
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Countdown to THE DARK DIVINE Contest: Again!!!

So um, HOLY CRAP!!! It's only 3 months away until the release of THE DARK DIVINE!!! I can't believe it. So you guys know what this means: It's contest time!

Lately, I've been giving away ARCs of THE DARK DIVINE, but since two awesome bloggers are hosting ARC + SWAG giveaways this week, I'll steer you guys over to their blogs to enter to win an ARC of TDD.

The first is:
The Bookologist

The second is:
Windowpane Memiors

And for a third chance to win a TDD ARC this month, check out this awesome contest for the upcoming HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick that Fantastic Book Reviews and The Book Butterfly are running here.

As for my own contest, I've decided to do something extra special this month. . .

My publisher, Egmont, is a powerhouse publisher in Europe and the UK, but their American arm of the company, Egmont USA, is brand new to the US. In fact, their first line of books for the US market has just started rolling out over the last few weeks. Well, I've been collecting their books as they've popped up in my local bookstore so I can give them away to you guys. (Fun fact about Egmont: they are owned by a non-for-profit company that donates all of their proceeds to childrens' charities. So buying an Egmont book actually helps kids!)

So to celebrate the countdown to TDD, and the launch of Egmont USA, I'm going to be giving away some of the Egmont books that have been released so far. . . along with some other goodies I've picked up at recent signings.

Grand Prize: 3 Egmont books of your choice (you can choose from this list but some may require a pre-order as not everything on the list has been released yet)

2nd Prize: Autographed copies of Shannon Hale's FOREST BORN and BOOK OF A THOUSAND DAYS

3rd Prize: An autographed copy of Michelle Zink's PROPHECY OF THE SISTERS

That's 6 books total that I'm giving away!

So here's what you have to do to enter:

1.) Qualify - Must be a blog follower to qualify (so go hit that button over there already :P)
2.) +1 Answer the question below in a comment to this post
3.) +1 Get an extra entry for following me or @egmontusa on twitter (one additional entry for each)
4.) +3 Blog about the contest in a blog post (side-bar mentions get +1)
5.) +1 Tweet the contest
6.) +2 Become a fan of Egmont USA's Facebook page

Now for the fun part. Reply to the following question in a comment to get the conversation going--

If you are/were a student in junior high or high school, and an author came to visit your creative writing or English class, what would you want them to talk about? The creative writing process? How to get published? Their own story of getting published? The industry in general? How to get one of your best friends to yell "belly boobs" to a elevator full of people? And.... go.

UPDATE: Contest ends Monday, September 28th at 11:59 p.m. I'll post winners the next day, so be sure to come back and look for you name.


  1. +1 follower
    +1 twitter follower (you)
    +1 twitter follower (edgmontusa)
    +2 became a fan of the Edgmont USA facebook page

    +1 What would I want an author to talk about if they came to my Creative Writing Class?

    --Depending greatly on what they had already spoken about I would want to know if at any point in the entire process--from starting the manuscript, to submissions, rejections, acceptance, etc etc--they felt that it was all a waste of time, that all those hours spent toiling away could have been spent on more lofty pursuits or their education or their career and if, even for a split moment, they felt like giving up was the best option.

    This is something I am struggling with because i'm being told from every 'support' but one that the time I'm wasting on writing my little stories could be better spent worrying about what I will do with my life to put food on the table. 'We know you can write really well, but wait until you have a job and financial stability before you devote so much time to it'. I want to know how other writers handle that sort of thing.


  2. Hi Bree!
    Thanks for the great post
    I'm looking forward to THE DARK DIVINE.
    I love how you have a nail polish color named for it.
    I Follow you on Twitter and I'm a Member of your site.
    When I was a high school student and writing all the time (in class & at home) I would have loved to have an author talk about the creative writing process (re: don't expect perfection on your first draft = which I learned through reading advice in Writers' Digest) and when to stop re-writing and send the writing out, and, most importantly, how to keep writing and not focus on just one story.
    All the best,

  3. +1: follower
    +1: sidebar here:

    +1: answer:

    Actually, I'm not quite interested in publish myself, so I'd rather hear them talk about their own creative process: how they had their first ideas about the book, how they made the characters evolve, how many times they despaired while writing the book... and if it was worth it (obviously, they would say YES, IT WAS, but did they really think that at the time, when they were writing a difficult passage, when they were reading rejection letters, when they were reading bad reviews?)

    so... there it is.

