
Saturday, May 30, 2009

A post in which I announce countdown contest winners, and then ask readers for a favor *sheepish grin*

Many thanks to everyone who entered the Countdown to THE DARK DIVINE Contest. The winners are as follows:

1.) Grand Prize winner of the Utah Author Sampler Package (Autographed copies of THE CHOSEN ONE, WINGS, and EVERYTHING IS FINE): Llehn

2.) Winner of an autographed copy of THE CHOSEN ONE: Khy

3.) Winner of autographed copy of WINGS: Ragdollvampgirl

4.) Winner of autographed copy of EVERYTHING IS FINE: Cam

Winners, email me at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address, and I will ship your prize to you. Thanks again for entering!!

Okay, and now that I have your attention, I will shamelessly ask for a favor. The Tenners are hosting a pillow fight of sorts over on GoodReads. Basically, we're just having a friendly competition to see who can garner the most votes for their book. I'm a little down in the rankings, so I'd love your support. Mostly so I can say, "nah, nah, nah" to Josh Berk and Heidi Kling who decided to start this little competition. So if you don't mind taking a second to help up my ranking, then click here and vote for THE DARK DIVINE. Also, you'll get a little sneak peak of the many Tenners books coming out next year. Thanks in advance!


  1. OMG!!!!
    WOW!! Thanks!! I Can't Wait To Receive WINGS!!
    I voted For THE DARK DIVINE!!
    Definately Can't Wait For That Book!!


  2. Oh wow! I won?!!! Way cool! Thank you so much Bree. I just sent you my mailing info. Am headed out to vote now.

  3. Congrats to all! What a great contest.

  4. I voted for Dark Divine. You rock Bree!

  5. Hurray for our winners. And thanks for the votes. Sorry to be so shameless in asking ;-)

  6. I tried to vote--two times! I'm not sure it worked either time because nothing happened. But I had to retrieve my goodreads password for this, so it better have worked. Also, thanks for inviting me to vote. It gave me an excuse to finally accept goodreads friend requests back from July 2008. ;)
