For the 13 days (excluding weekends) leading up to the release, they've arranged to give away 2 copies of The Girl Who Was on Fire at 13 different “districts” around the web.
Welcome to District 3!
As a contributor to this book, and as a huge fan on HG, I just have to tell you how excited I am for The Girl Who Was on Fire. It's a fun read while still being intellectual--and if you're like me, reading it will make you see the HG books from so many new and different perspectives. It really is the perfect book for any HG fan!
All you have to do to enter is answer this question in the comments of this post:
Now that Jennifer Lawrence has been officially cast as Katniss Everdeen for the HG movie, what actor would you like to see in the role of Peeta? (Or Gale if you prefer to daydream about him instead.)
The giveaway for this district will be open until 10:00 pm MST on {EDIT: April 6th}. TWO winners will be selected by Random.org and posted here on {EDIT: April 7th}. Contest is open internationally.
Now go forth and comment...
And may the odds be ever in your favor!
Ooh am I first! Fun.
I see Zach Roerig (The Vampire Diaries he plays Matt) as Peeta.
parajunkee at gmail.com
I want to see William Moseley as Peeta. (He was Peter in the Narnia movies, which kind of makes it perfect. ;) ) I totally pictured him as Peeta when I was reading the books.
~Vivi Valenz~
Oh, and my email's vivi.valenz14@gmail.com lol ^^
I guess Hunter Parrish for Peeta.
I see Steven R. McQueen (Jeremy in The Vampire Diaries) as Gale ... I will never get over Gale ....
Jeremy Sumpter. End of story. No questions asked. That's who needs to be Peeta. NOT Hunter Parrish. Jeremy Sumpter. That is all.
Hunter Parrish IS Peeta. He just has to be, you hear me, casting gods?!
I've heard some things about Hunter Parish playing Peeta, and I think he looks GREAT for the role. Never seen his acting chops, but as far as looks goes I approve. (Which is exactly how I feel about Lawrence, actually.)
Jessica Secret: shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom
I, too, think Hunter Parrish would be great as Peeta.
writerjes AT gmail DOT com
Oh my goodness, I'd love to win this book. My answer? I'm pretty cool with Hunter Parrish at this point. But I think I would squeal if it was William Moseley :D
Hunter Parish would make a great Peeta! He' more like what I pictured as Peeta than any other runner up :D
I couldn't picture him as Peeta before but when I saw I Am Number Four I had no more problems if Alex Pettyfer was chosen to play the part, he's cute and is a good actor. Sure he doesn't fit the physical build that Peeta is described to have but honestly I can live with that ;).
William Mosely! Say it ten times and I know you'll be convinced. He would be perfect.
Forgot to post my email
I would like to see Hunter parrish or William Moseley as Peeta!! All I know is that it has to be an amazing actor because I love Peeta!! Omg!! I can't wait to know who is gonna play him!!
My email: lcarolfelipel@gmail.com
I'm very new to the Hunger Games Fandom (as in, just finished the first book SUNDAY), but I love it! W-o-w.
I also see Hunter Parrish as Peeta. When I read the scene of Katniss finding him completely camouflaged except the smile, it was all Hunter.
jessicaborash at gmail dot com
I am going with Jeremy Sumpter - for a few reasons:
Basically because I am so incredibly sick of Hunter P and Alex P being the only people ever mentioned like they are the only blond haired blue eyed actors in the world or because "they are up and coming".
And honestly I don't think either of them have the chops to pull off the complex character of Peeta. - Especially Alex. People get all caught up in how pretty these guys are, and how one can sing and BAM - they would make a great Peeta because of how he looks.
Sigh...so I picked someone no one really has and maybe he coulnd't pull the acting off either but at least I picked someone not based on how over publicized they are at the moment.
My e-mail is meandmyshelf@gmail.com
Oops. I already commented above, but I forgot to post my e-mail countryboy0112@gmail.com
I would love to see Chord Overstreet at Gale
I think Hunter Parrish would make a fantastic Peeta.
I'm the anonymous who is voting for Hunter Parrish @ taftshan@msn.com Thanks!
I really would enjoy seeing Hunter Parrish as Peeta. He's almost exactly what I imagined Peeta to look like and I've seen so much fan art with him in it, he's already been cast in my head.
