
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Roundup of stuff you should know about

Hey folks-

Just a quick note to tell you about a few things you should know about:

1. The winner of the $20 iTunes giftcard was
Christine Chapman. (Egmont will contact you about claiming your prize.)

2. Yesterday, I sent out a bunch of special Dark Divine Valentine's Day Treats, but if you didn't get one, you can still go HERE to enjoy. Caution: Contains Much Hotness.

3. Loving all the entries for Dark Divine Fan Talentmania! The fan-fiction entries have been rolling in, but we still need some more Fan Art entries to round out the pack. If you love creating fan art, or know someone who does, throw your talent into the ring.
Also, I've decided to extend the deadline for Fan Art entries until February 20th so you all can have more time to work on your projects. (Note: the extension is for FAN ART ONLY.) For details about the contest, go HERE.


  1. Congrats to the winner!

    I loved the Valentines Day treats!

  2. That's great to hear! Here I though I wasn't going to make to the deadline.

    And congratulations to Christine! :)

  3. Man...I would LOVE to enter the fanart of this.

    (I'd probably have to have like a 3 month extension though...I'm so behind :p) Excited to see the entries

  4. Thank you for the extension! I sent my fan art entry yesterday. :)