    My email: librojoven(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Thank you for posting this!!

  4. Congrats - 3 months will fly by!! I can't wait until The Dark Divine is released, I've been itching to read it since I read the excerpt =)

    Qualify - Following you!
    +1 Answered the question
    +1 I clicked to follow you yesterday, but it didn't show on my list of 'following' or your follows. So I unfollowed, then re-followed... still nothing! Twitter is glitching on me, I'll keep trying! My twitter is @peacelovevegan
    +1 Well egmontusa is being nice and letting me follow!
    +1 Sidebar -

    Hmm, if an author came to visit my English class back in high school I would have loved them to talk about where they find their inspiration from - I always find it interesting and enlightening how and where it just suddenly hits people. I'd love to hear about their own routines and methods of creating the story.

    Any advice on how they encourage themselves through the negative criticism, rejections and self-destructive thoughts. Also, ask if they have any objections to me crawling into their ear and nestling myself in the super-awesome-creative-VIP-room of their brain. I promise not to steal ideas... just innocent observations of creative genius at play!

    Seriously awesome contest, thanks!!

  5. +1 follower

    +1 I would've liked an author to talk about their first stories, their inspirations, their reaction when they found out they were getting published, the rejection letters, etc.

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  6. A lot of authors we had come and talk to us spent a lot of time talking about their books, which was interesting, but I ended up with this idea that writers always have this story in their head and one day just sit down and pop it out. It seemed so effortless. Since I wasn't having the same experience I assumed I must not be a writer.
    I really would have liked someone to talk about what was difficult and some of the things they did to overcome it. Like when they have a story going nowhere. Or when they just don't feel like writing. Or if they suddenly realized they lost a characters voice.

  7. +1 I follow you on Twitter
    +1 I follow EgmontUSA

    +1 answer to the question: I'd be most interested in learning about the writing process. It's always interested me how different authors have different planning/writing strategies.

  8. Gimme three for becoming a fan of Egmont USA on FB and for this:
    First, I would want an author to talk about where their idea for the 'current' book originated. I would be interested in hearing the time they put into just the writing portion.
    I would want to hear about other ideas they'd had for books and why they didn't go with them or why they were flawed.
    Then I'd want to hear what they did after they were done writing ie the steps toward getting an agent, publisher, etc.
    I would also want to hear about the realistic timeframe for all of this.
    Wait...I want to know all this now. :)

  9. I'd want to know the basics of everything, like the process, and how many drafts it can take to really make it good enough, and how many years of practice it takes most people to do this well, like Martine's musical instrument analogy, and some basics of the industry. Maybe some basic tips on writing better. And then maybe a handout of resources to learn more.

  10. +1 follower
    +1 question
    I would want them to talk about how they write. Do they plot everything out before hand? Do they start writing and see where it goes? And then, I would like him/her to continue to their story of writing and getting published. Was it a long, difficult road, or what?

    Thanks! This is such a cool contest, and a great question! I love reading the answers.
    Morning Glow
    ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

  11. +1 follower on Twitter
    +1 answer the question:

    We had an author speak in my high school creative writing class. I still remember it. I think the creative writing process is important. To this day I don't know how to plot out a book or any of those technical things. For sure your writing story- beginning to getting published. And, oh man, the "belly boobs" story would REALLY make you memorable!

    I think its also important to talk about rejection & having people edit. I remember the author that spoke at ours brought in their transcript so we were able to see how long it was & how marked up it was too. Kind of cool.

  12. I am a follower (obviously)

    Answer to question:
    I would want them to talk about the writing process and how they got into the publishing biz (their publisher story). I know lots of people want to know tips for getting in themselves, but I think it's more interesting to hear about how one author writes and how they got published (not everything that worked for one will work for another).

