1. TwilightMOMs, Eve's Fan Garden, and the Page Turners blog have teamed up to host a THE DARK DIVINE chat party Tuesday night (2/16) at 9 pm EST/ 7 pm MST. Everyone is invited to join in on the chat. Come ask me your questions about TDD, or writing in general. They will also be giving away prize packs during the chat, so you don't want to miss out. For more information, CLICK HERE.
2.Local Utahn, Michelle Witte is attempting to open an indie bookstore in Centerville, Utah that will host writing classes for teens and others in the community. She's hosting an auction to raise funds, and there are some great prizes to bid on (like a full manuscript critique by the Sara Zarr!!) Check out the auction HERE.
Okay, so I know this post is a day late but I was having a few technical difficulties, so let's just pretend it's still Valentine's Day for the sake of this post. :)
Anyway, I've had 3 signings in the last week, all in honor of Valentine's day. The first was an Authorpalooza with 30+ other authors at the Sandy, Utah Barnes and Noble. It was so much fun seeing some of my favorite author friends, and also getting to meet a few local authors that were new faces to me. I shared a table with the very entertaining G.G. Vandergriff, and also sat near authors Linda Chadwick, Wendy Paul, Heather Justesen, and Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen.
And of course, I picked up a few of their books to giveaway to you all . . . but we'll get to that in a minute.
Besides getting to meet some sweet authors, and talk to readers who came out to get a signed book, the best part of the the Authorpalooza was that my old college BFF (whom I hadn't seen in over 8 years) came by to see me. I was so shocked when I saw Ginna in my line, I almost cried. Seriously, this girl was my Maid of Honor at my wedding (!!!) but then we'd lost touch over the years. She just happened to be in town from Rhode Island and heard about my signing, so she brought her husband and 6 year old son (whom I'd never met) over to see me. I can't tell you how happy I am that she came!
(Me and Ginna)
The next signing was at a brand new little indie bookstore in Eagle Mountain, Utah called DRAGONS & FAIRY TALES. The signing was fun, and I got to know author Jessica Day George a lot better. (Whenever I see her, she's dressed in pink, but she claims 75% of her closet is full of black and army green clothes. I'll believe that when I see it.) And I have to give huge kudos the owner for opening a new bookstore in this economy, and I wish her tons of luck with the venture.
(That's Jessica Day George in the pink next to me)
My third signing was at the Barnes & Noble in Orem, Utah on Saturday. The best part about this signing is that the Literati girls (a group of teens and their awesome English teachers) came out to see me.
(Me and the Literati!)
They even brought me packages of cinnamon bears and dark chocolate (to help my writing process) and a collection of twisted valentines they wrote during English class. I got the biggest kick out of these and I told them I would definitely share them on my blog.
This one is my favorite (A poem from Edward Cullen to Grace Divine):

You can also read valentine's letters from Jude to me, Jacob to Daniel, Edward to Grace, and Bella to Grace by clicking HERE.
Seriously, don't you wish you'd had high school English teachers cool enough to let you do this kind of activity in class? Also, their teacher Emily gets a special prize for bringing the girls all the way to see me while IN LABOR!!!! She said that if this little adventure didn't progress her labor further, then she was going to "pull an Eward Cullen and take matters into her own hands," or I guess . . .um . . . teeth.
Okay, so on to my V-day contest.
I'm giving away:

2. The Ball's In Her Court (signed) by Heather Justesen

3. Missing (signed) by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen
4. And a TDD Keychain
5. Signed TDD bookmarks and a couple of stickers.
6. Bottle of TDD nail polish
All you have to do to enter is either tell me what you did for Valentine's Day, or tell me which fictional characters you think should exchange Valentine's cards. (Extra point to anyone who takes a crack at writing one.)
On Valentine's Day I cuddled with my 4 kids and husband while watching the Olympics ice skating couples. So romantic!
Bwa ha ha! Those valentines were hilarious! That is one cool English teacher.
I think if I were to request a valentine it would be one from Jude to April...
"Roses are red, but violets are best
On a scale of one to ten,
Where do rate a guy with dog breath and a hairy chest?
