
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Introducing LEVEL UP: NOVEL WRITING INTENSIVE with Bree Despain

Edit: Postponed! Due to overwhelming feedback from interested parties, we've determine that this fall is not going to work for most people. We've decided to postpone the class for now and revisit the idea in the spring or summer. Look for updates then.

Are you a writer? Do you want to be a published novelist? Do you feel like many conferences offer the same-old-same-old beginner information you've heard half a dozen times? Are you looking to take your writing to the next level?

Are you tired of reading this thing that sounds like a cheesy infomercial?

Then one last question . . . Do you live in (or near) Utah?

If so, then I am pleased to tell you that I am offering an in-person, four session writing intensive for intermediate to advanced writers--taught by yours truly! I've learned quite a bit about writing in the last fourteen years and now I want to pass that information on to you.


Go beyond the basics and jumpstart your writing to the next level. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced writers who want to dive deep into techniques for characterization, plotting, and connecting readers with your story. Level up with these fun and informative presentations and workshops. PLUS - get a personal critique of your first chapter from your current work in progress!

  • 4 two hour sessions, one night a week (Thursdays @ 7pm)
  • Personal first chapter critique by Bree Despain included (up to 15 pages)
  • Located at the Daybreak Community Center
    • 4563 Kestrel Ridge Rd, South Jordan, UT 84095
    • Conference Room A
  • Runs October 30th through November 20th, 2014 
  • Cost is only $250!
Want to win free tuition? Refer a friend! For every friend who puts you down as a reference when they register, you will earn an entry into a drawing for a tuition reimbursement scholarship. ***

Who is this course ideal for? All ages are welcome, but please be aware that this is intended for intermediate to advanced writers so a basic understanding of writing and story mechanics will be assumed. LEVEL UP is ideal for writers who have been writing for a few years and have finished at least one manuscript (or have one well underway) but have found that their writing isn't quite ready for publication yet. I hope to help you push your writing to that next level.

Seats are limited so click HERE to register today! 
{Edit: link has been removed because the class has been postponed. See note at the top of the post.} 

About the instructor:  Bree Despain is the award winning author of both the Dark Divine trilogy and the Into the Dark trilogy. Her books have been traditionally published in over seventeen countries and have earned both critical and fan acclaim. Bree has taught in workshops and on panels about writing in conferences all over the United States. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband, two young sons, and her beloved TiVo.

***Only one tuition reimbursement scholarship will be awarded per course. You must refer a friend to enter and they must record you as their reference in the indicated spot when registering. Your friend must register and attend the course in order for your entry to be eligible. You may refer as many friends as you want but space is limited so don't delay.  

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