actually the book Emily was working on all those years ago when we met at that conference. I've had the privilege of reading and critiquing several parts of this book--and I can't tell you how excited I am for this book to finally make it out into the world. It's beautiful, romantic, thought-provoking, and also a lot of fun. Who could want more than two hot guys, a road trip, an unplanned Vegas detour involving Barry Manilow, and lots of Sprite?
To celebrate the book release, I'll be joining The SIX in our one and only performance as our Barry Manilow cover band "The Barely Manilows" at Em's launch party at The King's English Bookshop this Thursday (7:00 pm). As the most non-musical, non-coordinated person in the world, it means a whole darn lot that I'm willing to make a fool of myself for Emily and her book. (And you certainly don't want to miss it!)
For those of you who can't make the party, don't worry, as part of my "Spread the Love" series, I'm going to give away 2 signed copies of BACK WHEN YOU WERE EASIER TO LOVE here on the blog...so you can love it just as much as I do.
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment about a book you love--or a book you're looking forward to. That way you can "spread the love" for that book to the rest of us.
Contest ends Wednesday night (April 27th) at 11:59 p.m. I'll announce winners Thursday morning.
Now go spread your love in the comments...
Hi, Bree!! Good to see you around the blogosphere!! : )
"Back When You Were Easier To Love" sounds AMAZING and I really wish I were in Utah for it. Lived there my whole life until 6 months ago and now I feel like I'm missing EVERYTHING. Hrmph. I bet the Barely Manilows will rock it though!!
Right now, I'm excited for Maureen Johnson's "Last Little Blue Envelope", which comes out tomorrow. Whee!! So I'm re-reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes. She gave a free download of 13LBE the past week, so I've been reading it on my iphone. LOVE!!
And, of course, I can't wait for Dark Divine 3!! December!!! No pressure, though. Haha!
Best of luck on the writing! I don't know how you authors juggle it all. : )
I just barely saw an author blog that totally started ripping apart these other YA authors. I don't get it. Anyway, you probably won't remember but tell Emily I can't wait to read her book when you see her at her book release. I'm going to be out of town, or I would totally go.
I literally cannot wait to read this book, Emily is fabulous! And I am excited for the launch party even more now that we'll be serenaded!
Possibly my all time favorite book in the world is Graceling by Kristen Cashore. Absolutely love it.
I am most definitely excited for Divergent by Veronica Roth. I can't wait for it's release day.
Congrats on the party!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I'm SO looking forward to Back When You Were Easier To Love! A roadtrip around Vegas..could it get cooler?
And this is such a nice initiative, about spreading the book love.
I have to say Before I Die by Jenny Downham has to be my favourite book ever. Inspite of the fatalistic title, it was a most uplifting book and it made me love life, in spite of its shortcomings.
I also love Jaclyn Moriarty's books. They are quirky, fun and they never fail on the feel-good factor.
I can't wait for Supernaturally by Kiersten White because the first book Paranormalcy was so much fun. The idea along with Evie the main character is like a breath of fresh air. I just want to read more of Evie's adventures, I mean who wouldn't end up loving a girl who fights paranormals in a Prom dress? The whole thing is like Buffy with a twist. Plus I just like Evie couldn't help falling for Lend.
Looking forward to read back when you were easier to love!
Oh there are so many books I am looking forward to...Forever, Slience, Dark Divine 3 (your books are amazing), Neptune's Son, Wolfsbane, Angel Fire...my list could go on and on, those are the ones I am itching for! :)
Books I have just finished and LOVED...If I Stay/Where She Went, has to be one of the most beautiful, sad and amazing series I have ever read! LOVE THEM!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love everything written by Melina Marchetta. I'm also looking forward to Divergent and What Happened To Goodbye. Thanks so much for the chance 'cause Back When You Were Easier To Love sounds really intriguing!
sauvadeavelle @ yahoo.com
I am currently looking forward to Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris. I am a huge fan of True Blood so it is next on the MUST DO list.