As for Gale, I would die to see Luke Pasqualino as Gale. He is tan, all brooding, and totally sexy. Just as Gale remains in my head. Yum! ;)
I've never though of it before, but now i totally love the idea of Zach Roerig as Peeta, he's perfect in that attractive and non-threatening type of way.
I also like Josh Hutcherson for Peeta. The only reservation I have about him is I'm not sure he can pull off blonde hair.
And does anyone else think that Hugh Laurie would make a great Haymitch?
Thanks for doing this contest! I'm super excited about the book!
ps - my email is vanillabritt@gmail.com
I'm all for William Moseley as Peeta if he can do an American accent. But overall, I'm really hoping they go for someone who can act and pull off the part, because it might turn into being a hard role if they go with all three movies. I'm really excited about it, though.
I am so excited - my birthday is 3/23 so THG movie comes out on my bday next year! I would love to see Hunter Parrish as Peeta - but I barely care at this point, I'm so excited!
cgrennes at gmail dot come
Hunter Parrish --- so far. Unless some dazzling unknown comes to the front!
saratreible at gmail
I am definitely leaning toward Alex Pettyfer for Peeta, but I will not complain if it goes to William.
I loved Hunger Games! But I didn't know you were one of the contributors to the book. Even more reason to need it.
lauralubrady at gmail
oh and my email is
It's hard to imagine any actor who could match up with the image I have of Peeta in my mind but if he was just a little younger, I think Nicholas Holt would be an amazing Peeta.
Hmm... This is hard. I guess, from the suggestions I've seen floating around the web in the past couple of months, I'd go with Hunter Parrish. But I could easily change my mind :P
Thank you for the giveaway!!! <3
My email is oneofakind308@gmail.com.
[I reposted because I forgot to write my email (; ]
I second many people and say Hunter Parrish. So stoked!
E-mail is mlancto at yahoo.
Since I know nothing about actors, I'm going to go with the flow here and say Hunter Parrish. He looks the part.
soupwriter [at] gmail[dot]com
Alex Pettyfer! (Alex Rider: Stormbreaker, Beastly, I Am Number Four)
I have liked him from the start..!!(: I totally pictured him playing Peeta as I was reading the trilogy! He's perfect...well in my mind he is anyway....(:
-Nichole (the biggest Hunger Games fan..EVER!:DD )
Email: singer.gal12@gmail.com
I'd definitely go for Zach Roerig as Peeta - in my eyes he fits best.
but of course, everyone else would be fine. Zach's just my absolute favourite.
my email is stefanie.gerdes [at] gmx [dot] de
I think Alex P should continue his reckoning on YA book movies. Bring it on!
I'm no Twi-hard, but I totally see Taylor Lautner as Gale. For Peeta... maybe Chord Overstreet?
Hunter Parrish hands down!!
twimom101 at yahoo dot com
I never really imagined anyone as Peeta, but I'd be fine with Hunter Parrish. He looks happy/nice enough.
kathyreadsthis (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd honestly love it if they cast an unknown as Peeta, but that's unlikely. Of the actors I know, nobody really stands out as perfect for Peeta. I definitely don't want Alex Pettyfer in the role, though- he might look the part, but I don't think his acting is that great, and it will look absolutely awful next to Lawrence's.
I think Hunter Parrish would be great as Peeta! He got the charm & everything! :)
I could see Ed Speleers from the Eragon movie do it. He has the physical skill to do the stunts and survive the arena and he also has the not confident in his own abilities even though he is awesome attitude. Plus he's already played a male lead who would do anything for those he loves.
I think Hunter Parrish would be a great Peeta!
I'm totally rooting for Hunter Parrish and Josh Hutcherson. They both look like a Peeta to me. :)
I know that Josh doesn't have blonde hair but hey: there is hair dye and wigs. :D I really hope that they'll announce it soon, though, because I don't think I'm the only one waiting impatiently ;)
So, yeah, I don't really have any favs for Peeta yet. I want someone pretty and unknown :) But if I have to say someone, then I guess Hunter Parrish is pretty good looking ;p
~ carina-olsen@hotmail.com
My vote is for William Moseley. You know, Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia movies. He is all sorts of yummy. And he is a fighter so... :-)
I like Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian) for Gale - and Josh Hutcherson from the Kids are All Right would make an interesting Peeta - if they get his coloring right.