Just wondering... Love, Jude"
If only I could have an awesome English teacher like that, mine just always talks about how good he thinks he is. :(
I'm not sure if this is open internationally, but if it is count me in!
I think that Jace from The Mortal Instruments should exchange Valentine's cards with Rose from Vampire Academy.
i was at home with my DH and our 3 yos son. Had our Banana cake to celebrate V day : )
uniquas at ymail dot com
I went out to eat with my two kids, ny husband, and my two baby brothers. My husband and I will be celebrating Valentine's Day together next weekend.
I think if Daniel and Grace were to exchange cards, they would make their own, since they are both artistic. Why pick up a hallmark when you can draw like Daniel can? :)
Forgot my email.
On Valentine's Day my boyfriend and I were going to go on a picnic but it was so windy we just had an indoor picnic instead. After that we watched a Netflix movie :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hi Bree, looks like you had a great time at the signings.
On Valentines Day, I hung out with my sweeties. Big and Small.
I think Patch should exchange Valentines with Isabelle from C. Clare's series. They are both kind of hard core.
I had Valentine's Dinner with the ones I love; My Husband Tucker and My Best Friend Taylor.
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
I stayed home with my sick kids while my husband went to teach his primary class. At some point during the day we remembered to say "happy valentines' day".
We're very romantic people. lol
Honestly, after helping Boo make valentines all week, I was pretty sick of it all by Sunday. :D
Wish I could have made it to one of your signings!
schriftstellarin (at) hotmail.com
Hubby and I went to a community dance at a junior high gym. It was free and I am all about saving money. But I thought I was about fourteen again when I saw the balloons, streamers, and cookies.
I think Alec and Magnus (from The Mortal Instruments Trilogy) should exchange Valentine's Day card. Why?
Magnus: "Happy Valentine's Day!"
Alec: "Oh, c'mon Magnus. I thought we agreed not to do this. You know this is'nt my thing."
Magnus: "Yeah, well it's mine so here." (Hands Alec his homemade Valentine's Day card)
Alec: "Wow. . .Uh, it's sparkly, and colorful. Thanks."
Magnus: "You know you could at least pretend you like it. I've worked so hard on that." (Magnus starts to walk away when Alec grabs his hand)
Alec: "No, wait. Look, I really like it Magnus, it's sweet. I'm sorry if I'm being a jerk." (Hands Magnus a box)
Alec: "Here."
Magnus: "What's this?"
Alec: "Um, a Valentine's Day gift. I got Izzy to help me pick one."
Magnus: "I thought it's not your thing?"
Alec: "Oh, well, it's yours, so. . ."
(Smiling, Magnus open the box to find a red, sequenced top, and a red Valentine's Day card)
Magnus:"'To my favorite Warlock in all of NYC. Love, Alec'. Alexander Lightwood, that is the sweetest thing anyone's done for me in over 600 years."
(Alec shrugs his shoulder, when Magnus suddenly takes his hands)
Magnus: "Come, you're getting a better gift!"
Alec: "Magnus!"
Hope you like it. ;D
P.S. Please come to AZ!
We had stake conference. Does it get more romantic than wrestling kids through two hours of church meetings?
How funny that you know Ginna! She and I went to high school together. She's awesome!
Valentine's day was spent with my family. Nothing special.
I'd like to see a valentine from Shane to Clair (Morganville Vampires)
I spent the weekend doing a variety of things: Friday before spent Valentine's with friends, Saturday before spent Valentine's with Nieces & Nephew Set #3, actually Valentine's Day spent at lunch with hubby then movie marathon with hubby & dog (Peanut Butter Barr)! WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!
I would love to have Alice Cullen send Sam from Shiver a Twisted Valentine...I think that maybe one werewolf that could make her forget the smell & shiver at his touch..
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
Hubby took me to Swan Lake. It was fantastic!
'Twas the night before Valentine's and all 'round the church,
The trees were all empty, except for the birch.
The gal was sitting up high on one limb,
While the sun was setting and the light grew quite dim.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Meant evil was haunting the objects below.
When, what to the gal's wondering eyes should appear,
But a hot, sexy wolf, the one she held dear.
He was dressed in just jeans, from his head to his toes.