  13. +1 follower
    +1 answer question
    +3 blog-
    +2 fan of Egmont USA Facebook

    All of the above! I would want to hear a little about how you get ideas and follow them through and your own story/how to get published and how you stay motivated and dedicated and all that good stuff! Tell lots of your true stories. Stories are easier to follow and more interesting to listen too. Belly boobs might not be so relatable to the junior high/high school set LOL (no, I'm not jealous- ok maybe just a little. It's not wrong to miss my pre-prego body a little bit.)

  14. What a awesome contest!

    +1 All of that would be great! But I would be specially interested in the creative process and how you get published.. and some anecdotes would be interesting to hear too!

    +1 following you on twitter

    +1 falowing @egmontusa on twitter

    +1 Tweet the contest

  15. -I follow you
    -I follow on twitter: @shootingstarmag
    -I follow egmontusa on twitter: @shootingstarmag
    -answering question:

    If you are/were a student in junior high or high school, and an author came to visit your creative writing or English class, what would you want them to talk about?

    I would be interested in their writing process and how long it took or what they had to do to get published. I think those are the main things people would be interested in when it comes to creative writing. Maybe the pros and cons of being an author...misconceptions of being an author would be nice since some people believe they are all super rich or something HAH!

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  16. +1 follower

    +1 If an author were to come to my school and teach creative writing I would want to learn about how to get the book published, and what they had to do to even get a publisher's eyes on their book. I'd want to know how they wrote it and what methods they used, and I'd love for them to give us tips and advice on our own work.

  17. Actually, it doesn't take much to get me to blurt "belly boobs" at the drop of a hat.

  18. I would love it if an author would talk about their writing themselves and what they do to plan out their writing as well as what to do when they get stuck and don't know where to go next. Also maybe their personal story to publication - what they did right, what they did wrong.

    I am a follower
    +1 Answered the question
    +2 follow you and @egmontusa on twitter @thebookcellarx
    +1 link in my sidebar
    +2 Became a fan of Egmont USA's Facebook page

    Can't wait for The Dark Divine to come out :)

    :) Erica

  19. Enter me! I'm a follower.
    2.) +1 I'd want them to talk about how they got started writing and how they first got published. Umm..where they get ideas and tips on how to best get words onto paper.
    3.) +2 I'm a follower of both o Twitter

  20. I'm a follower already and I follow you and Egmont already on Twitter.

    Answer to the Question:

    I think I would like them answer all of those questions! But obviously we don't have all day (I only have 60 minute classes) so I think I would like them to tell their story of getting published, talk about the industry, and talk about writing and give some advice for the future writers.

    Thanks Bree!


  21. I also tweeted @thebookcellarx (sorry to do 2 comments)

  22. I'd like to hear their own story of getting published.

    Possibly how to get one of my best friends to yell "belly boobs" to a elevator full of people, too! 'Cause that sounds hilarious.

    +1 Question
    +1 Following you on twitter (@omgitswendy)

  23. +2 I follow you and egmontusa on Twitter.
    +1 I tweeted the contest.
    +1 If you came to my school, I would want you to talk about how you got into writing, how you got brave enough to write and the steps that led you to being and believing you could be an author.

    neohippy10 hotmail

  24. Hi Bree, I can't wait to read your book! love the cover!

    Qualified follower
    +1 I would want to hear about the industry in general-the truth-and the organization process for taking an idea and putting it on paper.


  25. +1 Follow you on twitter. (I'm pinkahir.)
    +Sidebar at:

    I'm a middle schooler-well, homeschooling middle schooler. If a successful published author came to my creative writing class I'd want her/him to talk about their writing, tips for writing, and maybe a little about getting published. I'm an aspiring writer myself, and these are things that I'm eagerly searching for.

    shutupjessicasreading at gmaildotcom


  26. +1 I'm a blog follower, +1 I follow you on twitter, +1 I follow egmontusa on twitter, +2 I'm a fan on facebook and +1 to answer the question:

    I would want to hear about the industry in general and the process of getting published. It's hard for kids who want to be writers when they have no idea how to get started. It's always great to hear the firsthand experience and get tips on how to jump in. In fact I'd love to hear that speech myself!

