
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TDD Fan Talentmania Finalists Announced...and updated information about the eBook special price promotion

You guys, THE SAVAGE GRACE comes out ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!!!!

(Yes, that is me shouting at the top of my lungs about it! I can't wait for this book to be out in the world for all to share. Like seriously, is it March 13th, yet?!!)

To celebrate the upcoming release of TSG, the eBook versions of THE DARK DIVINE and THE LOST SAINT are currently on sale for only $1.99 each! You can find this special deal on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, or pretty much anywhere eBooks are sold. That way you can brush up on (or catch up with) Grace, Daniel, Jude, Talbot and the rest of the Divine gang before the launch of THE SAVAGE GRACE on March 13th. Or maybe even gift the eBooks (at a super cheap price) to a friend or family member who might enjoy the Dark Divine trilogy. But don't delay, this special offer is only good until March 19th!

{Note: the date was extended from the 16th to the 19th to make up for the delay in the price reduction that happened over this last weekend.}

In addition to this eBook sale, you can also snatch up THE LOST LETTERS OF BROTHER GABRIEL: A Dark Divine Original Story for $1.79. {And the author's proceeds (i.e. mine) go to the children's charity Kids Need To Read.}

For a list of other things going on here in ReadBree Land, and for details about upcoming signing and events, be sure to click HERE.

Okay, now on to the main event!

If you want to know the names of the finalists who will be moving on to the final round of Dark Divine Fan Talentmania, raise your hand!

Now both hands!

Okay, now put them down. That looks uncomfortable. Plus, you can't scroll with both hands in the air. Believe me, I've tried. It takes a very dexterous nose.

So here's the deal, I absolutely LOVED every single Talentmania entry. Seriously, loved them like burning. Every entry showed so much passion and love and talent, it made me want to burst. And it didn't help that the voting was so fierce on some of the entries! (You voters rock!) Because of this, I found it nearly impossible to narrow the entries down to only 5 finalists in each category. Therefore, I decided that the best thing to do was to choose the top FOUR most-voted-for entries (as opposed to only the top three entries like I had originally planned) along with two wild card entries in each category to advance on to the finals. That makes a total of SIX finalists instead of only five.

But don't worry, I have decided to award TWO third prizes in each category to compensate.

Before I list the finalists, please note that only legitimate votes that followed the voting rules were counted (i.e. completely anonymous votes were thrown out). I, along with the help of two other judges, selected the two wild card finalists out of the rest of the group.

So without further ado, I give you the Dark Divine Fan Talenmania Finalists (listed in no particular order) . . .

Fan Art Finalists:

Samantha Dussor
Rudi May Hart
Katie Dahlberg
Amber Knighton
Brina Cook
Diana Gudayol

Fan Fiction Finalists:

Annie Boytim
LC Piper
Stephanie Ehmann
Whitney Gibbons
Entity Carter
Malyza C.

Finalists, congratulations! Your entries will now be submitted to a panel of judges who will determine the final outcome. Winners will be announced here on the blog on March 13th.

To the other entraints, thank you so much for entering Talentmania! You have no idea just how much your participation means to me. I truly loved and appreciated every single entry and would have advanced everyone on to the final round if I could. (Which would totally negated the purpose of having finalists--which is why I brought in two additional judges to help me with the selection process.)

Voters, be sure to come back on March 13th to see if you won one of the door prizes!

For a list of door prizes and to see what the finalists are competing to win, please refer to THIS POST.

Looking for something to tide you over until the 13th? You can read the first chapter of THE SAVAGE GRACE by clicking HERE.

And be sure to come back on March 8th when I'll post my playlist/soundtrack for THE SAVAGE GRACE.

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