
Friday, July 16, 2010

Bree's Book-Bag Blowout Contest Winner and other updates

Hey all!

I turned in copyedits for TLS at about 2:45 a.m. this morning, and the manuscript is getting type-set right now for ARCs. I can't wait to see it in book form!

Here are a few things you should be aware of . . . and the winner of the big book-bag blowout contest.

1. Have you voted yet in the fan-made TLS cover contest yet? Voting goes until July 18th, so be sure to pop over to Page Turner's blog and cast your vote for your favorite fan-made cover. The winner will be announced on July 19th. Click HERE to see all the fabulous fan-art and vote for your favorite.

2. Did you hear that the real cover for THE LOST SAINT will be revealed right here on my blog on July 20th? And I'm sure I will have some sort of contest to celebrate.

3. On to the the blowout winner...

Yowza, guys! Between comments here on my blog and entries sent by email, there were over 1100 entries in the Book-Bag Blowout Contest. We counted each entry and then used to choose our winner. As I write this post, the TDD trailer stands at 4,433 views. That's pretty darn close to 4,500, so I'm going to let the winner choose 9 books to go in the book-bag.

And the winner is: Jessica at Confessions of a Bookaholic!!

Jessica, please choose 9 books from this list (from Groups A & B) and email me at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com with your choices and mailing address.

Thank you everyone for entering the contest! I am so so happy with how well everyone spread the word about the TDD trailer. We've been rockin' the internets for the last couple of weeks. We didn't quite get enough views to add THE LOST SAINT to the bag, so I will have to come up with another fun way to give that ARC away in the future. Any suggestions?

That's all for now.

Be sure to come back here on the 20th for the TLS cover reveal. I so can't wait to show it to you all.


  1. Awesome Jessica!!!! Congrats!!!

    And thanks Bree for the contest! Can't wait to see the cover!

  2. Congrats, Jessica!!! Awesome contest, Bree! Thanks for having it!! :D

  3. OMG I am...literally...shaking like crazy!! I never DREAMED I would win this.
    O...M...G!!! Thank you so so much Bree for this amazing giveaway!

    I will be emailing you very shortly!! :)

    Now, back to shaking..AHHH!!!!

  4. Congrats Jessica!!

    I'm still highly anticipating the cover revealing!! I can't wait to see it =)

  5. Wahoo Jessica!!!! and wahoo for getting so many views!!!

    My copy of TDD just arrived in the mail. It's so pretty.

    But I just realized I'm gonna be in surgery when you reveal the cover. Drat! That means I won't get to see it until they let me go home two days later! Grrr!!

    Oh well. It'll still be here when I get back. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congrats Jessica! You're one lucky winner!

  8. Ahh, HERE you are! One of our members asked us to put The Dark Devine up on our site so they can 'cast' it (we're, the [free] premier site for the emerging hobby of 'fantasy casting'). If you want to cast it, we can give you an Author Account. And, as soon as you have cover art & synopsis, we'll put TLS up for casting as well - maybe your ARC readers will cast! Go have fun with your fans!

    Jeff Reid
    "for the movie in your mind"

  9. Love the new cover!

    I wrote about it on FB


    So I guess 3 pts?

    : ) Coll