Of course I am eagerly anticipating your next book. I can't believe the way the last one ended *wink That was a bit of a shocker...but I LOVED it.
Thanks for the giveaway and your amazing books. I truly love then.
Back When You Were Easier to Love sounds like a great book!
Books I'm super excited for:
Bite Club by Rachel Caine
Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I love this idea! There is definately too much hate out there. A book that I absolutely LOVE is WHERE SHE WENT by Gayle Forman. I totally fell in love with Adam, and he has completely ruined all past and future book boys for me. (In a good way) And I definately cannot wait for DD book 3!
I've never read the Series of Unfortunate events, except for the final book, The End. For some reason, it cracks me up (I know I need to read the rest of the series...), and I can read or listen to it over and over :)
This book sounds great. you are a new author for me so i have not had a chance to read anything yet. would love the opportunity to win your book.
i am looking forward to a few books coming out soon, like Charlaine Harris-Dead Reckoning & Laurell K Hamilton-Hit List. Those are the 2 that i am looking forward to the most for May.
Thanks for the giveaway and keep on writing the great books.
Back When You Were Easier to Love sounds really great:) I have several books that I can't wait to read over the summer...so let me spread some love for: Imaginary Girls, The Lost Saint, The Help, and I'm about to start on Mockingjay. Thanks for the contest!
I had the pleasure of meeting Emily when she came to Boise a couple years ago. She's such a lovely person, of course I love her immediately. I really enjoyed her first book, "The Way He Lived" and I'm really looking forward to "Back When You Were Easier To Love." <3's to Em!
I don't know if this giveaway is open worldwide, but I just feel like doing this anyway xD "Back When You Were Easier To Love" sounds great (I'm in love with the titel).
Yeah, kay.. A book that I love or looking forward to get released? Where do I start? For starters, it's your book, Bree. I'm freaking out because I can't wait for it to get released (8 MONTHS?!).
But there's also City of Lost Souls (2012), Forever (July), Wolfsbane (also July), Bitterblue, The Power of Six, The Space Between, and many more. See? I've got a busy year xD
But there's one book that I have waited almost two years for, and it's releasing October 8th this year. Yes, it is "Inheritance" by Christopher Paolini, the fourth and final book in the Inheritance Cycle. I was left devastated when I finished Brisingr almost two years ago, and at the same time I was thrilled for another book in the series. Two years, that's a really long time just waiting, and waiting. But I love the Inheritance Cycle, I love Eragon, I love Saphira, I want Galbatorix dead (so much for 'spreading the love' xD). It's a wonderful series, absolutely exciting, fun and action-filled. And dragons. Oh, I love dragons. My favorite supernatural creatures are dragons, vampires and werewolves.
I am so excited about the final book! Eragon = a very, very happy me.
Yes, this'll work for 'spreading the love' (ignore the fact that I wish an evil king dead xD), because I truly love the Inheritance Cycle. Oh, and the Swedish cover for it is going to be absolutely amazing. If you haven't seen the covers, go to google and search for "Den Äldste" ("Eldest" in Swedish). It's gorgeous! I LOVE IT! <3
Yes, I write waaaaay to much sometimes, but heck, love on that too! :D
I recently finished The Eternal Ones By Kirsten Miller, it was AMAZING, and it's only part one of a trilogy, so I can look forward to 2 more! yay!
I'm looking forward to read The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder! I won this book and I've heard great things about it.
I love that you are doing this. :) I'm really looking forward to reading We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Hann (which comes out today) and one book that I LOVE that I don't think a whole lot of people have read is Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt.
I can't wait to read BACK WHEN YOU WERE EASIER TO LOVE. A book I love is WHERE SHE WENT by Gayle Forman. One of the best books I've ever read.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh I totally wish I could make it to that launch party! I am really looking forward to getting my hands on Eona, sequel to Eon by Alison Goodman.