Honestly I don't care who plays Peeta as long as he does a good job acting the part. And it wouldn't hurt for him to be nice to look at :)
I really wished they would have gone wish unknowns. It's rather frustrating. But this is based solely on who they chose to play Katniss. And not to just jump on the band wagon lol. However, Hunter Parrish as Peeta would be good. I mainly think so because him and Jennifer would look cute together.
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
i like Hunter Parrish for Peeta. he has the sweet, charming look that Peeta needs to have.
email is tiff_sho_rocks@hauntedmansion.com
I will join the Hunter Parish bandwagon!
I think Hunter Parrish is very good looking and may be a good Peeta. Thanks for the giveaway!
Logan Lerman could definitely play the part of Gale in Hunger Games movie :) He is an excellent actor for his age.
Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
-Moriah D.
I second William Moseley. He has that "goodness" shine to him that Peeta does but he is talented enough to turn it around convincingly like Peeta did in the third book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Alex Pettyfer for the eyes...
My first option is Alex Pettyfer. He's actually as I imagine Peeta. However, Hunter Parrish has such a sweet face... I can see him caring of Katniss in the dark ^^
midoriseiko at gmail dot com
Hunter Parrish for sure, he just has that kindness Peeta needs. celticmom81204(at)live(dot)com
Well I was okay with Alex Pettyfer, because for me he does look like Peeta, but he's practically in everything, lol. UHMMMMM i would really like to see William Mosley.
For me Lucas Till is the perfect Peeta.
Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I´m waiting for the oficial selection to Peeta and Gale. And all the other! :D
Greetings ;)
I would like to see Hunter Parrish as Peeta... he has the eyes and face that I imagined! :)
Now that Jennifer Lawrence has been officially cast as Katniss Everdeen for the HG movie, what actor would you like to see in the role of Peeta? (Or Gale if you prefer to daydream about him instead.)
I don't "daydream" about either Peeta or Gale, but I have ideas on who could play them in the movie. I think Hunter Parrish has the look and mannerisms to pull off this role. I think Ben Barnes (he played Prince Caspian in the Narnia movies) would make a good Gale. I am looking forward to when the entire movie is cast. Tomorrow one year from when the movie comes out. Perhaps that would be a good day to reveal the entire cast? Wouldn't that be amazing?
For Peeta I think William Moseley (Narnia-films) would be absolutely perfect, he's got that charmingly blond hair in a perfect Peeta-style, his face is Peeta-shaped and his whole self looks a bit Peeta-ish. Oh, many 'Peeta's in one sentence. Anyway, he's almost perfect as Peeta, I can't find anyone better than this William Moseley. <- CAST HIM!
Plus, he's a pretty good actor..
I see Steven R. McQueen (Jeremy in The Vampire Diaries) as Gale!!! He is the perfect actor for the part!
Of course you had to ask the hardest question in the world! Since Alex Pettyfer is in the role for every YA novel turned movie right now, I'll choose someone different ... You know what? I lied because I can't think of anyone else. Alex Pettyfer.
me (at) jennielyse (dot) com
Hunter Parrish for Peeta!!!!!
This is such a hard question!!! well.. for Peeta i would definitely want Hunter Parrish to play the role!! he's definitely perfect for it!
^ my email is mishelly-31@hotmail.com srry forgot!!
Keanu Reeves for Gale!
Josh Hutcherson (sp?) would be good personality-wise, which I think counts for more than looks.
Alex Pettyfer (Beastly; I Am Number Four). he's like my number one choice!!!!! so yeah!!!
if i had to chose someone else, though, i'd choose Hunter Parrish.
I'm not too picky as to who plays Peeta--I can see Lucas Till, William Moseley, or Hunter Parrish. I'm fine with anyone, really, as long as he has the talent and he's not Alex Pettyfer.
Oh, and my email is chacelilyvale(at)gmail(dot)com
ALEX PETTYFER MUST BE PEETA! ALEX PETTYFER!!!!! Alex is sexy, nice, and is just a great actor. He will be amazing as Peeta.
