
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Countdown Winners!

So it's time to post winners!!

I am so happy for the enthusiastic response to this month's Countdown to THE DARK DIVINE Contest. We had over 90 different people enter, with several entries per person. Hubby spent a good two hours making a spread sheet of all the different entries, then cut out all the entires and put them in KidA's toy boat, hubby jumped up and down and shook it around while doing a little jig, and then we drew out our winners.

So the winners are:

Grand Prize Winner (pedicure kit, TDD nail polish, ARC of THE DARK DIVINE, & $15 B&N gift card): Jessica Kennedy

2nd Place Winner (signed copies MY BIG NOSE AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS and LIFE IN THE PIT): Book Dragon

3rd Place Winner ($30 B&N gift card): Hillary

Winners, please email me at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address so I can send off your prizes.

And to everyone else, the SCBWI L.A. contest is still on-going. You can click here to enter that contest, and I PROMISE I'll post the 3rd (and final) list of favorite SCBWI L.A. moments soon (I know, I know, I've been saying that for a week now). All you have to do for this contest is comment on one of the 3 SCBWI L.A. posts (or all--multiple comments gets you multiple entries). I'll then enter you in a drawing for one of three signed books I picked up at the conference:


BREATHING by Cheryl Renee Herbsman

KING DORK by Frank Portman

(Sorry, I really wanted to get 13 REASONS WHY for the contest, but they were all sold out :( )


  1. congrats to the winners! have fun with that nail polish!!

  2. Woohoo! I'm so super excited to win the grand prize! I can't wait to paint my nails with the gorgeous TDD nail polish! :)

    Thanks a ton to Bree on a great giveaway. I will devour your book when it arrives!

    Sending my email now.

  3. I bought two copies of 13 Reasons Why when I was in LA, so I'm partially to blame for that!

  4. I know I'm too late for the contest, but I did blog about you today. Check it out:

    I had a great time meeting you at Writing for Charity, and hope to see you again soon!

  5. Hi Deb, it was so fun to see you at Writing for Charity! And thanks for the shout out on your blog.

    And Jess, I blame you for my lack of Jay Asher books! Just kidding. I should have been faster on the uptake.

  6. Hey, Bree, I totally put the awesome Dark Devine nail polish on my toes today and with my strappy black sandal heels the color is fab!!! So glad you thought of that ultra cute marketing package of nail polish. I love, love, love the color.
    I am kicking myself for not nabbing that ARC I had in my hand at the Conference and just running away with it. I am completely and utterly behind Deb in the requesting of the ARC. For official inkingcap group review blogging of course (Not because I'm just dying to snuggle up with a dark romance. wink.)

  7. Hi Donna! I'm so glad you love the polish. I'll see what I can do to get an ARC for the Inkingcap group to pass around.

  8. Ohh, congrats to the winners! (:
    I suppose I'll have to keep my eye out for some other giveaways in the future or wait until December (such a long way off). But, either way, I'm sure it'll be awesome!

  9. Congrats to the winners. I love the nail polish! :D

  10. Made The Dark Divine my Waiting on Wednesday today. :) Seriously, I'm waiting!!! :)