  27. + 1 Blog follower
    + 1 question
    + 2 Twitter follower of you and Egmont (username @Kiirs)
    + 1 tweeted the contest
    + 2 fan of Egmont on Facebook
    = 7 points

    I always like to hear what made the writer get started on writing. That's always interesting to me. I also want to know about their submission process and how long it took to get accepted, and what they did when they first heard their manuscript was accepted.

    Also...what does it feel like to walk into a bookstore and see YOUR book on the shelf? I can only imagine. And what cool/good/interesting experiences have you had with readers of your book? And what's the most fun/hardest part of writing?

  28. +1 for answering the question
    +1 for following you on twitter @bianca1946
    +1 for following egmontusa
    +1 for tweeting about his contest
    +2 for becoming a fan of Egmont USA

    Well, since I am a sophomore in high school and an author came to my English class I would love for them to talk about the industry in general! I want to write a book or two one day and I would love to get information by someone who is actually in the business!

    infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

  29. +1 I'm already a follower

    I would ask an author what are some of the things she did while still in high school in order to become a better writer.


  30. I'm a follower :)

    +1 I really want to know what authors do when they're not feeling creative. I mean take a break? Eat a cookie? Music? Bang head on keyboard? And stuff that inspires them.


  31. Hey Bree!

    Don't enter me but I would like to give you a huge thank you for posting about your contest that I'm hosting. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    -The Bookologist

  32. I now follow!

    If a writer visited my creative writing class, I would've wanted to know about how they plot, particularly if they don't outline, since outlining rarely works for me. How do they avoid writing themselves into holes, etc.

  33. Im a follower

    +1 I would want to know about the whole process from start to finish of the writing, publishing, etc.

    +1 follow you on twitter @throuthehaze

    +1 follow egmontusa on twitter @throuthehaze

    +2 Egmont USA FB fan-Rae Pavey

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  34. Hey all! I was without internet access yesterday so I feel like I'm so behind on comments. I feel like I want to answer all of your questions right here . . . but I guess I have to save all that info for my author presentations. Thanks for all the great ideas!


    Wow, I think that is a problem all writers struggle with. Sometimes I think I should throw in the towel, but I don't think I could stop writing even if I tried. It is so much a part of who I am.

    However, realistically, it takes A LOT of time to become a successful author. It took me 9 1/2 years of serious writing before I sold my first manuscript. And the majority of authors don't make enough money to support a family on just that income. (However, I personally know several who do, so it's not impossible.)

    I strongly believe that life experiences are the best writing lessons. Getting an education and working in an interesting career are things that are only going to make you a better writer--and put food on the table in the meantime. Early in my writing career, I went to college and worked as a special needs nanny. I allowed myself 2 to 4 hours a day to work on my writing . . . and that's pretty much how much time I STILL get in day to purely work on just my writing.

    If you love to write, then keep writing. There will always be people around you who don't get it--even when you are published and successful. My recommendation is to give yourself a 5 to 10 year plan to get published, write everyday, and soak up as many life experiences and education as you can along the way. Good Luck!

    Hope that helps!

  35. I'm now a follower. Hurray for this great giveaway!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  36. I'd ask the author where did he/she get the inspiration to write the books, and how to get a book published. If the author is writing historical fiction, maybe I'd ask them to help me on History! :p

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  37. I mentioned this exciting giveaway on my sidebar!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  38. And here's my tweet:

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  39. Amazing contest, thanks! I follow you.
    adrienne2093 at comcast dot net

  40. +1 I follow!


  41. +1 I would talk to the visiting writer about how she got published and just anything else about him or her that he/she would be willing to share! Writers are exciting people!


  42. What an awesome giveaway! I didn't realize Egmont was new in the US but already they look like they have some great books.

    I am a follower.
    +1 I would want them to talk about their story of getting published & that process (although the belly boobs would make an interesting story. LOL)
    +1 I already follow you
    +1 I already follow EgmontUSA
    +1 I retweeted the giveaway(debworldofbooks)
    +2 I am a fan of Egmont USA on FB

    BTW, I had a chance to review The Dark Divine (I think you mentioned it was the first review you saw posted) and loved it!