'Cuz that's how girls like it, as every one knows.
His eyes-how they twinkled! His chest-not too hairy.
And then on his abs her eyes they did tarry.
He spoke not a word, but climbed straight up the tree.
And when he got close he went down on one knee.
I heard him exclaim, 'ere I ducked out of site.
"Happy Valentine's to you. I think you're alright!"
I did absolutely nothing but work on Valentine's Day, but I think that Christophe and Dru from Strange Angels should definately exchange valentines.
Lovin' y'alls twisted Valentines! Nicole & Love2dream, I especially love poems that mention guy's chests and/or abs.
Great scene, Ronna!
I forgot to mention that I was going make TDD themed Valentines cards to hand out, but after spending an hour on the prototype, I gave when I remembered that I suck at crafts.
Those Valentines are EPIC. lol.
On Valentine's Day, I had breakfast with my family, went to the pool, and watched movies.
I think that Ethan and Lena from Beautiful Creatures should exchange valentines!
From Ethan, To Lena:
You make my world more magical, and not just because of your Caster powers. Here's wishing you more memorable times and charms for your necklace to remind you of our favorite memories. I love you.
I think Edward Cullen and Rose Hathaway should exchange valentines! Mostly so I can see her kick his butt! He couldn't handle her.
Okay Im going to be honest here
Im only doing this for the bookmarks and for the nailpolish
and since its just fictional no specifics...
POPAL BERRY WINSNAP *MY fictional character XP hey it didnt say it had to be a REAL fictional character.*
Cinderella! Lol Yes Popal is a BOY
PS its only cuz im DYING for the swag
What a fun contest! Though this will show how not-typical we are, my sweet spouse and I went on a double date with our friends to see the local university's benefit production of The Vagina Monologues. All of the proceeds went to support the local rape crisis center. We started out the evening by sharing heart-shaped pizzas too.
We had a fun low-key Valentine's Day, ate some delicious Chinese food, & watched The Princess Bride with our kids.
I'd like to see Nick Ryves (from Sarah Rees Brennan's The Demon's Lexicon) & Isabelle Lightwood (from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series) exchange Valentines. :)
This may sound cheesey but my husband and I went out to dinner on Friday for Valentine's day - so Sunday when it was actually Valentine's day - I cuddled up on the couch with my kids watching TV and I read TDD for the 2nd time - and loved it :)
I think Daniel and Grace are the perfect couple. And I'm sure they'd definatly have to share Valentine's with eachother - I'm not that creative about writing them but I'm sure they'd both make something for eachother since they're both really artistic :)
Yeah, hubby and I celebrated V-day on Friday so Sunday was pretty low-key for us. We played Wii with the kids and had dinner at my parents' house.
I'd stayed up until almost 1 am watching a documentary on werewolves the night before, and we had 9 am church, so I was pretty much dead on my feet anyway. (Yes, I know, I am a geek.) But it was still nice to have a day with the fam . . .and eat way too much chocolate (but who needs a holiday for that?)
Valentines Day I went to see Avatar with my hubby. Our first date since our son was born one year ago. And the first movie we've seen since our daughter was born 5 years ago! It was a great day!
On a side note, I love your playlist! I just found some new favorite music!
My husband and I drove 11 hours each way to pick up the cutest puppy ever. Happy Valentine's Day!
gardenbug70 at yahoo dot com
My husband and I tried out a fabulous restaurant that we hadn't been to before. It was a wonderful date night. We don't get to do it often. Afterward, we celebrated with friends. Nothing could be better.
And the characters I choose are... Romeo and Bella.
Valentine's Day this year also fell on the same day as Chinese New Year so I mainly just hung out with family :D
My hubby and I did some fun things w/ our kids on Saturday to celebrate Valentine's, then that night we exchanged some small gifts and he surprised me w. the best foot massage ever and chocolate covered strawberries. Sunday was low key as we went to church and had dinner with my family.
I think Patch from Hush, Hush should give a card to Clary from the MI series.
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I'm a true fallen angel,
who's fallen in love with you.
*okay, I suck at writing Valentine's* :)
I think Chloe (Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong)and Puck (The Iron King by Julie Kagawa) should exchange valentine's cards.
great contest!