Who would I like to see as Peeta? Hmm, well, as much as I hate the casting of Lawrence I would have liked to see Callan McAuliffe, but now since he's out of the picture....
Most likely Hunter Parrish, considering he's the closest you can really get to a true Peeta.
hunter parish: he looks great for that part!
He's probably too old but I'd love to have Andrew garfield as Peeta. He's the perfect type of actor.
I have an image of Peeta in my mind, but can't really name a young-enough actor who fits it. So I guess I'll go with Hunter Parrish. (Cause I seriously want this book!)
I think Hunter Parish would be a good Peeta!Otherwise, my second choice is Jeremy Sumpter...
I think Chord Overstreet from Glee would make a great Peeta!
I would love to see William Moseley as Peeta!!
I vote William Moseley as Peeta!
I really love how STRONG most of your opinions are. I hope they announce the rest of the cast soon. I haven't been this excited about a movie in a really long time.
My vote goes to HUNTER PARRISH, he´ll be a great Peeta! *O*
I whish I could read The Girl Who Was On Fire -> it´s difficult to buy YA english novels in my country T_T
No, no, no. PEOPLE. Hunter Parrish is too skinny/wiry for the role. Peeta is very specifically described as "stocky" in the book.
I lean much more to William Moseley.
(Though in truth, I'm fine either way. I just like acting all worked up about it. :) )
Jeremy Sumpter should be Peeta!! He doesn't look that old and he has a soft but very attractive face! He would definitely fit the part of a dreamy baker boy ;)
Alex Pettyfer ... I know he's sorta older than Peeta should be, but still .... I like him =D
I love William Moseley for the role of Peeta! I think he would be perfect.
I know no one is going to agree with me ,but when I think about the movie I think Chord Overstreet from Glee. He can actually act and is good looking. As for Gale, Honestly no one I've heard or seen about makes me think "Oh he'd be great as Gale."
I think that Hunter Parrish may be one of the best actors to play Peeta. I always viewed Peeta as having softer planes on his face. But, he is who I immediatley thought of.
When i was reading the books, I kept picturing CHRIS ZYLKA as Peeta. I imagine Peeta with broad shoulders and a very defined jaw line and of course, good looking. I love Peeta.
I love Alex Pettyfer, but I'm up for anyone who has great chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence!
Hunter Parrish for Peeta! He's always been my #1 pick for Peeta! He would be perfect for Peeta!
I love Alex Pettyfer, but I'm up for anyone who has great chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence!
Amy Carlin
Maybe Logan Lerman for Gale? XD I made that up. I'm a reader, I don't watch movies! (Well, I do...) So I have no idea who I want to play them, but I can tell you that I don't want to see Alex Pettyfer take the role of Peeta.
Can I enter anyway? Pretty please?
I still can see Hunter Parrish as Peeta, I think he is perfect for the role!
I would love to see complete unknowns plucked off the street to play both Gale and Peeta, then watch as they become overnight sensations thrust into superstardom. Really hoping they do the story justice matter who gets the roles.
alex pettyfer!!!! ABS!!! SHAGGY BLONDE HAIR!! SEXY!!
americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com
I love the kid from The Lightening Thief. I think he would do great=)
Hunter Parrish for Peeta...? He'd be good! Maybe an unknown if it doesn't work out.
Cristina Velazquez
I really want to see unknowns play Peeta and Gale. I don't want to be reminded of other characters when I look at them.
I'd like Hunter Parrish or Alex Pettyfer for Peeta. If not, an unknown but amazing actor would do.
Agh, that's a toughie. I was thinking of Callan McAuliffe with Hailee Steinfeld, because he just looks the part, but he would be too young for Lawrence. I'm not convinced that Hunter Parrish is my Peeta, but he is at least better than Alex Pettyfer to me. I'm hoping it is somebody that I haven't heard mentioned, like with Lawrence, because all the names thus far haven't convinced me. Collins knows best, though. I put all my trust in her. As for Gale, I still haven't found my perfect one either. And as a Gale fan, it is more of a big deal to me who they cast than Peeta. Oh well, I guess all we can do is wait forever in horrendous anticipation! Oh, and I'm super psyched to read this awesome book!
