
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Contest Winners!

Book Status: Revisions are on my editor's desk. I'm just waiting to find out if we're on to copy editing, or if the manuscript needs a few more tweaks. Hopefully, I'll know by tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Worst Diet in the World Status: After six months on a doctor mandated dairy/egg/wheat free diet, I've finally gotten the "okay" on attempting to add the forbidden foods back into my diet (very very slowly). For one day this week, I get to eat dairy and then keep a diary to see if it makes me sick. There's a $10 piece of cheese sitting in my fridge right now. Yes, that's not a typo, I did say a TEN DOLLAR piece of CHEESE. Gruyere, if you're wondering. I keep waiting for a stress-free day for The Great Dairy Experiment of 2009 so my results won't be tainted, but apparently stress-free days don't exist anymore. (Did they ever?) I'm thinking the cheese will have to wait until Tuesday. In the meantime, I might start writing dairy themed poetry . . .

Contest Status: Thank you everyone who entered my little contest. And extra thanks to those of you who promoted it on your blogs and Twitter. You guys rock. I wish I could send one of my favorite books to everyone who entered, but as my husband likes to remind me: I can't afford to prop up the book buying industry on my own. But at least I can make my little dent with these prizes for now. And I promise more contests and neat prizes in the future!

Everyone who entered was assigned their allotted tickets, and through a very scientific process (involving a spread sheet, scissors, and a bowl) I've chosen our winners! They are, in order:

1. Jessica Kennedy
2. Paradox Revealed
3. D (Danielle Wheeler)
4. Kiss My Book (Erica Lynn)
5. Eliza Jackson
6. Charlotte (from Charlotte's Library)
7. The Not So Closet Geeks

If you are a winner, email me at readbree(at)gmail(dot)com and give me a list of the prizes (1 through 7) according to your preference. The #1 winner will get her first choice of the prizes, and the #2 person will get her preferred prize based on availability, and so on and so on. Please claim your prize by this Wednesday, April 8th, so I can get the prizes assigned and in the mail by the end of this week. THANKS! Oh yeah, and I'll need your mailing address too. (Girl scout honor I won't share it with anyone else.)

These are your prizes to choose from:

1. An autographed copy of WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson
2. An autographed copy of THE WAY HE LIVED by Emily Wing Smith
3. A copy of the newly released MY BIG NOSE AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS by Sydney Salter
5. A copy of NEED by Carrie Jones
6. A Young Adult novel of your choice (and, yes, it must be YA :P)
7. A bag of dairy/egg/wheat free Oreo-like substance OR a bag of real Oreos

So send me your list in order of preference, and I'll get these prizes off in the mail! Congrats winners!!

And keep coming back for future contests.




  1. I saw D's post about your book deal and I had to come and check it out. Congratulations!! I'm so glad to see that you are accomplishing your goal and dreams. Your boys are too cute. Jose and I have two girls. My blog is Once again congrats. It was fun to get a little glimpse into how you are doing.

  2. You mentioned your gruyere, so I have to ask, who's your cheese pusher? My wife and I hit Liberty Heights Fresh. Best selection we've found in northern Utah. Mmmm. Now I want some Roquefort Carles.

  3. Congrats to me! Yay! Such a hard choice to prioritize that list. :) Thank you! I will of course keep singing your praises(well deserved praises) and of course recommend your book for my book club to read when it comes out. :)

  4. Hi Chela!

    Matt- I agree, Liberty Heights Fresh has the best cheese. I had to settle for the Harmon's cheese table this time because I haven't had time to go out to LHF. I hope the Gruyere is worthy of its role in The Great Dairy Experiment of 2009.

    D- Thanks! You are a great cheerleader. And congrats on winning a book :)

  5. Thanks for this awesome contest! I emailed you my pick.

    Just so the rest of the winners know, I picked:
    An autographed copy of WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson

    I've been wanting to pick up this book for a while and I'm thrilled to have won it, and signed at that!

    Thanks again Bree!

  6. You made it to April! What a relief to have finished this round of revisions, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to seeing the final version some day.

  7. Oh congrats on the cheesy tasting ahead I hope it all works out.

  8. If the doctor told me I could slowly start adding things back into my diet, I would take that as permission to eat an entire wheel of cheese atop a baguette with twist cones to wash it down.

    I hope you're more reasonable than I. :)

  9. Thanks again for the contest, and I hope you're cheese goes well!

  10. Thanks for the well wishes with the cheese, everyone. I woke up with a nasty headache this morning, so I think the cheese will have to wait another day . . .again. Apparently, the cheese fairies are conspiring against me.

    I still need prize lists from a couple of our winners, and then I'll get these lovely books off into the mail.

  11. Yo yo Bree,

    Thanks for coming to my booksigning last night! I was really pumped to see you and Brodi and Valynne. That meant a lot.

    Tell the old warhorse Emily to arrange another meal get together pronto.

    Not sure why I called Emily a warhorse. Just go with it.