  43. Hi Bree,

    I am so excited to read The Dark Divine. I've been following you on your blog and twitter and love hearing about everything. By the way, this is an awesome contest, which I am sure you all ready know.

    Umm, I guess to answer your question, I am always curious to know about the writting process that authors have. I know that everyones is different, but it is fun to see and I always sit there and think about it after I read a book. I loved seeing the pic the other day of your walls. You're definitely a visual person.

    Thanks for the fun contest, best of luck in th upcoming months!!


  44. I'd love to be entered!!

    +1 I would definitely want to know about the creative process and the steps to publishing!
    +1 follower!
    +1 Follow you on twitter! (SabriHorande)
    +1 Follow Egmont on Twitter
    +1 Link on sidebar:


  45. What a great contest! Please enter me!

    +1 I would want to know what made the writer write his/her latest book and how the characters were created
    +1 I follow you on twitter
    +1 I follow egmontusa on twitter
    +1 I tweeted the contest here
    +2 I became a fan of Egmont USA's facebook page
    +5 And I blogged about the contest here.


  46. I would like to know what inspires them to get the creative juices flowing.
    I am a new follower of this blog.

  47. +1 I'll like to ask the author how the industry in general works. I already heard so many stories on how an author created his/her book, and even though I like those stories, I really really really want to work in the industry, so a few tips would be awesome!!

    +1 following @egmontusa on twitter (@tradufromhell)

    +1 following @breedespain on twitter (@tradufromhell)

    +1 Tweet the contest

    Please enter me!
    juiceb0xx at hotmail dot com

  48. oops, sorry, I logged in with my wrong account! I'm Traduções LOL

  49. Hi Bree, I can't get my computer to allow me to follow you but I've sure tried. And I like you. And I like the Dark Divine A LOT. Does that count for something? I think I even follow Egmont on Twitter, if I remember right. I'll have to look.

    What I would have liked an author to talk about back when I was in HS and not really interested in writing books myself is their early writing. Like it would have been cool if they read something truly awful they wrote in elementary school/HS and then read something they'd published recently. Stuff like that is funny and entertaining sometimes, if you can dig up something bad enough. But it's also inspiring to people of all talents and interests that they don't have to be the best TODAY at what they like to do to be the best SOMEDAY.

  50. I am a follower.

    +1 I have been writing since I was a child (not published) and if an author would have visited my English class (would have been awesome!), I would have liked him/her to tell us about the creative process...motivation, ideas, research, etc....and his or her own story of getting published...for inspiraton.

    +1 I already follow you on Twitter @truebookaddict
    +1 now following @egmontusa (same handle as above)

    +1 posted on blog right sidebar

    +1 tweeted contest

    +2 now a fan of Egmont USA on Facebook (Michelle Stockard Miller)


    Thanks for another awesome contest!

  51. Um. . . I want to know about the belly boobs for sure, cause I am your sister and apparently don't know enough about your life.

    For real though, The industry, your stories always surprise me as far as the process and how hard it is to get in, yet there are still crappy books. Yours is totally not, and so why was it so hard?

    as far as all the +1 options, Um. . . I don't know how to do that stuff.
    +1 I Think I am a follower, I am always following up on your blog
    +1 answer question
    -3 i don't tweet or facebook
    -1 how do I do a sidebar mention?

  52. Hi Bree,

    Ok so here goes...
    I am a follower of your blog (pre-requisite met)
    +1 I would ask them about their own trials & tribulations in pursuing their dream of being a published author.
    +1 I put you on Facebook since I don't have Twitter (Don't know if that have to add me as a friend {Anna Shah Hoque})
    +3 Posted on my blog about the contest (
    +1 Added to side-bar the countdown for the Dark Divine @ my blog (
    +2 Became a Fan on Egmont USA's Facebook page

    Well, that's all for now...Thanks for holding such a great contest.

