
Monday, May 24, 2010

Egmont Debut Week: Lindsay Eland

Hey all-

This is a special week for me: I'm heading off to NYC for Book Expo America. I get to meet my editor and many other authors and industry folk. The idea of navigating around NYC on my own has me a bit terrified (can you say "directionally challenged"?) and hubby just watched a movie about girls who get kidnapped by slave traffickers at an airport so he's kind of wigging out. But really, I know it's going to be a blast.

While I'm away, I'm going to be participating in a blog tour for Egmont USA authors--hosted by Egmont USA authors--to celebrate the debut of several Egmont Spring titles. I'll be visiting their blogs, and hosting them here in Readbree land.

First up is the wonderful Lindsay Eland who's book SCONES AND SENSIBILITY shared a debut day with my book back in December. She's graciously answered a few fun questions for us and has offered a small giveaway for readers. (So stay tuned.)

First a little bit about Lindsay and her adorable book:

SCONES AND SENSIBILITY: Overly-romantic and overly-dramatic 12-year-old, Polly Madassa, decides to matchmaker for the people in her small beach town...whether they want to be or not.

Bio: Lindsay Eland lives in the
mountains of Colorado with her husband, their four kids, one dog, three rats, and the various other foxes, bears, and elk that venture into their backyard.

On to the questions:

1. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

My first thought would be to be able to fly but...but then I realized that I throw up almost every time I fly, so I think that one would have to be ruled out. Let's see...I'd like to be able to talk to animals and trees and things...that would be super interesting, unless of course the dog or the tree has nothing interesting to say. Still, that would be awesome-sauce.

2. Pretend you're on death row . . . What crime have you been accused of committing (it can be a funny/absurd/unheard of crime)? Are you innocent or guilty? What would your last meal be?

I've been accused of committing the unpardonable sin of eating the Queen of England's last chocolate eclair...the one she has every single night. And though I wish I was filled with even a tiny bit of remorse for doing what I did...because I did do it...I'm not in the least sorry cause it was extra good. And my last meal would most definitely be...chocolate eclairs.

3. If you could go on a date with any fictional character, who would it me? What would you do?

Edward Cullen, of course. He would throw me onto his back and before we made our way through the trees to the beautiful meadow, he would turn to me and say, "Hang on tight, Spidermonkey." Which I have to say, is the worst most-cheesy line in all of movie-dom...and that's why I love it...I can't help laugh every time I even think about it. And a guy I date has to be funny.

Okay folks, time for a giveaway. Lindsay is giving away a signed bookmark and a vintage lace handkerchief to a lucky commentor. Since Lindsay's character, Polly, works in a bakery, she'd like to know what your favorite baked good. So comment away! The winner will be announced some time next week.

I'm visiting Kay Cassidy's blog today. Go check out the interview and leave comment there for a chance to win some TDD nail polish.

P.S. If you're going to be at BEA, I'm signing on Wednesday at 4:00pm. Come visit me!


  1. Have yourself a great time, Bree!

  2. You can do NYC!! Max and I did it two summers ago. We went all over the place. The subway makes it relatively hard to get lost, and using google maps on my iphone (mine is too old to have GPS) took us the rest of the way. It was so fun. You'll love it. You can even go shopping since you won't have crazy little kids with you!!

  3. Have fun in NYC!

    I'm not sure what my favorite bakery treat is. Probably pan au chocolat from a Parisian bakery. But I also wouldn't say no to an eclair--who doesn't love cream filled wonders with chocolate on top?

  4. Have fun, you totally deserve it. NYC isn't that hard to navigate it is on a grid system just like SL. Try not to get attacked by too many fans and industry people!

  5. Wish I could go to NYC with you, but alas, I don't think I'll ever get to travel. For now, I'll enjoy my bakery chocolate muffin (or danish, or old fashioned donut, or . . . I guess it depends on my mood for the day) and dream of NYC or Paris or a little Italian bistro . . . anywhere but rainy, snowy, here.

    -Tawnya (

  6. Have fun in NYC!

    My favorite bakery delight would have to be a flaky scone with tart berries of any variety. mmmmmm.

  7. Have a great time, Bree! My favorite bakery delight is warm cookies, scones, and well, just about everything! :) I have a major sweet tooth.

  8. Oh I love NYC! If you get lost just hop in a cab, they know where everything is. Have a great time.

  9. I hope you have a great trip. My bakery weakness would have to be orange rolls. Perfect combination of bitter and sweet.

  10. GOod luck in NYC, I'm so jealous! ;-) I'm sure you'll have an awesome time at BEA and navigating the Big Apple.

    This was a fun interview and I've been wanting to pick up this book, it looks really cute.

  11. Hope you have a blast in NYC!

    Thanks for hanging out with me when we were in town. I know your time is precious. I hope it didn't stress you out too much. It was so fun to chat. I miss you!!!

  12. My current favorite bakery treat is a recipe I recently discovered: Mandarin Orange Cocoa Torte. Delicious!

    Have fun in NYC and watch out for those white-slavery-trafficking-guys!