I'd like to see William Moseley play Peeta, that or an unknown, I think they should mostly cast unknowns/not well knowns to play characters in book movies.
I'm really voting for Hunter Parrish, I think he has the look of sweetness, someone you can approach that Peeta has. But he also has this hidden sex appeal that I imagine Peeta has.
While Alex Pettyfer would be really, really nice to look at, I don't think he could pull it off. Right now I'm pulling for William Moseley for Peeta. I don't really have a preference for Gale - as long as he's nice to look at and, more importantly, can act, I think anything goes. (I'm Team Peeta, so I haven't thought about Gale as much haha.)
SO THRILLED for this book. I think that Max Irons would make the PERFECT Peeta. He seems quiet and unassuming like, but is really hot when you get down to it. Just like Peeta. :)
I feel like I'm just jumping on the band wagon here....but Hunter Parrish! I think he's a good Peeta. My second choice is William Moseley, but I'd also LOVE to see him as Jace. I'm sure they'll pick a good guy. Thanks for the giveaway.
danielle AT frenzyofnoise DOT net
Great giveaway!!!
I'm still reading Catching Fire but those books are by far the best I've read!!
May the odds be in MY favor!!
I absolutely <3 the Hunger Games. I'm not sure if this is open to people in Canada as well but I've just got to say that I think Max Irons as Gale.
And for Peeta definitely William Moseley. He's hot and sweet come on! Lol
I'm thinking Chord Overstreet would be a great Peeta.
Hunter just exudes Peeta through and through. Lets hope Lionsgate listens to the fans!
It's probably not the most original opinion, but for me, the PERFECT Peeta is definitely Hunter Parrish. Even though he may be a little old for the part? I'm not sure.
But he was the first person that came into mind when I first read about Peeta in THG, just fits perfectly. And no one can shake that idea from my mind, hahah :D
OMG I forgot to answer!!
Peeta is definitely Hunter Parrish.
There's no other actor I'd like to see as Peeta *-*
I really need to win this. But so not knowing actors, I looked up everyone that others have mentioned so far. Well, most of them are nothing like I picture Peeta. I think the closest I see is Josh Hutcherson.
tawnyamayo @ yahoo.com
My vote goes to Josh Hutcherson, I love him since I saw him in Bridge to Terabithia and I think he can be a great Peeta. But Hunter Parrish is okay too, no Alex P please...
Okay...on the typical side (for me), but I imagined Alex Pettyfer as Peeta! He'll probably end up doing City of Bones, though.
I would love to see Josh Hutcherson get the part!
I feel like I'm the only person on earth who's not looking forward to this movie. I mean, I will probably watch if it ever comes to the movies, but I am not overly thrilled by it. It's just I don't think a movie could ever compare itself to the book & it would only be a disappointed.
I wasn't happy with Jennifer as Katniss, but she's a great actress and I hope she pulls it off. But like I said, I just wish they wouldn't do a movie at all.
Anyway, I would love to see Hunter Parrish as Peeta because he looks sweet.
William Moseley and Hunter Parrish are both good calls. But I'll throw a new one into the mix (though he's probably a bit old): Ryan Hansen.
Hunter Parrish for Peeta.
For Peeta..Max irons!!
I agree with the second commenter, Vivian, who said William Moseley would be a good Peeta. He definitely looks the part I think.
Love the comment that Hugh Laurie would make a great Haymitch. Genius!
Well, it's really hard for me to think of an actor who could perfectly play Gale or Peeta becauseI know no actor could fulfill out the role of what I imagine they look like. That being said maybe Steven R. McQueen could play Gale and I don't know...Jeremy Sumpter as Peeta? I honestly don't know anyone who could really resemble Peeta, but I really wanted to throw a name out there that other people have not yet.
I would like to see Alex Pettyfer as Peeta!! :D
i would llllooovvveeee to see Hunter Parrish be Peeta. I dont care if people think he is too old, that is my dream Peeta
oh, my email is jenniferxjace@hotmail.com
i posted this comment:
i would llllooovvveeee to see Hunter Parrish be Peeta. I dont care if people think he is too old, that is my dream Peeta
I think William Mosely would make a perfect Peeta!