I spent V-Day with my two bff's. We watched movies..gossiped made pudding lol and all that stuff you do with your bffs:P it was cute:)
I would love to see a V-Day card from Daniel to Grace...something in the lines of:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You were willing to give your life
So I could be with you.
Thank you for everything,
lol...yeah..something like that only better:P
Cool contest!
For Valentine's day I let my 3yo daughter eat lots of candy :)
Katie- Very cute! Dude, I suck at poetry.
Anya- That was so sweet! Daniel should totally give Grace a Valentine like that.
Krista- 22 hours in a car for a puppy? I hope he is the darn cutest puppy ever!
which fictional characters do I think should exchange Valentine's cards?
Prince Caspian and Hermione Granger
:) They'd be cute together :)
I'm not very good at poetry, so I better don't try it :)
On Valentine's day I was busy cleaning up messes from my sick 3 year old. So we celebrated on Monday.
A Twisted Valentine from Katniss to Peeta
Peeta oh Peeta I'm not sure what to think
My feeling are torn which really does stink
I like your company and I'm glad you're not dead
But when you don't tell me what's happening it makes me see red
Of one thing I have no doubt
You're a fabulous friend...
Wait, Gale is here so please butt out!
Borostyan- I love the idea of Prince Caspian and Hermione Granger together!
Kayla- Love the poem, but I think I'm Team Peeta. Gale is cool and all, but I'm rooting for poor Peeta win over Katniss with his hidden awesomeness.
Our Valentine plans were interrupted by sick kids too, but we still had a great time. We took all of us to see the Princess and the Frog! Cute!
Twisted Valentine
From The Beast (as in Beauty and…)
To Fire from Kristin Cashore’s book
Oh Fire, thou mistress of my heart
To describe you, “Beauty” doesn’t even start.
Your luscious red locks spark my deep passion.
Your face and your form have no need for fashion.
When they call you a monster, I begin to rage,
It is I, not you, who belong in a cage.
I know you could never love one such as me.
Pierce my heart with an arrow and set me free.
If this message is spurned, I will despair.
But if there is hope, send a lock of your hair.
My heart and my soul belong only to you.
Please turn my way, make my fantasies true.
I'm definitely team Peeta too. But since it's a Valentine poem from Katniss it had to be team undecided. :)
The poem from Edward was AWESOME! I'm so happy your good friend found you at your book signing. That's fate interfering huh?
I'm alone on this, but I'm team Gale. I'm pretty sure Collins will let Peeta be the hero, but pooooor Gale. My heart always goes back to him.
On Valentine's day, hubs and I hung around the house and met some friends for dinner. Very low key :)
On Valentines day me & my host sister watched the Titanic.
All those signings must of been a lot of fun.
I think that Jessica Day Georges main Characters from Princess of the Midnight Ball there names are Rose and Galen. The would be the best valentines ever.
For Valentines Day, My twin and I went to see The Wolfman.
Because, clearly, blood and gore and Werewolves make for a perfect day. :)
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I could say that its true,
and I totally love you,
But Roses are red,
And Violets are blue,
I'm sorry thats its no longer true,
And I've never loved you.
Thanks for the awesome contest!
And I hope you had an awesome Valentines Day! ♥
deslasher @ hotmail . com
Oh my goodness those Valentines were awesome!! What a fun english teacher!!! My husband did our V-day on Monday. We just got pizza and watched a movie. Neither of us are valentines kind of people. I personally think its a farce. Sorry. But I will tell you what I think a funny valentine would be.
To Irial,
If you don't back off Lesile and let her be her and be happy, I promise you I will no longer be the only one with scars on my body!
The two main guys from Ink Exchange in Melissa Marrs Wicked Lovely series.
Thats awesome that your college BFF is from RI! Thats where I was raised. I haven't been back since I left for my mission in 2006. My parents moved to Utah when I hit my year mark on my mish. Tell her I'm sorry though because I know her stake president and the RI schools STINK!!!
my valentines day started off lame. i don't have a valentine. i didn't even get a letter from my daddy.
i came up with the BEST EVER story idea! so i started writing a new boo on v-day. so happy!! it's so romantic, too :D
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