
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TLS Soundtrack: Song 3 + Countdown Contest Entry


Ready for the next installment on THE LOST SAINT soundtrack? (I'm kind of hoping the answer is yes, because I'm going to post it anyway.)

Song 3 is "Cold Water" by The Reindeer Section. This was a tough choice. There is so much about the song that is right, but it still feels like it's not exactly right, you know?. In the end, the pros outweighed the cons. The mood of the song is a little sadder than what I was looking for, but the title is perfect, as are most of the words.

We just came from a perfect moment between two people deeply in love with track 2, and what happens next is like someone stopped and threw a bucket of cold water all over them, interrupting that moment. It changes everything. There is a line at the end of each verse that perfectly captures Grace's feelings when this happens: "I am not ready." Grace struggles with this feeling a lot in the book-- a feeling of not being ready for the challenges and dangers she will face.

So without further ado, I give you "Cold Water."

I have to say, this has been a fun project. I love these songs and I love sharing them with you. Hopefully they are getting you excited for THE LOST SAINT, because it is definitely getting me excited. I can't wait to share the rest of the songs. There are so many on the soundtrack that are favorites and absolutely beautiful songs. Don't forget to comment to get another entry in the countdown contest. Thanks for reading/listening and I'll see you guys back here tomorrow for song 4.


  1. oh goodness this is getting me sooo ready for TLS!!! AMAZING songs!!!
    twimom101 at yahoo dot com

  2. I actually really like this one. It makes me want the book now!

  3. thanks for sharing! adding this song to my playlist too so I can listen to it when I read the book. :D

  4. First time I've heard this song, but I love it!! Another awesome song choice! I shared on Twitter as well:!/JeremyWest/status/9840125399793665

  5. I love these songs too! I cannot wait for TLS release. Thankyou Bree.


  6. this one makes me want to write too!

  7. Great song! I'm definitely adding this to my playlist :)
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  8. I have to admit this isn't my favorite song. I like the words but..... hmmm. Thanks for the post

  9. Not exactly my kind of music (it's a little too depressing), but a good song nevertheless :)

  10. I don't think I can wait any longer. This is really getting me excited for the book. Love the song.

  11. All these songs are teasing me!! But I love it! Can't wait for TLS!

  12. Another great song! Very mellow. Can't wait to read TLS!

  13. Good song. I really like the reindeer drawings :)

  14. I've never heard this song before. It's wonderful though. I'll definitely have to check this band out.

  15. Oh my goodness I love your taste in music, plus you are given me new music. And this song is so nice added to my list.

  16. I've not heard this song before. It's not my favorite, but I like it. I am so excited for the book to get here already!!

  17. This one is interesting...not sure yet. I feel like it will come in play later though.

  18. Yet another awesome song choice! Hadn't heard this one before.

  19. Music is such a huge part of writing for me. I love hearing the music you picked. Great songs so far. I can't wait for TLS!

  20. I like this song! First time I heard it.

    I tweeted:

  21. This is the first time I have heard this. But its great. Thanks for sharing!

    tweet -

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  22. These are beautiful lyrics.

    It's hard enough to believe you've left us
    But no goodbyes and no signs that you hurt
    I could cry like you should of years ago
    So I'll see you when I'm ready to go

    I really like this song and can't wait to see what it expresses in the book. I have an idea but I could be way off

  23. I love songs like this to write to. And I totally udnerstand the it's almost perfect for writing the mood I want thing!

  24. This one I most definitely did like. First one still stands as my favorite so far though. ;)

  25. This is the first time I have heard this one. It's really good!

  26. It's too bad that this song isn't *quite* perfect; I love it! (Thanks for the little explanation of how it relates to Grace)

  27. It's my first time listening to this song but it's really good!

  28. This song sounds awesome! I can't wait to read The Lost Saint!!!

  29. Yet another good one!
    Emily ebdye1(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. I love these songs! Can't wait to listen to them while I read TSL :)

  31. This one i do hear! No need to look for it! :P
    By far I think my favorite song, never heard from them before, but I really like it! Which is weird I don't like random songs unless I've heard them twice or thrice before. Love the reindeer and the baby reindeer they are so cute.
    I might actually become obsess with this song, all thanks to you. :P

  32. This song is terribly sad, but I love it nonetheless. The lyrics are really beautiful.


  33. I at least like the name of this song! :)

    thecozyreader @

  34. So cool! Tweet:

    ashleysbookshelf at gmail dot com

  35. Great marketing idea to post your songs!

  36. So Im doing these post's and Im a little worried, not sure if my entry will go through or not, Im using my gmail address and thats google right? I hope I win!!!

  37. My favorite song so far. I just love the acoustic guitar and being able to hear the singer's voice without it sounding endlessly edited and electronic and fake.


  38. I'm sitting in my kitchen with my roommates, watching the rain outside, playing all the TLS songs and enjoying Christmas pancakes! My favorite kind of day. Thanks for the music!!!
