4/17 6:00 pm: Veronica Mars: From Cult TV Series to Major Motion Picture
4/17 6:00 pm: Veronica Mars: From Cult TV Series to Major Motion Picture
4/18 11:00 am: The Future of Science Fiction and Fantasy in a Post-Twilight, Post-Potter World
4/18 1:00-2:00 pm: Book Signing***
4/18 3:00 pm: Writing and Mental Health
4/18 6:00 pm: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Dr. Who
4/19 11:00 am-12:00 pm: Book Signing***
4/19 2:00 pm: Top Things to Do and Not to Do as an Aspiring Writer
4/19 4:00 pm: Sherlock Holmes in the 21st Century
4/19 6:00 pm: Buffy, Angel, Firefly & Marvel’s Avengers: Joss
Whedon and the Art of Storytelling
4/19 7:00 pm: Werewolves, Mr. Hyde and the Incredible Hulk: Our
Love/Hate Relationship with RAGE!
***There will be a bookseller at the con so you can purchase a book at the event. (But you're also welcome to bring your copies from home.)