
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Debut Dinner & Schedule of Author Events

So thank you to everyone who sent in pics of TDD in the wild! The winner of the contest is: Sherry Bennett. Email me at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize.

Let's do the schedule first and then get on to the fun stuff (pictures!!).


1. The Official Launch Party for THE DARK DIVINE will be this Saturday (January 2nd) at 3pm at The King's English Book Store. I'll be speaking, reading, signing . . . and there will be nail polish! Come one, come all!

2. On January 5th, I will be the special quest on the "Book and a Chat" show on You can listen online, and even call in and ask me questions.

3. On January 6th, is hosting a group chat in honor of TDD. Come chat with us and ask me your questions.

4. I'll be doing a reading and signing at the West Jordan (Jordan Landing) Barnes & Noble on January 16th at 2pm.

5. I'll be participating in an Authorpalooza at the Sandy B&N on February 6th. This is a great opportunity to meet several local authors at once, and pick up great V-day gifts for your friends and family.

6. On February 13th I will be signing books at the Orem B&N. Come get a signed TDD for the special someone in your life--just in time for Valentine's day.

Okay, now on to the really fun stuff:

Since my official launch party isn't going to be until January 2nd, I was kind of sad thinking that December 22nd might come and go without any big bang, or fun way to celebrate. But never fear, my Mom was all over the idea of throwing a party for my close friends and family. We enlisted the help of my long-time BFF Michelle Sallay (professional wedding planner and photographer) to help us with the planning, and what she gave me was a beautiful once-in-a-life-time shindig that I will never forget.

My parents let us clear out their furniture and set up tables and chairs. Michelle used the purple theme of the book cover and decorated with purple and silver Christmas balls, purple flowers, and lots of candles.
My mom and sisters spent about two days cooking in order to make a feast for the crowd. There were tons of appetizers, yummy salad, the main course was Meredith Divine's famous Turkey ala king (from the book) and for dessert we had Grace Divine's delicious caramel apple pie (also from the book).
But the only thing that could top the amazing decorations and decadent food were the many close friends and family members who braved a terrible snow storm in order to celebrate with me. Everyone who was there was somebody who was influential on my path to become a published author. This night wouldn't have even been possible without them, and I am so glad they were there on this important night with me.
Me and my boys
Me and Brodi, just after I accidentally grabbed Brodi's boob. . .
and then I had to put a quarter in the boob jar for saying the word--again.

Kid Z, just after throwing a 20 minute fit about having to dress up for the party
James Dashner trying to explain why he didn't dress up for the party--or, you know, shave.
Me and writing buddies: Jamie Wood, Gaylene Wilson, and Kim Woodruff.
These are the friends who challenged me to finish writing TDD a couple of years ago.

Me and my man
The SIX, up to our usual antics
This evening also marked the first meeting of all members of The Other SIX.
They seem to have hit it off nicely. Cruise, here we come!

Me, apparently telling a funny story to my high school BFF, Nicole Hansen
My wonderful dad, getting a little choked up.
And that's my mom in the corner. She kept hiding from the camera all night.

And finally, me with Nicole Hansen and the amazing Michelle Sallay who planned the event.

Huge, huge, thanks go out to my parents and siblings for helping with the party. And big thanks to Michelle Sallay for all the decorating and for taking such wonderful pictures. If you need an event planner or photographer, you should check out her website HERE. Also, you can see Michelle's favorite pics from the party on her blog HERE.


  1. Hi Bree :)
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful night. It looks like an amazing time, surrounded by those you love. Congratulations!
    I was thinking that the "other Six" would probably have great stories to tell each other about the foibles of writerwives...
    Here's to a magnificent 2010!
    Love & Best Wishes,

  2. That was such a fabulous night. Especially when you grabbed my boob. It made it even more special.

    Anything to make us contribute to the Boob Jar!

  3. What a gorgeous party. Good friends, good food, good fun. I can't imagine a better way to kick start your debut. Congratulations! It looks like a blast.

  4. Oh Bree, this post is just littered with my name and I didn't even win a contest! (prepare for cheesy love to follow as this comment continues) What I did win was the friend lottery!

    I am so stinking proud of you, and helping with this night was a lot of work, but SO worth it because you deserved it. AND since you have been delighting my life for almost 15 years now, I feel like one lucky cookie!


  5. I agree with Michelle 100% we're the winners because we get to be your friend. I am so proud of you too. This night was so fun, thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. Congratulations Bree! It looks like you had a wonderful evening. I loved the decorations.

    Hey, did you know, they have almost the exact same shade of purple on the Wii. That means you can make all sorts of little Mii people in TDD colors! (Why yes, I have already made my version of Daniel. He kicks some major behind when he plays tennis.)

  7. That night was so fun! Congratulations again! I love you guys.

  8. This debut party looks amazing. I am so glad it turned out - since I share a cubie wall with your hubby, I listened to the wonderful details of this night for weeks! ;)

    On another note - I bought the book and read it within a day - it was fantastic! I can't wait for the sequel and many more wonderful books from your long writing career. Good luck!

  9. Looks like a fab night! I'm glad you did something to celebrate! You deserve it.

    I'll be there on Jan 2nd. can't wait!

  10. Rob- Thank you for your kind words.

    Nicole & Michelle- I am so glad you guys were there!

    Brodi- I'll be happy to add the boob jar any time, baby. Let's get to the Caribbean!

    Nkrell- A Daniel Mii?! We just got a Wii for Christmas. i am totally going to have to make Daniel & Jude Miis who can battle it out in the boxing game. Sweet!

    Jackie- hope Brick doesn't drive you crazy as a cubical wall buddy. But I'm glad you loved the book!

    Olivia- I am so happy that you will be at the launch party.

    Everyone else, I love you!

  11. This was the classiest party I have ever been to. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you! Many thanks to your family and friends for being such wonderful hosts.

  12. Have a great 2010!
    PS: I just got my copy of TDD. Can NOT freaking wait to start it. I love the "new cover".

  13. Sorry I couldn't be there, Bree. Looks like I missed out on great food and fun. Congrats, anyway! I'm excited for you.

  14. Wow-your party looks so beautiful. I love all the purple (and I'm a total pink girl, so that's saying something!) I'm so glad you had a great release with family and friends. Good luck in the New Year!

  15. This is so sweet, Bree! I'm SO GLAD you were able to celebrate the launch before the holidays - it's double the fun! :-) What a lovely family and wonderful you have, honey. Yay!

    (And I can't wait for your post about the launch party at TKE too!!!)

  16. So exciting, Bree! It was a ton of fun to be at the TDD launch party yesterday, and I'll be at the B&N on the 16th to get some copies of the book I'm sending overseas to soldiers. Congrats!

  17. What a fantastic way to celebrate the debut of your book! The party looks like a blast and so very very beautiful! Congrats!

  18. I just blogged a silly story about your nail polish that I got at your launch party (which was FAB by the way!)