My favourite book of all time is Bristle Face by Zachary Ball. It's a beautifully told story and is the first book that ever made me cry.
I'm guessing I don't count for this giveaway since you've already called me out in two places for having a poor excuse to not attend. :) I'm trying to work it out!!!
I really enjoyed this post, learning more about you and The Amazing Six. (I think you guys should change your name to that.) Anyway, thanks for spreading the love!
Congrats Em!
Back When You Were Easier to Love is one I definately want to read. I've admired Emily from afar at sevral writerly conferences and your post just confirms what I suspected-she seems like a giving and kind person.
As far as books I love. TDD series is always on my list of books to recommend. :) But aside from them, I would have to say I loved Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton. Thanks for the giveaway. I wish I could come and watch you guys sing. :)
Congrats to Emily! And you for finding a kindred spirit. :D
Books I love - how do I narrow it down? I love Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Nightshade.
Will you be at the utah book festival @BYU this summer?
jennifer kjovus
Really wish I could come see your group's musical debut. Sounds like fun.
Can't wait for TDD 3! In the meantime, I'm loving Lauren Oliver's Delirium.
I really want to read this!!
The book I'm looking forward to is
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. :o)
Thank you for 'Spreading the Love'! I love this idea.
Posts and comments like these just keep growing my goodreads 'to read' list:) And as I'm about to start my english major program, what I read and my time will be fairly dictated for a while.
Have to say I'm excited for DD3 - gratefully it comes out during school break ;)
Also excited for 'City of Lost Souls' - really enjoyed 'City of Fallen Angels' though I was surprised she continued with the series there was obviously tons of room for expansion.
And have to spread more love for 'Hunger Games'.
Don't know if I can make it Thursday but I'd love to be there.
Good Luck.
I really do want to read this book. It sounds intriguing.
In keeping with the young adult theme, my" I Love It" book is The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. It addresses a topic that has been covered in literally 100's of books, but he puts an entirely different twist on it. It is thought provoking, well written, and even rather quirky. I am looking forward to book 3, too.
I've had my eye on this one for a while.
Another one that I'm excited about is We'll always have summer by Jenny Han. I loved the other two and can't wait to read this one. Thankfully, it came out today!
vlfink at msn dot com
I think it is such a great thing you are doing. I agree that there is too much hate going around and we all need some love.
A book I really love is Graceling by Kristin Cashore. I love how the heroine is so fierce and she doesn't let anyone else make her decisions for her.
A book I'm looking forward to is Blood Magic - Tessa Gratton.
Hi Bree--
I just finished reading your novel, The Darkest Divine (my husband gave it to me for my birthday). Usually if I like a book, I see if the author has a website (and more books). Not only did I find out there are more books to come--yay--there is also a fabulous contest with another amazing sounding book (no, I can't pass up two guys on a road trip).
Really, I enjoyed your novel. Daniel is a fabulous character and I hope he can find a way to help Grace in the future books.
I'm looking forward to reading Witch Song, by Amber Argyle.
I'm so so sad I can't go Thursday! I tried to get out of work but it didn't work out:(
There are soo many books I'm looking forward to I'm not sure I could choose just one! Obviously tdd3, bloodlines, succubus revealed, crossed, everneath, Lola and the boy next door, are just a few!
Good luck Thursday can't wait for pictures! And maybe video??;)
That sounds like a fun book, I'd like to read it (and if it's signed, all the better!).
Right now I am loving the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott. When I was buying Lost Saint back in January, I asked the bookseller what else to try, and she gave me that one. I'm now almost done with the second, and thoroughly enjoying it. It deftly takes historical figures (like John Dee and Joan of Arc) along with mythical figures (like Bastet and Hekate), gives them all special powers, and throws them all into a battle to decide the future of humanity. Spreading the love for these books as best I can!
That sounds like a fun book, I'd like to read it (and if it's signed, all the better!).