    Anna Shah Hoque

  53. By the way, my Facebook details are as follows :

    Thanks again
    Anna Shah Hoque

  54. Okay, first the random points stuff:

    +2 I follow both you and EgmontUSA on Twitter (I'm @stephxsu)
    +1 (+3) I mentioned this in my sidebar, and will include it in my giveaway roundup post later today
    +2 I am a Facebook fan of EgmontUSA

    To answer your question: WOW! I wish that could've happened when I was in high school. I'm curious about how authors wrote their very first novel. How did you continue writing in the face of frustration, uncertainty, and rejections? What do you do when you have writer's block? How strict was your writing schedule?

    stephxsu at gmail dot com

  55. That's a great contest! Thanks!

    I would've liked to hear about the creative writing process. We all have ideas, but how do you put them together?

  56. I think I would like to know more about the author's journey to becoming an author and how that whole industry works.
    +1 following you on twitter @bookgoil
    +1 following @egmontusa on twitter
    +1 Tweeted:
    +1 Tweet the contest:
    +2 Become a fan of Egmont USA's Facebook page (Kristen Nielsen)

  57. +1 i tweeted:

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  58. +3 i blogged-

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  59. +2 fan on facebook of Egmont USA: Lauren Becker

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  60. I am a follower :D

    +2 Following both on Twitter (@chloeeesays)

    +1 Tweet:

    +1 I would want the author to talk about getting published, including their own personal road to publication, and the background behind their inspiration, writing process, and most recent book.


  61. +1 I always like to hear about how different jobs that authors worked contributed to their writing. It always makes me feel like working crappy jobs will one day get me somewhere or that I'll get something out of it! :)

    +2 I follow you and Egmont (@thehidingspot)

    +1 contest linked to sidebar @

    +1 linked in tweet (@thehidingspot)

    +2 I'm a fan of Egmont on Facebook (Sara Grochowski)

    Thanks for the contest!

  62. I am a follower
    +1-If an author had visited my high school, I think I'd ask them to get into the creative process. I'd like to know how they developed their story and organized it to make it flow well. I'd also ask about the editing process and how they decided just what advice to take when adding scenes/info and making cuts.
    +1 Following you on twitter
    +1 Following egmontusa on twitter
    +2 Became a fan of Egmont USA's facebook page (Nikki Meiggs)


  63. +1 I would want an author to honestly sit down and tell me how they came up with a story worth telling. Did it come to them in a dream? Had they been planning it for years? How did they take it from an idea to a full-blown novel?
    +1 following you
    +1 following @egmontusa

    love your blog bree!

  64. This sounds like an awesome contest! Please enter me.

    I became a follower!!

    +1 I am not a very good writer but I do greatly enjoy thinking up plots and characters. My problem is that all of my plots and characters end up pretty similar to other plots/characters I’ve thought up or plots/characters from other books. So I would probably ask the author for some advice and tips on creating/thinking-up unique, imaginative characters/plots.


  65. Already a blog follower

    +1 Answer the question below in a comment to this post

    I would like to know about the author’s writing strategies. Like what they did for planning – did they use an outline or not. Stuff like that because it’s interesting all the different ways that authors have when writing a book.

    +1 following you on twitter (casey625)
    +1 follow @egmontusa on twitter
    +1 Tweet the contest


  66. I can't believe I wasn't already a follower, but I am now. And great contest, thank you! Egmont has published a lot of books I want to read, but I didn't even notice their name until today. (:

    +1 If an author visited my high school, I would love to know where she got the inspiration (characters and plot), the writing process, and suggestions for aspiring writers. Some funny stories wouldn't hurt too. (:
    +1 I already follow you on twitter @BooksatMidnight
    +2 Fan of EgmontUSA on facebook
    +3 Blog post:


  67. I am a follower.
    I follow you on twitter.

    I would want an author to talk about their road to publication and about the creative writing process.


  68. Thanks for all the comments, you guys! it looks like we have a common theme of people wanting to know how a author became published, and about her writing process. This feedback is going to be very useful to me for coming up with author talks. Thanks so much. This feedback is totally worth giving out prizes for!