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
I'm just about to get the box-set and read all three, so I can't really say who I'd want to play Peeta, but I'm looking forward to finally beginning the series, it's been on my TBR list forever.
I don't mind Alex Pettyfer. I really can't name an expecific actor. Whoever they pick, in the end, we will all be fine with it.
marynellie8 at yahoo dot com
I don't know about acting skills - but looks wise I would go with either Hunter Parrish or Jeremy Sumpter. I can totally see either as Peeta. seescootread[at]gmail[dot]com
Max Irons as Peeta (Henry from the movie Red Riding Hood) And I know this book will be as good as Scott Westerfeld's essay collection on the Uglies.
After all the candidates that the fans have listed, I think Hunter Parrish will be a great Peeta. I can sense the Peeta feeling from him, and he will be a great pair with Jennifer :D
Ok, that was stupid. I forgot to post my email xD
And I posted this:
"After all the candidates that the fans have listed, I think Hunter Parrish will be a great Peeta. I can sense the Peeta feeling from him, and he will be a great pair with Jennifer :D"
I would like to see in the role of Peeta William Moseley. I think he would be great!!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
artgiote at gmail dot com
Definitely Hunter Parrish. I don't care, honestly, as long as it ISN'T Alex Pettyfer.
I'm Team Gale and so, for me the perfect Gale is Thomas McDonell <3
my email: lekaza88@hotmail.com
I vote for Josh Hutcherson. He's kind of growing on me.
I think Gaspard Ulliel should be Gale. He looks exactly as I pictured him. http://www.teenidols4you.com/picture.html?g=Actors&pe=gaspard_ulliel&foto=554&act=384&mv=4&pic=186506
Hunter Parrish!
To be honest... I just hope they pick an amazing person to play Peeta. I fell in love with him during the Hunger Games series and I want nothing more than to fall in love again on the screen!
I've jumped around so much on who I want to be cast as Peeta. I loved Hunter Parrish for a while, and then I heard about Josh Hutcherson...and to be honest, if you dyed his hair blonde he would have the exact build of how I imagined Peeta! Peeta's a stocky guy, not big, but he's more short with muscle, and Josh could totally do that, although with Jennifer being cast he might be too young now. I also loved Alex Pettyfer for Peeta...mostly because I find him totally dreamy and gorgeous and I just like to stare at him, but I'm ok if he's not Peeta too. I'm pretty much open for anyone who will do Peeta justice, I LOVE Peeta, and I want the actor playing him to be able to play him the way he's written. There are just so many parts of the series where he honestly carries the scene, and with Jennifer Lawrence being cast (I haven't watched Winter's Bone, but I hear that she was amazing in it), Peeta has to be amazing too. :)
Thanks for the chance to win The Girl Who Was On Fire :D
Anybody but Alex Pettyfer, he's too pretty and has a huge ego.
Also, I was wondering, what did you contribute to the book? Is it an article like on the philosophy of the hunger games or just issues in the book you found interesting? Or is it one of those things you can't talk about? It sounds interesting, I can't wait to see what authors were chosen. I wonder what the selection process was like...
Oh, and I remember the name of the guy that would make a great Peeta, Hunter Parrish!
There is only one person who can play Gale, and that is Ben Barnes! The look, the attitude, I think he's perfect.
As for Peeta, perhaps Sterling Knight? Lookswise he fits, and although he's known for playing douchey characters, I believe in his acting enough.
I would be fine with either Hunter Parrish or Josh Hutcherson. But NO Alex Pettyfer. He cannot act! I also dislike his looks.
I forgot to leave my email address before. You can access it on my page, but just in case that put me out of the running, here it is: annaswenson412@gmail.com
LUCIS TILL! LUCAS TILL! LUCIS TILL!!! Just look at that smile, those eyes!!! *swoon*
Plus, his personality screams Peeta. HE IS GORGEOUS INSIDE AND OUT!!! *swoon*
Chord Overstreet (Sam Evans on Glee) could be a beautiful and sensitive-looking Peeta.
Thanks for a great contest!
Angela H.
ahoffman1979 at gmail dot com
Hunter Parrish? Really? I don't think so.