Right now I am loving the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott. When I was buying Lost Saint back in January, I asked the bookseller what else to try, and she gave me that one. I'm now almost done with the second, and thoroughly enjoying it. It deftly takes historical figures (like John Dee and Joan of Arc) along with mythical figures (like Bastet and Hekate), gives them all special powers, and throws them all into a battle to decide the future of humanity. Spreading the love for these books as best I can!
I am really looking forward to your next one...do we have to wait til Dec? And My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison. Love her too=)
A little known but big book that I consider amazing is "Brave Story" by Miyuki Miyabe (it is the story that the comic/manga and video game series are based on -and yes it is Japanese). The translation is wonderful (but sadly the editors at the American publishing company must have been half asleep while doing their job -or not doing it). Please find it at your library and give it a shot. There is something very beautiful about it and I was sad when it ended.
There are two books I cannot wait to read. The first one is Abandon by. Meg Cabbot and the second is Entwined by. Heather Dixon. I absolutely love anything myth or fairy tale related.
Just want to say first thing, THANK YOU FOR SPREADING SOMETHING POSITIVE. I hate negative comments and it seems as though there is an abundance of them these days. As for a book that I'm wanting to read well there is a new author that I just found today. His name is Bill Coffey and his first book Snow Day comes out in November. I'd love to get a hold of that one.
Have a great day and I can't wait to read Back When you were easier to love!
yay for such a positive giveaway :) it's a really nice idea!
At the moment I'm totally in love with Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (she writes beautiful prose). I'm also looking forward to reading "Winter's Bone".
Please only count me in if this is an international contest.
Wow you've been busy. I can't imagine juggling all the stuff you do, for I have no life XD
A book I really love...hmmmm, so many choices XD
I love TDD of course but another great book is Evernight by Claudia Gray. This book is the complete opposite of what you would expect from a vampire book. There are so many twists and turns, its amazing :DD
My favorite book is to give a boy a gun by Todd Strausser. It took an in depth look into the mind of a disturbed life and what could lead a kid to shoot up a school of people. it also looks into columbine. it changed my life.
Hey Bree =)
There are two books I'm really looking forward to this year.
They are the third book of The Dark Divine trilogy, by you of course, and the third book in the Hush, Hush trilogy, by Becca Fitzpatrick.
I've read all the previous books and have loved every word of each and am dying for the new ones!
My favourite book is probably one of The Hunger Games books.
They have so much emotion, action and depth crammed into them that I am in awe. I could read them again and again without getting bored. =)
My favorite book, that's not fair, I have like 50 bajillion! I'll list a few. Will Grayson, Will Grayson; The Body Finder series; The Mortal Instruments series; Nightshade; Dash and Lily's Book of Dares; Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist; and the Perfect Chemistry series. <3 I've heard great things about this book, so I hope I win, because I'm sure I'll love it too.
Hi Bree,
I'm really looking forward to Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
and Forever by Maggie Stiefvater!
I'm so in love with Nora and Patch, and I totally need my Sam fix from maggie ;)
And your friend's book seems interesting, I mean, the title alone appeals to me.
Sounds like a great book!!!and I love the cover too so sweet:D
The book I really want to read is Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick:D
thank you for this great giveaway!!!
This is a great idea, to focus on the things you love. I'm really hoping to make it to the launch. We keep having conflicts come up. I don't want to miss the Barely Manilows!
That sounds like an interesting book, going to have to look for the first,, I can't wait for the 3rd Divine book first and foremaost, i pray it has a great ending, without leaving you wondering about any of the characters.. I read the Sweep Series by Cate Teirnan, it was a really good read, but i was left wondering about 1 character in the whole book. I'm also waiting for the next installment of the House of Night series, by P.C. and Kristen Cast. Also waiting for the next vampire diaries,that is the main oness IO'm hooked on .
(= I had the pleasure of interacting with Emily in April when she came and taught at that Teen Author Boot Camp created by my writing group. She did a fanastic job. (=
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