  69. HI I'm now a follower. This will also be on my sidebar. I actually did have a author/singer come and talk to us about his book writing (Jimmy Buffet) and what inspired me the most was how he spoke of brainstorming and his back and forth with his daughter in the writing process.

    parajunkee (at)

  70. Hello.
    I'm now following.
    +2 I'm following both you and @egmontusa on twitter.
    +1 tweeted the contest.
    +1 I am a student in high school and if an author came to talk I would want to hear about what got them started and how they kept going through the book. Their motivation i guess.

  71. Hi there.

    I am a new follower. Hooray.

    +1 @egmontusa
    +2 Facebook fan

    I would say i would want the author to discuss the industry in general. I am a big picture gal!


  72. please Enter me.

    1...following your blog
    2/...+1 i'd like to hear about the industry as a whole/how things work
    3...+1 following @egmontusa
    +1 following @breedespain
    (i'm @truedeadman if you wish to check)
    4... +3 blogged about this at
    5.. +1 tweeted
    6...+2 fanned egmontusa on FB

  73. +1 Follow your blog
    +1 follow you on twitter
    +1 follow egmontusa on twitter
    +1 Tweeted contest
    +1 what i would have an author talk about. i would want to know how they come up with what they write. i know you have a main plot, characters, certain things that happen in the story, but where do you come up with an entire book of a story. all the things that happen, places the characters go, what they say through out the entire book. anyone can come up with a main idea for a book i wanna know how all the other writing in the book is decided on!

  74. I'd like to hear about the process you went throught to write your novel - from the time the "idea" came to you until published. How did you flesh out the novel? What did you do foer research? At what point did you feel it was ready to sent out for possible publishing? Just the steps!

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    foltzsfantasticbooks at

  75. This is a terrific contest! I am a follower.

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    I would like to ask them about their writing journey! Some of the highlights and lowlights of what it is like to be writing a book. I would also ask them what their methods were for getting rid of writer's block.


  76. Great contest. I'm a follower of this blog.

    +1 Answer

    I never got any author visits when I went to school but if they did come I would like them to talk about the creative writing process. I find that so fascinating because I am a reader myself and don't think I am talented enough to ever be a writer.

  77. +1 I would want to talk to them about whether or not there is any truth behind writing naked. i.e. is it better? and do they do it? Also who there favorite author is, besides themselves of course.
    +1 I follow you on twitter @ weareattached
    +1 sidebarred

    thanks... can't wait to read this BELLYBOOBS*laughs* that's a good one.


    P.S. sorry this is so late in the game I could've sworn I posted on this.

  78. Shawna Lewis

    The creative writing process? How to get published? Their own story of getting published? The industry in general? How to get one of your best friends to yell "belly boobs" to a elevator full of people and Just about everything!!! AND.......You know I talked to my Daughters Nursing class today And It was a blast I took in ear impression material and made molds of their ears so what I am getting at is try to make it fun !! Maybe even a contest or game of some sort in the line of books & writing with book marks as the prize!! If you make it fun you will have it made!!!

  79. +1 If you are/were a student in junior high or high school, and an author came to visit your creative writing or English class, what would you want them to talk about? - I would want to hear some personal stories, both relating to their book and the other interesting parts of their life. I'd also like to hear the story behind their book(s).

    I'm a follower.

    +2 I followed you and @egmontusa on Twitter (@ParadoxRevealed)

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

  80. Shawna Lewis

    1.)I follower ur blog weloveourdogs

  81. Shawna Lewis

    I follow you on Twitter

  82. Shawna Lewis

    I follow EgmontUSA on twitter also

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  85. Shawna Lewis

    +2 I became a fan of Egmont USA on Facebook (theblindcupid)

  86. Hi bree...!!! This contest is great, thanks...!!! ;)

    +1 follower
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    +3 Blog about the contest in a blog post (side-bar mentions get +1)here:
    +1 What would I want an author to talk about if they came to my Creative Writing Class:
    I Talk about the creative writing process. I want to write a book one day and I would love to get information by someone, specualy writers in my class ha, ha.

    kisses and many thanks.