For Peeta I'm going to vote for Liam Hemsworth or Kellan Lutz.
For Gale... Okay, think outside the box with me... Zac Efron.
Hunter Parrish :)
Alex Pettyfer. I know he is in every movie right now, but he really fits the character for me. can you not see him passing Katniss some bread.
terilhack at yahoo dot com
I would like to see William Moseley as Peeta.
I'd like (a blonde) Josh Hutcherson for Peeta
Ben Barnes isn't exactly who I imagine for Gale but he's close enough.
I think Hunter Parrish would be great for Peeta!
I had to think long and hard about this because Jennifer is a talented actress with a strong personality that whoever played Peeta needed to match her intensity.
Also he needed to be close to her age and still play as a younger character - the only guy I could come up with is Max Irons.
For Gale - Ben Barnes would be perfect.
d.septer at insightbb.com
I would LOVE if Hunter Parrish was cast as Peeta! <3 i think he would be a perfect fit along side Jennifer!
Gale?? thats a good question- who would i want to play Gale....some sexy! :P
letmesign3 (at) yahoo.com
Must WIN ALex Pettifer or lucas till Both would be fine......
I see Lucas Till as Peeta. He seems perfect :)
lucy_zhang_blue (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like Lucas Till for Peeta!
I think Lucas Till would be a great Peeta
I'm really looking forward to this book.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Liam Hemsworth for Peeta.
But many other choices I saw here seem alright. It's got to be in the end the person who can play him best which is really going to be decided at audition :)
my email is lokteva(at)stanford(dot)edu
Thanks for a chance to win this book!!!!
I would like to see Alex Pettyfer as Peeta!
My email is: agent.luooo(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you!
William Moseley is Peeta!!! There's nobody in the world can play the prefect Peeta than this guy. I love to see him be casted as my favorite character, that would totally make my life!
I'd love to see Hunter Parrish for Peeta and Tyler Blackburn for Gale.
Oh god. Both of them and Jennifer Lawrence would be too much hotness to handle...almost.
I'd like Ben Barnes as Gale.
Who to play peeta? Now that's a hard one that I've been pondering for a while. At first I thought Alex Pettyfer, but now, I don't think so. Actually, I'd much rather it be an unknown actor. I mean REALLY unknown. They said they might with katniss, so why not with peeta?
I really can't make my mind up for who should play the role of Peeta. But I think that Logan Lerman would make a great Gale. Does anyone agree?
While I was reading, I completely pictured Max Irons as Peeta-he's perfect!
I think William Moseley will be great as peeta, he is simply amazing! Im so excited for the movie to come out, it will be so cool!
I prefer Peeta but he is hard for me to think of who I want to cast for him, I guess Hunter Parish. I would like Matt Lanter to play Gale but they don't have him in line at all.
Whatever happens to the casting announcement tomorrow, my Peeta will forever be William Moseley.
Lionsgate is just too blind for not even considering William for the role. As a fan, it disappointed me to know their choices. Huhu.
hm... i think william moseley is a perfect Peeta <3
Peeta and Gale have now both been cast, and I personally really like their choices. Before I started obsessively following the casting decisions/rumors, I had Lucas Till as Peeta and Raviv(Ricky) Ullman as Gale.
I am SOOO glad that Alex Pettyfer wasn't cast as Peeta. I heard that he may be cast as Finnick for the next movie, and I think he fits that a lot better.
And just because you are still reading...
I pick David Clayton Rogers as Cinna, Alec Baldwin or Jack Nicholson as Haymitch, Michael Urie as Flavius, and John Malkovich as President Snow. Chloe Moretz for Prim, Madison Pettis for Rue.
I haven't really thought about it.
On an unrelated note, I loved The Dark Divine and I'm getting ready to start The Lost Saint.
I really like HUNTER PARRISH as Peeta. He looks more or less like how I imagined Peeta to be :) Although I've seen people mentionned Lucas Till on other posts and I think he could also fit the part but he would be my second choice. An unknown actor would be fine I think as long as he can act : I love Peeta's character. I love him he's my favorite !!!
I know it's been cast now, but I really had my heart set on Hunter Parrish. I think he was kinda perfect for the role. :(
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